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Reading First Administrator’s Meeting

Reading First Administrator’s Meeting. February 28, 2005. Informational Update. Year 3 funding/budgets – Awards will be made at the April, 2005 State Board of Education Meeting Year 3 official budget sheets will be due May 15, 2005 Year 2 spending – deadline, June 30, 2005

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Reading First Administrator’s Meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reading First Administrator’s Meeting February 28, 2005

  2. Informational Update • Year 3 funding/budgets – Awards will be made at the April, 2005 State Board of Education Meeting • Year 3 official budget sheets will be due May 15, 2005 • Year 2 spending – deadline, June 30, 2005 • Year 3 spending – begins July 1, 2005

  3. Important Dates • Important Dates: • Summer Academies • June 14 – 16, 2005 – Atlanta • June 21 – 23, 2005 – Tifton • July 19 – 21, 2005 – Athens • Georgia Reading First Conference • June 28 – 29, 2005 - Atlanta • National Reading First Conference • July 26 – 28, 2005 – New Orleans

  4. UGA Evaluation • Fewer Classroom Observations • Presentation tomorrow, March 1, 2005, on the data from the fall 2004 observations

  5. Cohort 2 (2006 – 2009) • May 2005 – CRCT Testing • June – July, 2005 – Determine Eligibility • August 22 – 25, 2005 – Grantee Writing Conference for Cohort 2 • October 20, 2005 – Cohort 2 grants due • November 3-6, 2005 – Readers review grants • November 10, 2005 – Grant Awards (Round 1)

  6. Cohort 2 – (2006 – 2009) • December 15, 2005 – Grants Due • January 5 – 7, 2006 – Readers review grants • January 12, 2006 – Grant Awards (Round 2) • February 13, 2006 – Grants Due • February 23 – 25, 2006 – Readers Review Grants • March 9, 2006 – Grant Awards (Round 3) • March 22-24, 2006 – Cohort 2 – Kick-off Training

  7. Cohorts 1 and 2 (2006 – 2009) • Fall, 2006 • Year 3 Implementation for Cohort 1 • Year 1 Implementation for Cohort 2

  8. Administrative Support • Critical to Reading First success • Part of signed Assurances • How? • Participation in all Professional Learning activities. • Ensure that Literacy Coach is not assigned administrative duties. • Meet with Literacy Coach regularly. • Know which students in your school are struggling (based on data). • Ensuring no interruptions during the literacy block • Set the example!

  9. Administrative Support • Ensure that the district does not place additional, non-compatible professional development or assessment requirements on Reading First schools • Evaluation of literacy coaches – How? • Encourage utilization of funding from multiple sources to fully support implementation of a research based comprehensive program.

  10. Discontinuation ProtocolDRAFT • Upon determination that a problem exists, hold meeting with Literacy Coach, Principal, LEA coordinator, Georgia Reading First Director, Regional Reading First Coordinator (RRFC) and other necessary parties to discuss problems and issues. Documentation of problems might include: • Assessment Data/Documentation • Professional Learning Documentation • Records from Regional Reading First Coordinator • Financial Records • Instructional Materials usage Documentation

  11. Discontinuation ProtocolDRAFT Continued • All parties will discuss and agree upon an Action Plan for correction of the issues or problems. • The Georgia Reading First Director will provide written documentation of the problem/issues via the Action Plan to all parties. • The Georgia Reading First Director and/or a designee will follow-up with necessary parties in thirty days to determine if the Action Plan is working.

  12. Discontinuation ProtocolDRAFT Continued • If improvements have been made, all parties will proceed with the grant process. If no improvement is noted, the Georgia Reading First Director and/or a designee will follow-up with a second meeting and formal letter of documentation stating that grant funds will not be awarded if problems/issues are not corrected. All parties will discuss and make adaptations to the Action Plan as needed. • The Georgia Reading First Director and/or a designee will follow-up with necessary parties in thirty days to determine if the adapted Action Plan is producing improvements.

  13. Discontinuation ProtocolDRAFT Continued • If no improvement can be documented, The Georgia Reading First Director, the Georgia Department of Education (GDOE) Director of Reading and the GDOE Director of Curriculum and Instructional Services will make a final determination of whether grant funding will be continued.

  14. Process for Protocol Approval • Review by Reading Leadership Team • Review by Superintendent’s cabinet • Review by Policy Committee • Possible review by the State Board of Education

  15. Web Sites • http://www.georgiasouthern.edu/~mmckenna/garf.html • http://www.glc.k12.ga.us/pandp/readingfirst/homepg.htm

  16. What do you, as a school or district administrator, need to improve Reading First in your school or district.

  17. Questions and Answers

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