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CS 558: Network Security

CS 558: Network Security. Gene Itkis. Network Security. Overview. Basic scenario. Alice. Eve. Bob. Simplified Scenario. Network: Internet intranet LAN WAN …. How to protect? Encrypt Key agreement Authenticate. Issues: Protocols Protection (crypto) A solution: SSL/TLS.

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CS 558: Network Security

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  1. CS 558: Network Security Gene Itkis Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  2. Network Security Overview Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  3. Basic scenario Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  4. Alice Eve Bob Simplified Scenario • Network: • Internet • intranet • LAN • WAN • … • How to protect? • Encrypt • Key agreement • Authenticate • Issues: • Protocols • Protection (crypto) • A solution: SSL/TLS Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  5. How to protect? Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  6. CryptoLandscape overview Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  7. Definitions and Concepts Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  8. What is Cryptography? • It all started with • Encryption/Decryption -plaintext “attack at midnight” - ciphertext “buubdl bu njeojhiu” Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  9. bla-bla bla-bla Encryption / Decryption (cont.) Shared Key ciphertext msg decoder (ciphertext in - plaintext out) encoder (plaintext in - ciphertext out) cmb-cmb eavesdropper (should understand nothingabout the msg) Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  10. Crypto tools • Encryption/decryption – to hide info • Key exchange - to establish shared key • Authentication – to establish shared key with the party you really meant to • public • private • Signatures • Hashing • Certificates, PKI Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  11. Alice Bob Adversary types • Alice and Bob want to communicate in presence of adversaries • Adversaries: • Passive – just looking • Active – may change msgs Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  12. Alice Bob Key exchange: man-in-the-middle • Key exchange without Authentication • Subject to Man-in-the-Middle attack • Attacker translates between the keys, reading and/or modifying the messages • Authentication afterwards will not help! Shared w/Alice Shared w/Bob Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  13. Alice Bob Authentication M • Alice sends a msg M to Bob • Bob wants to be sure M is really from Alice Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  14. Alice Bob Verify(M, SigM, …) Signatures (M, SigM) SAlice SigM= Sign(M, SAlice ) Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  15. Alice Bob Authentication:“public” • checks • contracts • … Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  16. Alice Bob = (M, SigM) SAlice SigM= Sign(M, SAlice ) Public Key Signatures PAlice • Public Key • Secret Key Verify(M, SigM, PAlice ) Problem: How to authenticatePAlice? Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  17. PAlice CA Certificates Alice Charlie, CA PAlice • “This public key PAlice really belongs to Alice. Signed byCharlie, Certification Authority” • Certificates can be public! • Who’s Charlie?!? SAlice • Public Key • Secret Key Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  18. Public Key Infrastructures (PKI) • Root CA public key • Obtained out-of-band • Certifies other Public Keys (of CAs, or users) • Certification Chains • Grain of salt: so, you have a certificate… • To be continued… Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  19. Alice Bob Verify(M, SigM, …) Back to Signatures = (M, SigM) SAlice SigM= Sign(M, SAlice ) Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  20. Alice Bob = (M, SigM) SAlice SigM= Sign(M, SAlice ) Authentication: “private” Message Authentication Code (MAC) Sign(M, SAlice )=Hash(M, SAlice ) SAlice Verify(M, SigM, SAlice ) : Check SigM= Sign(M, SAlice ) MAC = “Shared Secret Sig” = Symmetric Sig (Sign=Verify) Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  21. Hashing Hash y x1 Crypto Hash: collisions may exist, but arehard to find • Given y hard to find x, s.t. Hash(x)=y Used for: • Symmetric signatures • “Fingerprint” for Public Key signatures collision x2 Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  22. Alice Bob Another setting Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  23. Dynamics • Secrets get stolen/exposed • Limit (or even avoid) the damage • Recover • Revoke • etc. • Some approaches • Secret sharing & distributed computation • Forward-security, intrusion-resilience, … • Threshold, proactive crypto Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  24. Details and constructions Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  25. Outline • Block vs. Stream ciphers • Symmetrical vs. Asymmetrical (public key) • Tool: Pseudo-Random Number Generators • Complexity (what is hard?) • Public Key Crypto • Diffie-Hellman • Rabin’s encryption • RSA Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  26. Block vs. Stream Ciphers Cipher= Encoder; or Encryption/Decryption scheme Streamcipher encodes/decodes char by char Blockcipher encodes/decodes block by block Stream cipher ~ Block cipher with block size of 1 char (+state) Chaining (Modes of Operation) – • make block encryption depend on the past blocks • “make block ciphers more like stream ciphers” Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  27. Symmetric & Asymmetric schemes • Symmetric: • decryption as easy as encryption(and vice versa) i.e. if you can encrypt then you can decrypt (and vice versa) (DES, AES/Rijndael are symmetric block ciphers) • Asymmetric: • may not be able to decrypt even if can encrypt (and vice versa) e.g. RSA Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  28. Symmetric cipher - example Caesar's cipher • the letters of the alphabet are shifted (*) e.g. “a” is replaced with “b”, “b” with “c”, etc. so msg “attack at midnight” is encrypted as “buubdl bu njeojhiu” (*)the shift can be by one (as in our example) or more encryption and decryption are equally easy (too easy, in fact) Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  29. One-time pad For each character of the future msg indicate the shift: pad(key)  msg (plaintext) ciphertext (encrypted msg) Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  30. One-time random pad (cont.) • Symmetric • Pad is selected at random • Perfectly secure, but... • One time only so sending the pad is just as hard as sending the msg Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  31. PRBS (long) 1010010110.... 01101 seed (short) Pseudo-random pad Pseudo-random bit string (PRBS) generator: PRBS= Hard to guess a bit (after seeing many others) Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  32. Complexity: what is “hard”? measure hardness in terms of size of input easy = polynomial; hard = exponential • Easy problems: • Finding max of n numbers - O(n) • Sortingn elements - O(n lg n) • Hard problems: • Factoring N=pq (n bits long) current best (?) Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  33. Other hard problems Let N=pq, where p,q are large primes • Square root mod N • given x,N find y= modN, i.e. y2=xmodN (equivalent to factoring N) • Discrete log • given b,N and x, find y = How hard are these problems really? • One-way functions: easy to compute hard to invert • Trap-door: a secret making inverting a owf easy Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  34. Public-Key Crypto • Key exchange -Diffie-Hellman • PK Encryption -Rabin, RSA • e-Signatures -Rabin, RSA;ElGamal (a la DH); DSA; Fiat-Shamir Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  35. Diffie-Hellman: key exchange p, g Bob Alice a b mb gbmod p ma gamod p ma mb mabmod p mbamod p = gabmod p = shared secret key! Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  36. Rabin’s scheme • to encrypt msg m simply square it mod N=pq • if p,q (such that pq=N) are known, then decryption (finding m given x) is easy (using Chinese Reminder Theorem) mod N ciphertext plaintext Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  37. RSA Let N=pq, and find e,d such that • Encryption: • Decryption: ciphertext plaintext Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  38. Public Key Cryptography • Encryption and Decryption are different • i.e. use different keys (asymmetric): • RSA • Public: N,e(needed to encrypt) • Private: N,d(needed to decrypt, can be computed from p,q) • Rabin’s • Public: N • Private: p,q Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  39. Identification, Authentication, Signature schemes • Signatures=SI(m) of a msg m • only I can sign, i.e. computes, forIandm • given s,I, and m,everyone can verify that s=SI(m) • Message Authentication • like Signature, but only the receiver of the msg is required to be able to verify it • Identification • only I can prove that he is I Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  40. Identification, Authentication, Signature schemes (cont.) • Signaturecan be used for Authentication • Signature and Authentication can be used for Identification • useinteraction: • two players • Prover P - e.g. user, who wants to prove that he is I • Verifier V - e.g. wants to verify that Pis reallyI Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  41. Identification (cont.) • must consider all the scenarios: • both P and V are honest • both P and V are dishonest • V is honest but P is dishonest • Pis honest, but V is dishonest note: an eavesdropper (observer) should learn little from witnessing the P-V dialog • usual password scheme - bad! Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  42. Fiat-Shamir Identification scheme(simplified) LetN=pq, wherep,qare large primes; usingp,q,computes, suchthats2 I = 1 (mod N) public (P,V have): N(and I) private (only I has): s also, production center has p,q Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  43. Fiat-Shamir (cont.) P (user) V (e.g., system) N,I, s N pick random r; set x=r2 mod N I,x query= 0 1 check: r2=x mod N (rs)2I=x mod N r rs modN Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  44. Fiat-Shamir (cont.) • Proof (of P knowing s) • after k rounds the probability of mistake (i.e. P cheating without being caught) is (1/2)k • Zero-Knowledge • if query is known in advance: • for query=0, select r, and x=r2 mod N • for query=1, select z, and x=z2I mod N (z “pretends” to be rs mod N) Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  45. Security of Fiat-Shamir Relies on • hardness of factoring: • an algorithm “cracking” Fiat-Shamir yields an algorithm for factoring N • randomness: • of r for Zero-Knowledge • of query - to prevent P from cheating Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

  46. Identification and Signatures • Identification scheme can be turned into Signature: • Replace Verifier with a hash function Gene Itkis: BU CAS 558 - Network Security

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