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Information-Flow Control for Location-based Services

Information-Flow Control for Location-based Services. Nishkam Ravi Joint work with Marco Gruteser*, Liviu Iftode Computer Science, *Winlab, Rutgers University. Motivation. Personal data commonly used in internet-based computing Social security number Credit card information

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Information-Flow Control for Location-based Services

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  1. Information-Flow Control for Location-based Services Nishkam Ravi Joint work with Marco Gruteser*, Liviu Iftode Computer Science, *Winlab, Rutgers University

  2. Motivation • Personal data commonly used in internet-based computing • Social security number • Credit card information • Contact information • User concerns • Where is my data going? • How is it being used? • Identity theft incidents prevalent • Database community working on countering illegitimate use of private information Credit Card Number Social Security Number

  3. Privacy • Sharing sensitive information while preserving privacy is a challenging task • Access Control is not sufficient • No control over data after it is read and shared • Need to restrain flow of information ? Credit Card Number Social Security Number Access Control

  4. Privacy Solutions • Prevention • Anonymization/Pseudonymization • Data supression/cloaking • Avoidance • Information-flow control • End-to-end policies • Cure • Tracking illegitimate flow of information • Punishing adversary Cure Avoidance Prevention

  5. Context-aware Computing • Shift from “internet” to “ubiquitous” computing • Ubiquitous computing heavily relies on user context • Location • Activity • Environment • Context is dynamic in nature • Changes with time and space

  6. Location-based Services • Location deemed most important context info • Immense interest in Location-based services (LBS) LBS Location Restaurants Jams, Accidents, Gas-Station Location Location 911, Preferential Billing, Asset Tracking, Personnel Tracking

  7. Location Privacy • Potential for privacy abuse • They know where I am! • More serious consequences • Location information could aid in criminal investigations • Recognized by US government • “Location Privacy Protection Act, 2001” • “Wireless Privacy Protection Act, 2003”

  8. Solutions for Location Privacy • k-anonymization using spatial/temporal cloaking [Gruteser ’03) • Instead of disclosing location, disclose an interval (x, y)  ([ x1, x2], [y1, y2]) (x1 < x < x2, y1 < y < y2) y2 k = 3 y1 x1 x2

  9. How good is location cloaking? • Cannot support applications which need precise location information • Value of k not tailored for services • Quality of service suffers • Inferior accuracy of results • Can we have a framework + information-flow control model that preserves both location privacy and quality of service?

  10. Framework for service-specific location privacy Location Function f Data d Location Results: f (x,y,d) Location Location-Based Service Location Trusted Server • Location of subjects maintained on a trusted server • When an LBS needs location information, it migrates a piece of code to the trusted server • The code executes, reads location information and returns a result • Distance • Density, Average Speed

  11. Example Applications • Application of density, average speed • Traffic information service • Application of distance function • Geographical Routing Service

  12. Main Problem • The trusted server needs to ensure that the code is location safe • Should not leak location information

  13. Information-flow Control • Information-flow control models restrict flow of sensitive information in a program/system • State of the art: Non-interference • Isolates public data from private data int f(int a, int b){ int c = (a + b)/2; output (c); } Isolation Broken Public Private c a, b

  14. Unix-style Password Checker byte check(byte username, byte password){ byte match = 0; for (i=0; i < database.length; i++){ if(hash(username, password) == hash(salts[i], passwords[i])){ match == 1; break; } } output(match); } Value of match depends on private variables Violates Non-Interference

  15. Non-inference • In many real systems data isolation is not possible, including LBS • We propose a new model of information-flow control that • allows public data to be derived from private data • requires that the adversary does not infer private data from public data from a single execution of the program • Example: int f(int a, int b){ int c = (a + b)/2; output (c); } Value of either a or b cannot be inferred from c Non-inference satisfied

  16. Theoretically… • Non-inference is undecidable in general • Decidable for independent executions/uni-directional information flow

  17. Independent Executions Example: int f(int a, int b, int i){ int c; if (i > 1) c = (a + b)/2; else c = (a * b); output (c); } If a, b are x-cordinates of two cars, their values would be different for the two executions Private: a, b Public: i, c a and b can be derived from (a + b)/2 and (a * b) (a1 + b1)/2, (a2 * b2)

  18. Protection Systems [Ullman 1976] { (S, O, P), R, Op, C} o1 o2 o3 s1 {read} {read} {write} {write} Q Q’ s2 {read} s3 enter r into (s1,o1) delete r from (s1,o1) create subject s1 create object o1 Safety: Can c on Q leak r? - Undecidable! - Decidable without create primitive command c(s1,s2,s3,o1,o2,o3) { if {read} in (s1, o2){ enter {read} in (s1,o2); enter {write} in (s1,o3); } }

  19. Proof Idea: Non-Inference == Safety p1 p2 p3 o1 o2 o3 • Undecidability: Reduce safety to non-inference • Given a configuration Q find an equivalent program M • Decidability: Reduce non-inference to safety without create • Given a program M find an equivalent configuration Q • No Create == Independent Executions

  20. Outline • Motivation • Non-Inference • Decidability • Enforcement • Evaluation

  21. Deciding Non-inference: Overview • Derive information-flow relations for a program • Static analysis • Abstract interpretation • Rewrite information-flow relations as linear equations, and apply theory of solvability of linear equations • We assume all input and output variables are scalars • Type length of variables determined by minimum number of bits required to store location information (1 byte for now)

  22. Information-flow relations: R1 int f(int a, int b){ int c = (a + b)/2; output (c); } V = {a, b, c}, E = {(a+b)/2}, P = {a, b}, O = {c} R1(v, e): “the value of variable v may be used in evaluating e” R1(a, a+b/2) = 1, R1(b, a+b/2) = 1

  23. Information-flow relations: R2 int f(int a, int b){ int c = (a + b)/2; output (c); } V = {a, b, c}, E = {(a+b)/2}, P = {a, b}, O = {c} R2(e, v): “value of expression e may be used in evaluating variable v” R2(a+b/2, c) = 1, R2(a+b/2, c) = 1

  24. Information-flow relations: R3 int f(int a, int b){ int c = (a + b)/2; output (c); } V = {a, b, c}, E = {(a+b)/2}, P = {a, b}, O = {c} R3(v1, v1): “value of variable v1 may be used in evaluating variable v2” R3 = R1R2 A, where A is the set of assignments R3(a, c) = 1, R3(b, c) = 1 M = R3(P, O) =

  25. Linear Equations • A set of linear equations can be written as: Ax = B • Solvable if Rank(A) = Rank([A|B]) = N • Where A is an KxN matrix • We can show that: A program satisfies non-inference if MTP = O and all its subsystems are not solvable

  26. Linear Equations for the Example MTP = O: Rank(MT) = 1 < ( |P| = 2) Not solvable  satisfies non-inference

  27. Approach Overview • Perform use-def analysis, def-use analysis • Take transitive closures of def-use and use-def analysis to obtain R1 and R2 • R3 = R1R2 A • Store R3(P,O) in matrix M • Inspect solvability of MTP = O

  28. Example int f(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int k){ int x, y, dist, avg_x, avg_y; int x = (x2 – x1)^2; int y = (y2 – y1)^2; dist = sqrt(x + y); output(dist); if (k > 100){ avg_x = (x1 + x2)/2; avg_y = (y1 + y2)/2; output(avg_x); output(avg_y); } } V = {x1, x2, y1, y2, k, x, y, dist, avg_x, avg_y} , P = {x1, x2, y1, y2} E = {(x2 – x1)^2, (y2 – y1)^2, sqrt(x + y) , k > 100 , (x1 + x2)/2, (y1 + y2)/2}

  29. Information-flow relations

  30. Linear Equations for the Example None of the subsystems is solvable  Satisfies non-inference

  31. Implementation and Evaluation • Implemented a static analyzer that decides non-inference for Java programs • Doesn’t handle inter-procedural data analysis yet • Used Soot (API for Java bytecode analysis) • Used Indus (API for dataflow analysis) • Evaluated by testing it on a benchmark • Distance (calculates distance between 2 cars) • Speed (calculates speed in a region) • Density (calculates density of cars in a region) • Attacks such as Wallet, WalletAttack, PasswordChecker, AverageAttack, IfAttack

  32. Case Study 1: AverageAttack int average(int x1, int x2, ..int xn){ average = (x1 + x2 ..+ xn)/n; output(average); } int average-attack(int x1, int x2, ..int xn){ x1 = x3; x2 = x3; x4 = x3….; xn = x3; average = (x1 + x2 ..+ xn)/n; output(average); } MTP = O: This system is solvable, rejected by our analyzer

  33. Case Study 2: WalletCan there be false negatives? int wallet(int p, int q, int c){ if (p > c){ p = p – c; q = q + c; } output(q); } MTP = O: [1][p] = [q] System is solvable, rejected by our analyzer: False Negative! (Implicit information flows) p is private : amount of money in the wallet q is public : amount of money spent c is public : cost of an item

  34. Case Study 3: Wallet AttackHow bad are false negatives? int wallet-attack(int p, int q, int c){ n = length(p); while(n >= 0){ c = 2^(n-1); Leaks value of p bit by bit if (p > c){ p = p – c; q = q + c; n = n – 1; } } output(q); } MTP = O: [1][p] = [q] System is solvable, rejected by our analyzer

  35. Running Time of Analysis

  36. Conclusions • Non-inference : a novel information-flow control model • Allows information to flow from private to public but not vice-versa • Enforceable using static analysis for uni-directional information flow • Applicable to location based services

  37. Probabilistic Validation of Aggregated Data in VANETs Nishkam Ravi Joint work with Fabio Picconi, Marco Gruteser*, Liviu Iftode Computer Science, *Winlab, Rutgers University

  38. a b c Location Speed Car Id a a,b,c c a a,b d b e e a b c d a b Motivation • Traffic information systems based on V2V data exchange (e.g TrafficView) Spoof/bogus information a a • How can data be validated?

  39. Location Speed Timestamp Signature Certificate Existing Solutions • Cross-validation (Golle 2004) • Cross-validate data against a set of rules • Cross-validate data from different cars • Assumes: honest cars > malicious cars • Assumes multiple sources of information • Use PKI and strong identities (Hubaux 2005) • A tamper-proof box signs data • Keys are changed periodically for privacy • Cross-validation used • High data overhead • Desired solution: high security, low data overhead 4 bytes 88 bytes

  40. Location 1 Location 2 Location n Speed 1 Speed 2 Speed n Location 1’, Speed 1’, id 1 Location 2’, Speed 2’, id 2 . . . . . . . . . . Location n’, Speed n’, id n Location 1’, id 1 Location 2’, id 2 . . . . . . Location n’, id n Timestamp Signature Certificate Timestamp Signature Certificate Timestamp Signature Certificate Timestamp Signature Certificate Timestamp Signature Certificate Syntactic Aggregation . . . . . . . Malicious aggregator can Include bogus information

  41. Location 1 Location 2 Location n Speed 1 Speed 2 Speed n n cars in segment [(x1,y1), (x2,y2)]. Timestamp Signature Certificate Timestamp Signature Certificate Timestamp Signature Certificate n cars (id1, id2 . .id n) in segment: [(x1,y1),(x2,y2)] Timestamp Signature Certificate Timestamp Signature Certificate Semantic Aggregation . . . . . . . or

  42. Assumptions • Tamper-proof service • Stores keys • Signs, timestamps, generates random numbers • Provides a transmit buffer • Applications are untrusted and implement their own aggregation modules • Principle of economy of mechanism • “the protection system’s design should be as simple and small as possible”

  43. Tamper-proof Service • Trusted Computing • Every layer of the software stack is attested using binary hash • Only well-known software/applications allowed to execute • BIND (Shi,Perrig,Leendert 2005) • Partial attestation • Data isolation • Provides flexibility • Implement tamper-proof service in software • Attest using BIND

  44. Location 1’, Speed 1’, id 1 Location 2’, Speed 2’, id 2 . . . . . . . . . . . Location n’, Speed n’, id n Tamper-proof Service r mod n Location 2 Speed 2 Signature Certificate Timestamp Signature Certificate Transmit buffer Our solution Location 1’, Speed 1’, id 1 Location 2’, Speed 2’, id 2 . . . . . . . . . . Location n’, Speed n’, id n Timestamp Random Number r Receiver validates the aggregated record Multiple random numbers and proof records improve probability of success

  45. Evaluation • Metric: security/bandwidth • Base Case 1 • All records signed and certified • High security, high bandwidth usage • Base Case 2 • Semantic aggregation, no certificates • Minimal bandwidth usage, no security • Our solution • Somewhere in between

  46. Bandwidth usage Bandwidth requirement of our solution = m*d + n*(d + 90) + 88 n = 4, d = 4 bytes n = 1, d = 4 bytes Bandwidth requirement of our solution compared with the two base cases

  47. Security Security of our solution: 1 – (1 – f/m)^n Security of our solution compared with the two base cases (f/m = 0.5)

  48. Security/Bandwidth Security/Bandwidth of our solution compared with the two base cases

  49. Conclusions • Used the idea of random checks to validate data • PKI based authentication, tamper-proof service • Evaluated our solution on a new metric: security/bandwidth

  50. Demo: Indoor Localization Using Camera Phones Images tagged with location Images Web Service Location Update • User wears phone as a pendant • Camera clicks and sends images to a web-server via GPRS • Web-server compares query images with tagged images and sends back location updates • No infrastructure required • Neither custom hardware nor access points are required • Physical objects do not have to be “tagged” • Users do not have to carry any special device • User orientation is also determined

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