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循环系统. circulatory system. 杨志文. 组织学各论. 中空性器官 ( hollow organ ) : 器官内有腔,管壁分层 心血管、消化管、呼吸道、泌尿生殖管道等 实质性器官 ( parenchymal organ ) : 器官内无腔 被膜 ( capsule ) : 结缔组织 间质 ( stroma ) : 结缔组织、血管、神经、淋巴管等 实质 ( parenchyma ) : 皮质 ( cortex ) 髓质 ( medulla ) 肾脏、消化腺、淋巴器官、内分泌腺等. circulatory system. function :.

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  1. 循环系统 circulatory system 杨志文

  2. 组织学各论 中空性器官(hollow organ):器官内有腔,管壁分层 心血管、消化管、呼吸道、泌尿生殖管道等 实质性器官(parenchymal organ):器官内无腔 被膜(capsule):结缔组织 间质(stroma):结缔组织、血管、神经、淋巴管等 实质(parenchyma): 皮质(cortex) 髓质(medulla) 肾脏、消化腺、淋巴器官、内分泌腺等

  3. circulatory system function: 1、物质交换2、气体交换 3、调节体温4、激素分布 5、免疫功能6、代谢活动 7、内分泌功能

  4. circulatory system ---closed tubular system 心血管系统(blood vascular system)※ 淋巴管系统(lymph vascular system) 心脏 动脉 毛细血管 静脉 毛细淋巴管 淋巴管 右淋巴导管 胸导管

  5. 毛细血管(capillary) 猴胰腺毛细血管网 (SEM)

  6. 毛细血管(capillary)

  7. 毛细血管(capillary)

  8. 毛细血管(capillary)

  9. 毛细血管(capillary) Thinnest, simplest, largest, longest and most widely distributed. Connects the arteries and veins. Average diameter varies from 6 to 8 µm. structure:内皮细胞(endothelial cell) 基膜(basement membrane) 周细胞(pericyte)

  10. 毛细血管 (capillary) 周细胞(pericyte) 散在于内皮细胞与基膜之间,扁平有突起 function:1. support 2.constriction(myosin, actin, tropomyosin……) 3.undifferentiated cell

  11. ultrastructure of the endothelial cell 1、内皮突起(endothelium processes) 2、边缘褶(marginal fold) 3、质膜小泡(吞饮小泡) (plasmalemmal vesicle or pinocytic vesicles) 4、Weibel-Palade小体 (Weibel-Palade body, W-P小体) 5、微丝(microfilament)(收缩)

  12. 内皮突起(endothelium processes) microvilli-like, finger-liked……

  13. marginal fold

  14. plasmalemmal vesicle 位置:位于胞质中,细胞游离面或基底面的细胞膜内凹形成 d = 60~70 nm 小泡互相连通→穿内皮性小管(transendothelial channel) 作用:向血管内外输送大分子物质 膜储备 毛细血管内皮细胞电镜像示质膜小泡 兔下颌下腺

  15. W-P小体(Weibel-Palade body ) 位置:胞质内一种外包单位膜的杆状细胞器 功能:参与FⅧRAg的制造和贮存,与止血有关 毛细血管内皮细胞电镜像示W-P小体 人呼吸道粘膜下层

  16. 毛细血管(capillary) classification: 1.连续毛细血管(continuous capillary) 2.有孔毛细血管(fenestrated capillary) 3.血窦(sinusoid) (窦状毛细血管sinusoid capillary)

  17. 连续毛细血管 continuous capillary

  18. continuous capillary Distribution:connective tissue, muscle tissue, CNS, thymus, lung…… Structural feature: 1.endothelial cell: -more plasmalemmal vesicles -tight junction 2.basal lamina:complete

  19. 有孔毛细血管(fenestrated capillary)

  20. fenestrated capillary Distribution:mucosa of digestive tract, glomerulus in kidney and some endocrine glands, etc. Structural feature: 1. the wall of endothelia is very thin and contains pores, which are 60~80 nm in diameter and maybe covered by diaphragm. 2.only a few pinocytic vesicles. 3. integrated basal lamina.

  21. 血窦(sinusoid) 脾血窦:内皮呈杆状,外有网状纤维缠绕,周边有许多巨噬细胞

  22. sinusoid(discontinuous capillary) Distribution:in the liver, spleen, bone marrow, and endocrine gland, etc. Structural feature: 1. larger with irregular diameter 2. discontinuous endothelia leaving larger spaces among them 3. possess many large fenestrae that lack diaphragms 4. discontinuous or disappeared basal lamina

  23. function 1. selected permeability and material exchange 2. capillary density is closely related to the local metabolism rate 3. synthesis and metabolism activity 内皮细胞表面有血管紧张素转换酶…… 合成: FⅧ RAg, endothelin, PGI2, NO…… 降解:5-羟色胺、组胺、去甲肾上腺素…… 4. anti-blood coagulate

  24. general structure of the blood vessels

  25. general structure of the blood vessels 内膜(tunica intima) 内皮(endothelium) 内皮下层(subendothelial layer) 中膜(tunica media) 外膜(tunica adventitia) 内弹性膜(internal elastic membrane) 外弹性膜(external elastic membrane)

  26. 中动脉(medium-sized artery)

  27. 中动脉(medium-sized artery)

  28. 中动脉(medium-sized artery) tunica intima endothelium subendothelial layer internal elastic membrane tunica media ※ tunica adventitia external elastic membrane loose connective tissue(vasa vasorum、nerve) 由弹性蛋白构成,膜上有许多小孔。在标本横切面上明显可见,因收缩而呈波浪状,为内膜与中膜的分界。

  29. 中动脉(medium-sized artery) 肌性动脉(muscular artery) 分配动脉(distributing artery) tunica media: 1. Consists of 10~40 layers of circumferentially arranged smooth muscle fibers, among them exist elastic and collagenous fibers. No fibroblast can be found here. 成纤维细胞亚型 分泌肾素、血管紧张素原 2. The myoendothelial junctions connect the endothelia and smooth muscle fibers. 3. function: Regulates the blood flow to organs.

  30. 大动脉(large artery)

  31. 大动脉(large artery) 弹性动脉(elastic artery) 1. Similar structure to that of medium artery. 2.tunica media consists of 40-70 layers of elastic membrane 3. Large artery decreases the blood pressure and make the blood flow constant by dilating periodically.

  32. 小动脉(small artery)( muscular artery) d = 0.3~1 mm 微动脉(arteriole) d < 0.3 mm 两者合称外周阻力血管(resistance vessels) Responsible for the presence of blood pressure.

  33. 动脉管壁的特殊感受器(自学) 颈动脉体 主动脉体 颈动脉窦:压力感受器 化学感受器

  34. 中动脉和中静脉

  35. 人中动脉 管壁分层 人中静脉 管壁分层

  36. 小动脉和小静脉

  37. 人中静脉 示静脉瓣

  38. 静脉(vein) 微、小、中、大 静脉管壁共同特点(与同等口径动脉相比): 1.腔大,壁薄,弹性小 切片:管壁塌陷呈不规则形 2.管壁结缔组织成分多,平滑肌和弹性组织成分少 3.管壁分内、中、外三层,但界限不清 4.口径在 2 mm 以上的静脉壁上有静脉瓣(venous valve) 作用:防止血液逆流

  39. 微循环(microcirculation) 微动脉到微静脉之间的血液循环。 血液循环基本功能单位。物质交换部位。 1、arteriole:总闸门 2、毛细血管前微动脉(precapillary arteriole) 中间微动脉(metaarteriole) 3、真毛细血管(true capillary):物质交换 毛细血管前括约肌(precapillary sphincter):分闸门 4、直捷通路(thoroughfare channel) 5、动、静脉吻合(arteriovenous anastomosis) 6、微静脉(venule)

  40. arteriovenous anastomosis microcirculation arteriolevenule precapillary arteriole turecapillary precapillarysphincter metaarteriole thoroughfarechannel

  41. Heart

  42. 1.心内膜(endocardium) endothelium subendothelial layer 心内膜下层(subendocardial layer) 心室:心脏传导系统的分支 2.心肌膜(myocardium):cardiac muscle 3.心外膜(epicardium):visceral layer of pericardium 心瓣膜(cardiac valve):心内膜向心腔内突出形成。 表面为内皮,内部为致密结缔组织。 功能:防止血液倒流。 Heart

  43. cardiac muscle 1.心室肌 2.心房肌 心房特殊颗粒(specific atrial granule):电镜下部分 心房肌纤维含有大小不一、圆形、有膜包裹的电子 密度较高的分泌颗粒,内含心房利钠因子(心钠素) (atrial natriuretic factor, ANF or cardionatrin)。 作用:利尿、利钠、扩张血管、降低血压。 脑钠素;抗心律失常肽;内源性洋地黄素; 肾素;血管紧张素 3.特殊心肌:心脏传导系统 心骨骼(cardiac skeleton)

  44. 心脏的刺激传导系统 (impulse conducting system) Sinoatrial(SA)node Atrioventricular(AV)node bundle of His right and left bundle branch Purkinje fibers pacemaker cell transitional cell Purkinje fiber

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