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QA/QC FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MEASUREMENT. Unit 4: Module 13, Lecture 3 . Objectives. Introduce Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs) What is a QAPP? Why is it necessary? Explain the processes to take when developing a QAPP Eight steps

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  1. QA/QC FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MEASUREMENT Unit 4: Module 13, Lecture 3

  2. Objectives • Introduce Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs) • What is a QAPP? • Why is it necessary? • Explain the processes to take when developing a QAPP • Eight steps • Discuss in detail elements to consider and include when developing a QAPP • 24 elements

  3. QAPP guides: the selection of parameters and procedures data management and analysis steps taken to determine the validity of specific sampling or analysis procedures The QAPP outlines the QC measures to be taken for the project. The QAPP is a project-specific QA document. Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPP)

  4. QA for environmental measurement • Why do we need quality assurance for environmental measurement? • understand data reliability • quantify areas of analytical uncertainty • standardize measurement to allow for repeatable and comparable data across time and place QA ensures that data will meet defined standards of quality with a standard level of confidence

  5. Elements of a QAPP • QAPP can be broken out into four areas of the project • Project management • Measurement and data acquisition • Assessment and oversight • Data validation and usability

  6. Establishing a QAPP • What do you first do when establishing a QAPP? • Consider the purpose of the investigation • Compliance vs. background data, etc. • Consider who is funding the investigation and who will use that data • What rigor is desired / monetarily feasible? • Will liability be an issue? Summarize the purpose of your project

  7. Steps taken to develop a QAPP • Establish a QAPP team • Determine project goals & objectives • Collect background • Determine project data requirements • Develop implementation plans • Develop SOPs • Draft the QAPP, solicit feed back, revise and submit for approval • Begin the project, evaluate and redefine QAPP

  8. http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/explorations/02hudson/logs/aug29/aug29.htmlhttp://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/explorations/02hudson/logs/aug29/aug29.html Steps taken to develop a QAPP • Establish a QAPP team • Include project stakeholders • technical expertise in varying areas of the project • Approval required by the governing agency? • review agency website • guidance document(s)

  9. Steps taken to develop a QAPP • Determine goals and objectives • Why is the program being conducted? • Compliance • Gathering background • How will the information gathered be used and who will use it? • Identify all potential data users • Will collected data be considered useable, and to what extent? • Comparable to previous work • Acceptable level of accuracy

  10. http://www.tfhrc.gov/pubrds/novdec98/seven.htm Steps taken to develop a QAPP • Collect background and redefine the project • History of the site • Sources of concern • Previous investigations / collected data • Site location and layout • Geography and weather • Watershed survey • Access & safety concerns • Hazards • Natural • Manmade

  11. Steps taken to develop a QAPP • Design project sampling, analytical and data requirements • What parameters will be monitored? • How accurate will the data need to be? • What are the Data Quality Objectives (DQOs)? • Where will samples be collected and how will sites be chosen? • When will sampling be implemented? • What protocols will be used? • How will data credibility be assured?

  12. http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/np/fnrb/fnrb1001.htm Steps taken to develop a QAPP • Develop implementation plans • Who will carry out the project tasks? • Sampling, data management / evaluation, etc. • When will the tasks be conducted? • How much time will be allotted for each? • Final report to be generated?

  13. Steps taken to develop a QAPP • Adopt or develop project-specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) • Use “industry” existing SOPs when possible • Consistency and usability of data • Reference and cite sources • Provide to the field crew as a manual of instructions

  14. Steps taken to develop a QAPP • Draft the QAPP, solicit feedback, and submit for final approval • Use formats provided by the governing agency or client • Generate a draft document and solicit feed back from agency or client prior to implementation • Avoids costly mistakes • Provide a final revised document to appropriate project stakeholders

  15. Begin the monitoring program Implement the project as tasked and scheduled Evaluate and redefine the QAPP What does/ does not work? Revise as needed http://ma.water.usgs.gov/CapeCodToxics/photo-gallery/wq-sampling.htm Steps taken to develop a QAPP

  16. Outline of elements in a QAPP • The four parts and the elements listed under each • Project Management (elements 1-9) • Measurement and Data Acquisition (elements 10 – 19) • Assessment and Oversight (elements 20-21) • Data Validation and Usability (elements 22-24)

  17. Outline of elements in a QAPP • Project Management (elements 1-9) • Title and Approval Page • Table of Contents • Distribution List • Project / Task Organization • Problem Identification and Background • Project/Task Description • Data Quality Objectives for Measurement Data • Training Requirement/ Certification • Documentation and records

  18. Outline of elements in a QAPP - Management • Title and Approval Page (element 1) • Principal investigator(s) • Project QA officer(s) • Client Representative • Table of Contents (element 2) • Distribution List (element 3)

  19. Big Client, Inc. Don Realist Principal Engineer Sandy Garnet Project Director & Principal Geologist Joe Systems Principal Engineer Chuck None Safety Director Dave Doneall Senior Geologist Discipline Lead Scott Worth Project Manager & Field Supervisor Sally Doright Project Engineer Discipline Lead Mike Eager Field Technician Jane Slick Field Technician Outline of elements in a QAPP – Management • Project / Task Organization (element 4) • Who will participate? • What are their roles?

  20. www.aquaculturecouncilwa.com/i/maps/ Outline of elements in a QAPP - Management • Problem Identification and Background (element 5) • Investigation history • Site specific • Regional investigations • Site background • Setting – rural / industrial • Geography and climate • Regional geology, surface water and groundwater

  21. http://cs-tl1.cs.virginia.edu/~group7/schedule.php Outline of elements in a QAPP - Management • Project/Task Description (element 6) • What are the tasks? • When will they take place?

  22. Outline of elements in a QAPP- Management • Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) for Measurement Data (element 7) • Minimum detection limits • Requirements for detection range • Training Requirement/ Certification (element 8) • Technical proficiency • Health and safety

  23. Outline of elements in a QAPP - Management • Documentation and records (element 9) • Field and Laboratory • Raw data • QC checks • Field data sheets • Lab forms • Voucher collections

  24. Outline of elements in a QAPP • Measurement and Data Acquisition (Sections 10 through 19) • Sampling Process Design • Sampling methods requirement • Sampling handling and custody requirements • Analytical Methods requirement • Quality Control Requirements

  25. Outline of elements in a QAPP • Measurement and Data Acquisition (continued Sections 10 through 19) • Instrument / Equipment Testing, Inspection, and maintenance requirements • Instrument Calibration and Frequency • Inspection/Acceptance Requirements for Supplies • Data Acquisition Requirements • Data Management

  26. Outline of elements in a QAPP – Data • Sampling Process Design (element 10) • Type • Location • Frequency of samples • Sampling period

  27. Outline of elements in a QAPP - Data • Sampling methods requirement (element 11) • Parameter • Methods • Collection • Equipment • Preservation • Refer to SOPs

  28. Outline of elements in a QAPP - Data

  29. Outline of elements in a QAPP -Data • Sampling handling and custody requirements (element 12)

  30. Outline of elements in a QAPP - Data • Analytical Methods requirement (element 13) • Standardized • ASTM • EPA • State modified • Field adapted • Instrument manufacture specified

  31. Outline of elements in a QAPP - Data • Quality Control Requirements (element 14) • field blank • equipment or rinsate blank • duplicate/replicate samples • spiked samples • split and blind samples

  32. Outline of elements in a QAPP - Data • Instrument / equipment testing, inspection, and maintenance requirements (element 15) • Include schedule • Instrument calibration & frequency (element 16) • Standards • Frequency • Inspection/acceptance requirements for supplies (element 17)

  33. Outline of elements in a QAPP - Data • Data Acquisition Requirements (element 18) • Background information and data • Previous investigations • Topographic, geologic, hydrologic or hydrogeologic • Other monitoring programs, groups or agencies • Outside source data • Specific weather conditions – barometric pressure • Note any limitations/questions on data quality

  34. http://il.water.usgs.gov/adcp/photos/class_apr99.html Outline of elements in a QAPP - Data • Data Management (element 19) • Summarize all steps used in data collection and evaluation • Completeness and accuracy • Evaluation (computer hardware and softer) • Minimization of errors • Data entry • Backup • Storage

  35. Outline of elements in a QAPP • Assessment and Oversight (elements 20-21) • Assessment and Response Actions • Reports • Data Validation and Usability (elements 22-24) • Data Review, Validation, and Verification Requirements • Validation and verification of methods • Reconciliation with Data Quality Objectives

  36. http://www.fe.doe.gov/techline/tl_hydrates_oregon.shtml Outline of elements in a QAPP • Assessment and Response Actions (element 20) • Evaluation of players - audits • external programs • field staff • data management • Correction of problems • Reports (element 21) • Frequency, content, distribution

  37. Outline of elements in a QAPP • Data Review, Validation, and Verification Requirements (element 22) • Indicate what will be done and by whom • Validation and verification of methods (element 23) • Indicate procedures to be used • Reconciliation with Data Quality Objectives (element 24) • Determining if project objectives have been met

  38. References • Some References on Environmental Quality Assurance Plans: • EPA 240/B‑01‑002 . EPA Requirements for Quality Management Plans (QA/R‑2). March 2001. (http://www.epa.gov/quality1/qa_docs.html) • EPA 240/B‑01‑003. EPA Requirements for QA Project Plans (QA/R‑5). March 2001. • EPA 430/9‑86‑004. Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) for 301(h) Monitoring Programs: Guidance on Field and Laboratory Methods. March 1987. (NTIS / PB87‑221164) • EPA 440/4‑91‑002 . Volunteer Lake Monitoring. December 1991. (http://www.epa.gov/OWOW/monitoring/volunteer/lake/index.html)

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