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Number systems and Logic Gates 14 Marks

Number systems and Logic Gates 14 Marks. 2. Electronic Spreadsheet (Excel) 13 Marks. 3. Database 14 Marks. 4. Flow charts & Pseudocode 12 Marks Total - 53. Important Areas. Data and information HTML Codes ICT and Society

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Number systems and Logic Gates 14 Marks

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Number systems and Logic Gates 14 Marks 2. Electronic Spreadsheet (Excel) 13 Marks 3. Database 14 Marks 4. Flow charts & Pseudocode 12 Marks Total - 53

  2. Important Areas Data and information HTML Codes ICT and Society Usage of Internet for daily works Information systems

  3. ixLHd moaO;s 1 oyfha mdofha ixLHd moaO;sh 2 fofla mdofha ixLHd moaO;sh 3 wfÜ mdofha ixLHd moaO;sh 4 odifha mdofha ixLHd moaO;sh

  4. oyfha mdofha ixLHd moaO;sh ixLHdxl - 10 ^0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9& Wmßu w.h - 9

  5. oyfha mdofha ixLHd moaO;sh wm mka;sfha <uqka 36 la isà 3610 3 6 101 100 10 1 10*3 1*6 30 + 6 = 36

  6. fofla mdofha ixLHd moaO;sh ixLHdxl - 2 ^0 1 & Wmßu w.h - 1

  7. oyfhamdofhkafoflamdohgyerùu ixLHdj 2 ka fnoñka b;sßh .kak 2 36 2 18 - 0 2 9 - 0 2 1001002 4 - 1 2 – 0 2 1 – 0

  8. 3610 foflamdohgyerùu 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

  9. fofla mdofhka oyfha mdohg yerùu 2 n, f,i ,shd tl;=j .kak 1001002 1 0 0 1 0 02 24 20 25 23 22 21 1 16 32 8 4 2 32+ 0 +0 + 4 + 0 + 0 = 36

  10. wfÜ mdofha ixLHd moaO;sh ixLHdxl - 8 ^0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Wmßu w.h - 7

  11. oyfha mdofhka wfÜ mdohg yerùu ixLHdj 8 ka fnoñka b;sßh .kak 8 295 8 36 - 7 4 - 4 4478

  12. wfÜ mdofhka oyfha mdohg yerùu 8 n, f,i ,shd tl;=j .kak 4358 4 3 5 8 80 82 81 1 64 8 256 + 24 + 5 = 285

  13. wfÜ mdofhka fofla mdohg 8= 23 1 – 001 2 - 010 3 - 011 4 - 100 5 – 101 6 - 110 7 - 111 8 - 100

  14. wfÜ mdofhka fofla mdohg yerùu iEu ixLhdxlhlau fofla mdofha ixLHdxl 3 ka 3 olajkak 3578 3 5 7 011 101 111 3578 = 0111011112

  15. fofla mdofhka wfÜ mdohg yerùu mdofha ixLHdxl 3 ka 3 LdKav lr 8 mdohg w.h olajkak 1011110112 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 7 5 3 5738

  16. odifha mdofha ixLHd moaO;sh ixLHdxl - 16 ^0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F & Wmßu w.h - 15 (F)

  17. oyfha mdofhka oyifha mdohg yerùu ixLHdj 16 ka fnoñka b;sßh .kak 16 92 5 - 12 (C) 5C

  18. odifha mdofhka oyfha mdohg yerùu 16 n, f,i ,shd tl;=j .kak 5E16 5 E16 160 161 1 16 (16*5)+(1*14) = 94

  19. odifha mdofhka fofla mdohg yerùu iEu ixLHdxlhlau fofla mdofha ixLHdxl 4 ka 4 olajkak 3 B16 3 11 0011 1011 3B16 = 001110112

  20. fofla mdofhka odifha mdohg yerùu fofla mdofha ixLHdxl 4 ka 4 LdKav lr 16 mdohg w.h olajkak 011110112 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 7 11 (B) 7B16

  21. odifha mdofhka wfÜ mdohg yerùu odifha mdofhka fofla mdohg yrjd miqj 3ka 3 LdKav lrkak 7B16 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 1 7 3 1738

  22. wfÜ mdofhka odifha mdohg yerùu fofla mdohg yrjd miqj 4ka 4 LdKav lr w.hka ,nd .kak 5768 101 111 110 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 7 14 (E) 17E16

  23. Logic Gates 4. NAND 1. AND 5. NOR 2. OR 6. XOR 3. NOT 7. XNOR

  24. AND ;¾lh ixfla; yd m%ldYkweiqßkayÿkd .ksuq 1 0 A= 1 F = 0 1 0 B= A B • Boolean m%ldYkhlaf,i U A BF 0 0 0 wdodk 2lu i;HjQúgmuKla m%;sodkhi;Hfõ 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1

  25. OR ;¾lh ixfla; yd m%ldYkweiqßkay÷kd .ksuq 1 0 A= 1 F = 0 1 0 B= A B + • Boolean m%ldYkhlaf,i U A BF 0 0 0 wdodk 1la fydai;HjQúg m%;sodkhi;Hfõ 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1

  26. NOT ;¾lh ixfla; yd m%ldYkweiqßkay÷kd .ksuq A A 1 1 0 0 A • Boolean m%ldYkhlaf,i

  27. Logic Gates we;af;afldfyao 4805 8 7 1 6

  28. Gates wdOdrfhkamßm: yd Booleanm%ldYkiu. fudfyd;la 1. my; mrsm: ioydBoolean m%ldYk ,shkak A A ? ? B A ? B

  29. A A B B ? F=A’.B+C’ C C A’ C’ F=A’.B+C’ A’.B 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1

  30. A B ? C A B ? C D

  31. A B F C Fi|ydnQ,shdkqm%ldYkhla ,shkak m%;sodkh 1 ,nd .ekSugwdodkhflfiajshhq;=o@

  32. B.C (A+B) Back 3. (A+B) . B.C ms<s;=r A B C .

  33. X.X = X X.0 = 0 X.X’ = 0 X+X’ = 1 X.1 = X X+1 = 1

  34. EXCEL

  35. Formula =C2*D2 Function =sum(E2:E6) Average, Max, Min, Round, Count, CountA

  36. Formula =A$1*B1 C1 iuSlrKh= A$1*B1 C2 iuSlrKh= A$1*B2 C3 iuSlrKh= A$1*B3 C4 iuSlrKh= A$1*B4 C5 iuSlrKh= A$1*B5 C1 iuSlrKh= A1*B1 C2 iuSlrKh= A2*B2 C3 iuSlrKh= A3*B3 C4 iuSlrKh= A4*B4 C5 iuSlrKh= A5*B5


  38. Payments Personal Foreign Key Foreign Key M M 1 Primary Key Academic 1 Fee 1 1 Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

  39. 1254 Saman M 12/10/92 Colombo 8578 Nadun M 15/11/92 Kalutara

  40. wl=re wvx.= lafIa;% - Wmßuwl=re 255 os.=fm< jpk - wl=re 255 jeä b,lalï oskhlafõ,djla uqo,a tall iajhxlS%hwxl wjia:d 2la iys; o;a;

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