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Viewing the digitalized cultural heritage as e-learning content

Viewing the digitalized cultural heritage as e-learning content. Joergen Bang Information and Media Studies Aarhus University Denmark. “webucation”. In 1997 Peter Drucker:

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Viewing the digitalized cultural heritage as e-learning content

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  1. Viewing the digitalized cultural heritage as e-learning content Joergen Bang Information and Media Studies Aarhus University Denmark A A R H U S U N I V E R S I T Y Information and Media Studies Faculty of Humanisties

  2. “webucation” In 1997 Peter Drucker: “universities won’t survive …as a residential institution. (...) They will become producers of learningware for for-profit enterprises” (quoted from The Guardian, April 13, 2004). By 2005: Collapse of UKeU - lost £ 60 million A A R H U S U N I V E R S I T Y Information and Media Studies Faculty of Humanisties

  3. E-learning development The eLearning Conference in Brussels in May 2005 Fabrizio Cardinali, Giunti Interactive Labs: the late 1990s: ‘the big wave of e-learning’ the early 2000’s: ‘the Tsunami of e-learning’. A A R H U S U N I V E R S I T Y Information and Media Studies Faculty of Humanisties

  4. Open Educational Resources • 2001: MIT OpenCourseWare Initiative • Since 2002 the Hewlett Foundation has invested $68 millioner • Januar 2007: OECD has identified more than 3000 open courseware courses from more than 300 universities • Furthermore, approximately 20.000 open learning objects are available in ‘open repositories’ A A R H U S U N I V E R S I T Y Information and Media Studies Faculty of Humanisties

  5. E-Learning reconsidered The difficulties faced by many of the e-learning and online learning initiatives (…) have been caused by viewing learning and especially e-learning as a process of knowledge transfer instead of knowledge construction - too much emphasis has been given to the concept of stand-alone-courses and resource-based-learning. This approach has been supported, on the one hand, by a relative success of short, practice oriented just-in-time and just-in-place courses available on the Internet or on CD-ROM, and on the other hand, by a focus on learning objects – reusable learning resources - as a possible way to reduce cost in education. A A R H U S U N I V E R S I T Y Information and Media Studies Faculty of Humanisties

  6. Rob Koper, OUNL • “Instructional design is based on the empiric assumption that behaviour is predictable, and that educational design, therefore, can occur in isolation from educational execution.” (Koper, 2000 p.14), • “(…) a lot of learning does not come from knowledge resources at all, but stems from the activities of learners solving problems, interacting with real devices, interacting in their social and work situation. (…) it is the activities of the learners into the learning environment, which are accountable for the learning.” (Koper, 2001 p.3). A A R H U S U N I V E R S I T Y Information and Media Studies Faculty of Humanisties

  7. Kollias: Position Paper From the point of view of the individual “learner”, contents become learning contents proper every time a learner interacts with them as an object of their learning activity with the purpose to think about, understand and create meaning out of them, to develop new knowledge and skills, to practice on them, to use them as a reference points for further developing his/her competencies” (p.12). A A R H U S U N I V E R S I T Y Information and Media Studies Faculty of Humanisties

  8. Digitalised Commercials • 5000 commercials from Danish cinemas • 45.000 commercials from Danish TV • Topics to be explored: • Advertisings strategies • Cultural development - e.g. family, women • Audiovisual language - film history • Tool for segmentation and annotation A A R H U S U N I V E R S I T Y Information and Media Studies Faculty of Humanisties

  9. Learning potentials • Students are able to set up a hypothesis and dig for answers in the material. • They are offered opportunities to study in problem-based and project-oriented ways. • The same material may be used in different learning scenarios and for different groups of learners. • The task of the teacher is to set up or outline a frame for relevant learning activities. • Shifting the focus to learning activities reinstall the teacher as an educator with responsibility for organising the learning process as a facilitator. A A R H U S U N I V E R S I T Y Information and Media Studies Faculty of Humanisties

  10. Future challenges To create learning options that enhance learning by increasing flexibility, by offering tools for collaboration and by creating options for interaction with large scale multi-medial learning resources through a series of possible learning activities, that relate to the social and cultural environment. Looking towards the future learning environments should bridge the gab between formal, informal and non-formal learning with a focus on enhancing knowledge acquisition and sharing independently of whether the provider is an educational institution, a museum and library or a mass media. The social software development – also known as Web. 2.0 – offers clear opportunities for moving in this direction. A A R H U S U N I V E R S I T Y Information and Media Studies Faculty of Humanisties

  11. Digital Libraries and Content Responsive environments for technology-enhanced learning that motivate, engage and inspire learners, and which can be embedded in the business processes and human resources management systems of organisations. They support the transformation of learning outcomes into permanent and valuable knowledge assets. Focus is on the mass-individualisation of learning experiences with ICT (contextualized and adaptable to age, situations, culture, and learning abilities), through pedagogically-inspired solutions for competency, skills and performance enhancement. Activities integrate pedagogical and organisational approaches and exploit, where relevant, interactivity, collaboration and context-awareness.” (p.35) A A R H U S U N I V E R S I T Y Information and Media Studies Faculty of Humanisties

  12. OLCOS, the Open eLearning Content Observatory Services OLCOS Roadmap 2012 (2007): • The current dominant paradigm of teacher- and subject-centred learning in formal education will have given way to a learner-centred, competency-based paradigm. In particular, learning communities and collaborative approaches will flourish, making use of a new generation of easy-to-use Web-based tools and information services (e.g. Wikis for collaborative work on study projects, Weblogs for sharing ideas and comments, RSS feeders and aggregators for receiving current “real world” information, etc.). • Furthermore, teachers and students will have an ePortfolio to document study results and creative works, reflect upon learning progress, and share resources and experiences with peers. • Open and easy access to e-content repositories of academic and educational institutions, public sector information agencies, libraries, museums and other cultural institutions will allow for making use of information sources as needed to carry out creative projects and study work.(p.117) A A R H U S U N I V E R S I T Y Information and Media Studies Faculty of Humanisties

  13. OPLI: Open Participatory Learning Infrastructure • The next phase is to nurture a culture of learning in which both intellectual capital (content) and human capital (talent) spiral upward, together. The conditions now exist, we believe, to consolidate understanding, technology, and incentive from multiple threads of activity into an open participatory learning infrastructure (OPLI). • By open participatory learning infrastructure we mean the institutional practices, technical infrastructure, and social norms that allow a smooth operation of globally distributed, high-quality open learning. We include the word “participatory” to emphasize that the focus is not just on information access, but on the role of technology in supporting the social nature of learning. • This perspective is consistent with collaboratories in science and humanities communities and the social software and the Web 2.0 movement more generally. A Review of the Open Educational Resources (OER) Movement: Achievements, Challenges, and New Opportunities (2007) p. 6 A A R H U S U N I V E R S I T Y Information and Media Studies Faculty of Humanisties

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