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Deuteronomy: Stipulations of the Covenant

Explore the book of Deuteronomy, which contains the stipulations of the covenant between God and Israel. Discover the history, commandments, blessings, and curses that shaped the nation of Israel as they prepared to enter the Promised Land. Learn about God's expectations for His people and the consequences of disobedience. Available as PDF class notes on gracebibleny.org/old-testament-survey.

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Deuteronomy: Stipulations of the Covenant

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  1. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ For PDF class notes, Go to: gracebibleny.org/old-testament-survey

  2. Deuteronomy Author: Moses (Deut. 31:24-26, etc) Date: Written ~ 1405 BC. Time Period covered. 1405 BC (Month prior to death ) Theme: “To secure blessings and life in the land through obedience” Deut. 4:1 Key People: Moses, Joshua

  3. OverviewDeuteronomy Deuteronomy means “second law” 1-4: History of God’s Redemption of Israel 5-26: Stipulations of the Covenant 5-11: General Commandments 12-26: Specific Commandments 27-30: Blessings & Curses 31-34: Final Discourses & Succession

  4. Their HistoryDeuteronomy 1-4 You need to know where you came from in order to know where you should be going. They spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness, those 20+ would die there They were not to harass the Edomites, Moabites or Ammonites.

  5. Their HistoryDeuteronomy 1-4 They had already conquered the Ammorites, Bashan and Gilead. It was because of their wickedness and abominations they were utterly destroyed. They would need to obey the Lord in order to live and take possession of the land (Deut. 4:1, 40)

  6. Their HistoryDeuteronomy 1-4 Preamble (1:1-5) History from Mt. Sinai to Kadesh (1:6-18) History at Kadesh (1:19-46) History from Kadesh to Moab (2:1-23) History of Conquest of East Jordan (2:24-3:20) Transition of Leadership (3:21-29) Summary of the Covenant (4)

  7. The Stipulations of the CovenantDeuteronomy 5-26 Deuteronomy is quoted 54 times in the New Testament. 44 of those are from this section. The Ten Commandments – Ch. 5 Moses repeated the Decalogue If they kept God’s commandments they would live and it would be well with them

  8. The Great CommandmentDeuteronomy 6 Deuteronomy 6:4-9: The Shema The responsibility of teaching the next generation belongs to the parents “The Lord is God. The Lord is One!” Means that the Lord is a plural unity See Isaiah 48:16

  9. The Great CommandmentDeuteronomy 6 The Great Commandment is to love the Lord God with all your heart, soul and might (See Matthew 12:30-31) All of God’s commands had to be on their hearts. It is repentance & humility that keep us from being hypocrites

  10. The Great CommandmentDeuteronomy 6 Lessons about God & His commands had to be taught diligently Lessons about God & His commands had to be taught in the various situations of life Set up reminders for yourself to keep God’s laws continually guiding you.

  11. Warnings & PromisesDeuteronomy 7-11 The danger of pride – 7:7-8; 9:4-5 They were not chosen because they were more numerous or righteous. (They were stubborn & rebellious) The danger of being influenced The nations would be driven out little by little (7:22; See Exodus 23:29-30)

  12. Warnings & PromisesDeuteronomy 7-11 The Lord had provided for them in the wilderness - clothes did not wear out, manna The Lord would provide in the future if they were careful to obey (11:26-28) What the Lord required - 10:12-13 Circumcised hearts, not stiff necked.

  13. Laws About WorshipDeuteronomy 12-16 They must worship God properly Anyone that sought to lead them astray to serve another God was to be put to death

  14. Laws on Justice & MoralityDeuteronomy 17-25 A holy God requires a holy people 17 – justice, multiple witnesses. *Kings not to multiply horses, wives or silver & gold. *Must make a copy of the law for themselves

  15. Laws on Justice & MoralityDeuteronomy 17-25 18 – Occult practices are detestable, & those doing them to be put to death *A future prophet they were to obey *Test of a prophet – 100% accuracy 19 – Cities of refuge, justice for manslayer, landmarks & testimonies

  16. Laws on Justice & MoralityDeuteronomy 17-25 20 – laws concerning warfare. *Only the brave were to fight *Those in lands to be conquered were to be utterly destroyed. *Peace sought first with distant nations – rules of spoil

  17. Laws on Justice & MoralityDeuteronomy 17-25 21 – murder by an unknown assailant, domestic relations *Incorrigible children subject to stoning *To hang on a tree is a sign of being cursed. Jesus did that for us – Galatians 3:13

  18. Laws on Justice & MoralityDeuteronomy 17-25 22 – care of lost property, cross dressing, care for nature, building safety, adultery & rape 23 – exclusions from the assembly, vows, eating from others fields & vineyards

  19. Laws on Justice & MoralityDeuteronomy 17-25 24 – laws of divorce *pledges, kidnapping, leprosy, loans, oppression of hired servants, widows & orphans, individual guilt & gleaning 25 – limits on physical punishment, kinsman redeemer, just weights.

  20. Laws on Entering the LandDeuteronomy 26 Tithe (1-15) Specific offerings required after first establishing themselves in the land (16-19)

  21. Curses & BlessingsDeuteronomy 27-30 The statues to be written on a large stone and set up on Mount Ebal

  22. Curses Deuteronomy 27 Cursed for idolatry, dishonor father or mother, moving boundary markers, misleading the blind, distortion of justice, sexual sin, striking a neighbor in secret, accepting bribes, NOT CONFIRMING THE WORDS OF THE LAW BY DOING THEM

  23. BlessingsDeuteronomy 28:1-14 Blessed if they obeyed the Lord In the city / country; All offspring; basket & bowl; Coming in & going out; Enemies defeated & flee; Barns & all they did. Established as God’s holy people & called by God’s name; Abound in prosperity; Receive rains; Lend, not borrow; Head, not tail, Above, not underneath.

  24. CursesDeuteronomy 28:15-68 If they disobeyed the Lord Receive the opposite of every blessing If continued, it would get worse (See Leviticus 26) Even to invasion, severe famine, cannibalism, captivity

  25. Covenant & HopeDeuteronomy 29-30 A Covenant made on plains of Moab to establish them as the people of the Lord If they repented & obeyed the Lord, He would restore them. Deuteronomy 30:11-14

  26. ConclusionsDeuteronomy 31-34 Moses’ final counsel & Joshua is commissioned to lead Moses dies at 120 years, of clear eyes and full of vigor Buried by the Lord in an unknown place Joshua to lead them in the conquest

  27. Conclusions Specific blessings & curses to the nation of Israel alone General truth to everyone Blessings if we know & love the Lord Love is demonstrated by obedience to Him – Deut. 30:16; 1 John 5:3 Curses for disobedience

  28. Conclusions Seek out God to love Him, and you will repent & find faith in Jesus (John 14:6) The first blessing is forgiveness of sin Blessings of maturity, joy & peace Blessed in what you do (James 1;25) Blessed even when reviled & persecuted (1 Peter 4:14)

  29. Conclusions Disobedience brings curses Further descent into sin (Romans 1:18-32) Loss of blessing, → admonishment, → God’s chastisement (Hebrews 12:4-11; 1 Corinthians 11:30)

  30. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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