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Trade Study 2

Trade Study 2. Motor Selection and propeller matching. Hadrien guepet. Conclusion from the previous trade study. We will use a propeller with a 0,7 tau ratio The Bigger the Diameter the better the efficiency is .

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Trade Study 2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Trade Study 2 MotorSelection and propellermatching Hadrien guepet

  2. Conclusion from the previoustradestudy • Wewill use a propellerwith a 0,7 tau ratio • The Bigger the Diameter the better the efficiencyis. • A electricmotorneed a smallpropeller to avoidavoerloadingyourelectricmotoratstaticthrust

  3. Propulsion System

  4. brushlesselectricmotormodelling • Power Diagram ElectricPower (Bat) Mechanical power Controller Loss Iron loss due to hysteresis and eddy current friction Copper loss due to wiring

  5. Comparaison between our model and experimental results After comparing 10 motors : 4% error max

  6. Our Propeller : 12 x 8 APCE • Performance Chart :

  7. Power required and propefficiency for our aircraft Design point : 25° at 40ft/s Power required for the propeller : 342W @ 8210 rpm

  8. Motormatching • According to our model a motorwith a KV of 977 will match perferctlyexactly • The closest possible choiceis a 1000KV motor • Wechoose The Turnigy SK 3548 1050KV • (the smaller SK 3542 could fit but wewant to be sure it

  9. Selectedmotor • TurnigyAerodrive SK 3548 --- 1050 KV

  10. Efficiencydiagrams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrrJoOSR4W8

  11. Aircraft performance Max speed about 83 ft/s Max climb speed = 40 ft/s

  12. Speed diagram 83 ft/s 40 ft/s 45 ft/s 22,5 ft/s 49 ft/s 20 ft/s Stall Speed Choosencruise speed Speed for max Vz (19ft/s max) Speed for max angle of climb (33°) Max speed in level flight Max speed at 25° of climb

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