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The UAH Atmospheric Chemistry Program

The UAH Atmospheric Chemistry Program. The atmospheric chemistry program in the UAH Atmospheric Science graduate school includes research in balloon borne, ground-based, and satellite remote sensing of ozone, trace gases and aerosols in both the troposphere and stratosphere

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The UAH Atmospheric Chemistry Program

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  1. The UAH Atmospheric Chemistry Program • The atmospheric chemistry program in the UAH Atmospheric Science graduate school includes research in balloon borne, ground-based, and satellite remote sensing of ozone, trace gases and aerosols in both the troposphere and stratosphere • Time series analysis of those trace gases, especially ozone • Modeling of the processes controlling air quality. • We are building a new laboratory designed to house instruments measuring ozone and aerosol vertical atmospheric profiles, boundary layer winds from Doppler aerosol backscatter lidar, and aerosol infrared spectra in both laboratory and ambient conditions. • This new laboratory, The Regional Atmospheric Profiling Center for Discovery, (RAPCD, pronounced rhapsody) will be a state of the science facility housed in the National Space Science and Technology Center. • It will open this spring and we invite interested researchers to discuss collaborative science with us. Additional information about our program and laboratory is available at nsstc.uah.edu/atmchem.

  2. ATLASSpace Shuttle Missions

  3. SAGE

  4. Ozone Trends in SAGE, HALOE, TOMS, Umkehr, and lidar measurementsRandel, Stolarski, Cunnold, Logan, Newchurch, and Zawodny Science 10 September 1999

  5. What is Tropospheric Ozone and Why Do We Care? • Stratospheric ozone protects us from harmful UV radiation • Tropospheric ozone is harmful to lifeforms. • Respiratory problems • Skin cancer • Crop damage • Sources are both natural and anthropogenic • Scale ranges from local to global

  6. Chemistry of Ozone Formation Stratospheric Ozone Formation From Chapman Chemistry O2 + h  O + O O + O2 + M  O3 + M O3 + O  2 O2 O3 + h  O + O2 Tropospheric Ozone Formation From Carbon Monoxide CO + OH  CO2 + H H + O 2  HO2 NO + HO2  NO2 + OH NO2 + h NO + O h < 420 nm O + O 2 + M  O 3 + M

  7. MOZART Tropospheric Ozone --The Movie • First, O3 in green on a horizontal slice at an altitude of ~6km, • with CO in red (the isosurface of 200 ppbv (parts per billion)). • NOx is added in blue (300 pptv (parts per trillion) isosurface). • The horizontal slice is then replaced with the isosurface of 30 ppbv O3, in green. • CO and NOx are products of combustion and high levels can be seen in both industrialized regions (North America, Europe and Asia) and biomass burning regions (Africa and South America). • Ozone is produced when CO, NOx and sunlight are all present. • Things to watch for: • The location of fires in South America and Africa changes with season. • CO concentrations become high near the North Pole during winter because there is not enough sunlight for the photochemical reactions that destroy it. • High levels of O3are seen in the upper troposphere in the tropics as a result of the convection of CO and other chemical species in thunderstorms, and the production of NOx from lightning. D:\mike6\Papers\Presentations non ref\2000\TOMS00

  8. Lower-tropospheric OzoneSeasonality and Trends Newchurch, M. J., X. Liu, J. H. Kim, Seasonality and Trends of lower-tropospheric ozone derived from TOMS near mountainous regions, J. Geophys. Res., submitted, 2000.

  9. CCP Technique (1) Zonal wave structure of stratospheric ozone (2) R> 80%. (3) THIR-derived cloud- top pressure <200 mb (after adjustment). (4) if no THIR, Low-pass filter is applied to filter low-altitude clouds Newchurch et al., 2001

  10. Scan-angle Technique (1) This is the normalized difference of TORE between that at nadir and high-scan positions as a function of altitude (2) The average kernel shows a broad response with its peak centered at 5-km altitude, suggesting that the diff of retrieved total ozone btw nadir and high scan angle can be used to derive trop ozone. Kim et al., JAS, 2001

  11. Tropospheric ozone from six satellite-based methods in Sep 1997 Surface/Boundary-Layer/Free

  12. Effect of Tropical Lightning on Ozone

  13. Shirase Indian Ocean Ozone Plume

  14. Huntsville Ozonesonde Station

  15. Huntsville Ozonesonde Station Sonde record to date Lift and Cook Old Hickory Daily Sondes

  16. CMAQ Adaptability Analysis packages Emissions model Meteorological models Chemistry - Transport model Diffusion Clouds Advection K-theory Kuo convection Bott scheme TKE Kain-Fritsch Smolarkiewicz 2nd order closure shallow Aerosols Plume-in-Grid Chemistry RADM2 Modal MEPSEs Carbon Bond IV Sectional Subgrid-scale Plume Treatment SAPRC-90

  17. w i n d p y r a n o m e t e r G P S r e c e i v e r 5 m m a s t 9 1 5 M H z s o d a r r a d a r a n t e n n a ( w i t h o u t c l u t t e r p a n e l s ) T , R H g e n e r a t o r e l e c t r o n i c s i n s i d e c e i l o m e t e r Mobile Integrated Profiler Configuration ( W i t h o u t c l u t t e r p a n e l s - - 1 5 m i n s e t u p t i m e )

  18. FSL AVHRR Land Use GOES Skin Temperature GHCC/USWRP Satellite Assimilation Project GHCC Activities: • Develop and test GOES retrieval and assimilation algorithm for NWP models • Assess quality of NESDIS products • Provide model and satellite products to NWS and public via internet • Insure transfer of research to operational community The GOES Land Surface Data: Applications of Research: • Indicates regions of differential heating • Distinguishes clear/cloudy regions • Have high spatial and temporal resolution • Operational Forecasting • Regional-Scale Air Quality Studies • Improved Understanding Of Land/Atmosphere Interactions

  19. Example of MSFC Ground-based Doppler Lidar

  20. ‘Hot Topics’ in Aerosols and Forcing • Chemical composition • Speciation • Hygroscopicity • Physical properties • Size distribution • Morphology • Radiometric Properties • Extinction • Scattering • Absorption • Polarimetric • Forcing / Remote Sensing • Optical depth • Albedo • Polarization • Distribution of scattered light • Vertical structure Huntsville, AL. A Researcher’s Paradise for Science of the Atmospheric Aerosol NPS: Annual average extinction coefficients (Mm-1 )

  21. LON: -86.57, LAT: 36.25 TN (June29) (July 4) (July 19) (July 24) How well can we model the ozone variation?

  22. Dome Shutters Locked at zenith Dome Ozone Lidar Doppler Lidar Scanner Chimney 5 Solar FTIR Chimney 4 Dome Floor Horizontal FTIR Chimney 3 Railing Lid Open Lid Open Dome Sidewall Lid Closed Chimney 2 Lid Closed Grating Top Dome Floor Chimney 1 Dome Legs Roof Top NSSTC Regional Atmospheric Profiling Center for DiscoveryRAPCD

  23. NSSTC Regional Atmospheric Profiling Center for DiscoveryRAPCD • MEASUREMENTS • Atmospheric profiles of aerosols, gases, winds, temperature • Tunable lidar and ozonesondes • O3, NO2, H2O, CO2, CH4, N2O, NH3, PAN, Isoprene • Aerosols and clouds with lidar, sodar, and ceilometer • ice/water discrimination with lidar depolarization signals • Winds with Doppler lidar, Doppler radar, and sonde • Temperature with RASS and sonde • Ground-based radiation • Column-integrated aerosols and gases with FTIR, MFRSR, Brewer • Characteristics of atmospheric aerosols with FTIR and MOUDI • Optical properties • Chemical composition • Water uptake, reactivity with other trace gases

  24. NSSTC Regional Atmospheric Profiling Center for DiscoveryRAPCD • APPLICATIONS • Modeling of Chemistry and Aerosols • MODELS-3 regional air pollution • Stratospheric/Tropospheric Exchange • PBL convection/entrainment/venting • Large Eddy Simulation • Lightning NOx impact on ozone • Regional climate forcing • Visual air quality • Satellite validation • Tropospheric ozone (TOMS, OMI, TES, AIRS, GOME, SCHIMACHY) • SO2, HCHO, NO2 • Aerosols (MISR, MODIS, NPOESS, TOMS) • Winds (GTWS) Aerosol Radiative Forcing

  25. NSSTC Regional Atmospheric Profiling Center for DiscoveryRAPCD • APPLICATIONS • Diurnal and long-term investigation of • ozone and aerosol climatology, horizontal and vertical transport • heterogeneous chemistry, including gas to particle conversion • cloud venting of chemical pollutants • moisture effects on visibility • correlation between ozone profiles and synoptic and regional scale weather • stratosphere as a source for local and regional ozone pollution. • Combine with similar systems in the NE and Rocky Mountains to • Investigate large scale budgets and transport of ozone and aerosol • assess model predictions • Unique in the world as a research tool for both scientists and students.

  26. FUTURE • Using

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