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- OPAL – OP en Enrollment A pplication L og

- OPAL – OP en Enrollment A pplication L og. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November/December 2008. About OPAL. What it is. What it does. What is OPAL?. On-line application system

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- OPAL – OP en Enrollment A pplication L og

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  1. - OPAL –OPen Enrollment Application Log Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public School Open Enrollment Workshops November/December 2008

  2. About OPAL What it is. What it does.

  3. What is OPAL? • On-line application system • Parents may submit open enrollment applications directly on-line. • On-line tracking system • Resident and nonresident school districts enter tracking information directly into the on-line data base. • Information is immediately available to the other district and DPI. • Tuition waivers are currently not in OPAL.

  4. Application Process • Parent enters the application on-line or submits a paper application to the nonresident school district. • Nonresident school district enters information from paper applications. • Nonresident and resident districts may immediately view and print applications from data base and may download information into an Excel spreadsheet.

  5. Information Exchange • Nonresident school district may request records directly in OPAL. • Resident district replies directly in OPAL: • No special education or expulsion records. • Yes, special education records (send records) • Yes, expulsion records (send records) • Nonresident district must send estimate of special education cost.

  6. Approval & Denial • Each district will enter its approvals and denials into OPAL, indicating reason for denial. • OPAL will generate a PDF approval or denial letter (for optional use). • Nonresident districts will indicate whether the student intends to OE. • Will also indicate if student has been accepted from a waiting list or if a denial is reversed.

  7. Tracking Students • Each district will enter tracking information directly into OPAL. • Each entry will generate an email to the OPAL contact in the other district. • The other district must “approve” any change in order for it to be effective.

  8. Security & User Management

  9. Authorizing Users • DPI authorizes District Administrators: • Sent userid and password via USPS in Feb. 2008 • Assigns userid and password to new district administrator (via USPS, email or fax) • District Administrator authorizes additional users. • Each user should have her/his own userid and password. • Do not share passwords. • Recommend that at least 2 people in each district are authorized to use OPAL.

  10. District Administrators Only https://www2.dpi.state.wi.us/CMM/

  11. After 5 unsuccessful login attempts, the user will be locked out. The district administrator can unlock an authorized user. DPI must unlock the district administrator’s userid & password. It is recommended that passwords be reset periodically.

  12. Managing User Authorizations • Delete authorizations for departing employees or those who no longer work with OE. • Contact DPI to delete authorizations for departing district administrators. • Contact DPI to create authorizations for new district administrators. • Do not “edit” an authorization to change from one person to another. • Do not share passwords.

  13. Navigating in OPAL Note: All pupil names used in this presentation are fictional

  14. Tabs and Sidebar

  15. Sorting Alpha Page

  16. Sorting Returns all apps beginning with chosen letter

  17. Filter by Year

  18. Filter by Grade

  19. Filter by Status or Action

  20. Search

  21. Logging On

  22. https://www2.dpi.state.wi.us/OpenEnroll/

  23. The MAILBOX Tab • OPAL opens into the MAILBOX Tab. • Shows the status of data change requests: • New Data Change Requests • Pending Data Change Requests • Responses to Your Requests • Approved • Rejected • Your Responses to Others’ Requests • Approved • Rejected

  24. The MAILBOX Tab

  25. The CONTACTS Tab

  26. The CONTACTS Tab • Name & Contact Information for: • District Administrator/Superintendent • OPAL Contact • OPAL Contact: • May or may not be the district’s open enrollment coordinator • Is the person who receives emails for OE status changes • District Administrator is the default OPAL contact.

  27. One OPAL Contact per district: • OPAL Contact must be an authorized user. • There may be additional authorized users, but only one may be the OPAL Contact. • If the district wishes more than one person to receive change of status emails, suggest you use your email software to: • Create an “open enrollment” email address, or • Create a “rule” that forwards all emails with certain subject lines.

  28. The CONTACTS Tab

  29. When you update the district administrator’s name, I will contact her/him by email to provide a userid and password

  30. Managing ApplicationsandTracking Students


  32. The APPLICATIONS Tab • View applications submitted by parents. • Nonresident district enters paper applications received. • Edit and request deletion of applications. • Show approval and denial of applications. • May download information into an Excel spreadsheet.

  33. The APPLICATIONS Tab Show all applications in PDF Edit: can only edit applications you enter Delete: generates request for DPI to delete PDF: view/print PDF copy of application

  34. Applications will only be deleted if they are duplicates or submitted in error.

  35. Transfers In: Approve/Deny REMEMBER TO SAVE!

  36. Reasons for Denial REMEMBER TO SAVE!

  37. Transfers Out

  38. Transfers Out: Approve/Deny REMEMBER TO SAVE!

  39. Reasons for Denial REMEMBER TO SAVE!

  40. Upcoming Features of the APPLICATIONS Tab • Records Request & Response • Approval/Denial Forms. • Download into Excel to use in own merge docs, or • Use OPAL-created PDF approval/denial form. • Will be able to indicate more than one reason for denial. • Nonresident district will show parent’s intent. • Nonresident district may indicate if student is accepted from waiting list.

  41. The STUDENTS Tab

  42. The STUDENTS Tab • All tracking of open enrolled students is done via the STUDENTS tab. • Initially indicate: • Whether or not the student is enrolled on the 3rd Friday in September. • Student’s special education status. • Whether the student is enrolled in a virtual charter school (operational by app. period) • Edit student information and enter changes of status.

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