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Attention their have been several cases of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Attention their have been several cases of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Been bitten by a tick Squashed a tick with your fingers Could have been exposed to tick Your health and possibly your life is at risk . If you have.

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Attention their have been several cases of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

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  1. Attention their have been several cases of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

  2. Been bitten by a tick • Squashed a tick with your fingers • Could have been exposed to tick Your health and possibly your life is at risk. If you have

  3. The disease is Rickettsiarickettsii, a bacteria carried by ticks. Causes

  4. Effects all layers of the skin. • If not treated can be fatal • Sever brain damage

  5. Symptoms High Fever (103 – 105) Rash shows up to a week latter (1-5mm in diameter) Light sensitivity Nusa Vomiting Lack of appetite Chills Headache Muscle pain Abdominal pain

  6. Treatment Antibiotics take up to 3 days after symptoms.

  7. YOU have everything to loose so do us booth a favor and get your self checked out Talk to a Doc.

  8. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001677/ • http://www.cdc.gov/rmsf/ • http://kidshealth.org/parent/infections/skin/rocky.html# • http://www.niaid.nih.gov/topics/rockymountainspottedfever/pages/default.aspx

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