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Possibilities in Europe

Possibilities in Europe. Timothy Tamm Matteo Zanti. Question : Which opportunities are you aware as an european citizen ? Answers : People generally knew about the possibilities of easier travel between countries aswell as easilly accessable healthcare and possibilities of study

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Possibilities in Europe

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PossibilitiesinEurope Timothy Tamm Matteo Zanti

  2. Question: Which opportunities are you aware as an european citizen? • Answers: Peoplegenerallyknewaboutthepossibilitiesofeasiertravelbetweencountriesaswellaseasillyaccessablehealthcare and possibilitiesofstudy • Diditsurpriseus?: Itdidnotsurpriseusbecausethatwasthegeneralexpectationthatpeoplewouldatleastbeawareofbasicavailabilities

  3. Question: Do you think there are more educational possibilities inside Europe than abroad? • Answer: Peoplethoughtitwasdependant on theirinterest and thatdepending on thesubjecttheywantedtostudysometimetherewouldbemorepossibilitiesoutsideEurope • Diditsurpriseus?: Itsurprisedusthatpeopleoftenthoughtthere are equallyasmanyifnotmorepossibilitiesoutsideEurope

  4. Question: Have you heard of “erasmus” project? Do you know that there is a chance to take part in it as a student? • Answer: Generalawareness on thepossibilitieswithErasmuswasgoodbecauseitiswidelyspreadarounduniversitystudents • Diditsurpriseus?: No, Erasmusis so widelypromotedthatmoststudentswhoeven are notinuniversitiesknowofitspossibilities

  5. Question: Which country do you think has a good school system to prepare students for a job? • Answer: Everyonehaddifferentopinionsbutgenerallyeveryonewaspleasedwiththesystemsoftheirrespectivecountries • Diditsurpriseus?: Atouragepeoplegenerallydonthaveexperiencewitheducationalsystemsfromothercountries so comparisons are hardtomake

  6. Question: Are you aware that you have a chance to get medical care wherever you are in Europe as an european union citizen? Answer: All ofourinterviewedpeoplewereawareofthepossibility and oneofthemevenhadexperiencewithrequiringmedicalcareinanotherEuropeancountry Diditsurpriseus?: No.

  7. Question: Do you know that it’s easier to travel between european countries due to the Schengen system? • Answer: Peoplewerewellinformedregardingitbutoftendidnotknowoftheregulationsregardingit. • Diditsurpriseus?: No, butwhatsurpriseduswasthatpeopleoftendidntknowofthebasicregulationsregarding ID controletc

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