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Internationalisation dialogue Edilio Mazzoleni

Melbourne, October 1, 2012. Internationalisation dialogue Edilio Mazzoleni. Why is an Italian University internationalising?. External change due to an unexpected funding reduction. University’s rationales. The new situation provoked a shift in the University rationale

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Internationalisation dialogue Edilio Mazzoleni

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  1. Melbourne, October 1, 2012 Internationalisation dialogue Edilio Mazzoleni

  2. Why is an Italian University internationalising? External change due to an unexpected funding reduction

  3. University’s rationales • The new situation provoked a shift in the Universityrationale • A new rationalewasadded: • Economicrationale

  4. Internationalization Strategy • Commitment • Action

  5. Implications for internationalization From an «ad hoc» approach to a «process» approach driven by the strategy

  6. Student mobility data

  7. Student mobility data

  8. Student mobility data

  9. Student mobility data: Asia Outbound

  10. Activities in Asia for recruitment • Confucius Institute in partnership with BLCU since October 2009 • UCSC Representative in South East Asia (Bangkok) since 2012 • Agents: India, Kazakhstan (since 2012)

  11. Student mobility data India: 10 China: 8 Pakistan: 5 Kazakhstan: 2 Indonesia: 1

  12. CHEI and Cattolica • How does the Centre support the internationalisation process and assess it? • Objective: establish the current level in understanding internationalisation

  13. CHEI objectives • The identification and definition of relevant projects, surveys and studies on: • Emerging trends in the Internationalisation of higher education: policies, strategies, mobility, recruitment, internationalisation of the curriculum. • Institutional Development: input and advise on university internationalisation strategy development; the impact of mainstreaming and comprehensiveness of internationalisation; how to use research to develop the university’s policy of international education; how to incorporate at home and abroad dimensions into the institutional strategy; and how to use trends and data to shape institutional strategy. • Existing and Emerging Rationales for the internationalisation of higher education: economic drivers, political factors, social/cultural motives, educational rationales. • Internationalisation of Italian Universities in the European and Global Context: creating a forum for dialogue for Italian institutions. • The promotion of collaboration agreements with Italian and non-Italian institutions and the identification of financing opportunities for research programmes and projects • The promotion of seminars, events, conferences, meetings and debates, of regional and international dimension, and specific activities • To promote the publication of the results of the conducted research

  14. Internationalisation dialogue Edilio Mazzoleni Director, UCSC International Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milan, Italy edilio.mazzoleni@unicatt.it www.ucscinternational.it

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