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Making Sense of moocs

Making Sense of moocs. TXDLA 2014, Corpus Christi, TX . Jason B. Huett , Ph.D. jhuett@westga.edu Kim C. Huett, Ed.S . khuett@westga.edu University of West Georgia. http://txdla2014.wiki.westga.edu /. From http://www.sadlybald.com/.

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Making Sense of moocs

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  1. Making Sense of moocs TXDLA 2014, Corpus Christi, TX Jason B. Huett, Ph.D. jhuett@westga.edu Kim C. Huett, Ed.S. khuett@westga.edu University of West Georgia http://txdla2014.wiki.westga.edu/

  2. J

  3. From http://www.sadlybald.com/ J

  4. From http://lilsisbet.blogspot.com/2013/05/choosing-natural-weight-loss-products.html J

  5. Oh. Those. Completion. Rates. Research Credit: Katy Jordan J

  6. Media Credit: Michael Smith http://www.flickr.com/photos/mbransons/ J

  7. From http://www.michaelbransonsmith.net/blog/2013/03/22/all-moocs-and-no-play-makes-university-dull/audrey-watters-say-mooc-again/ J

  8. Media Credit: Jesse Gurney Cartoonist J

  9. Gartner’s Hype Cycle Research Credit: Katy Jordan J

  10. Research Credit: Katy Jordan J

  11. Case 1. VSMOOC12 Led by Dr. Michael K. Barbour K

  12. Delivery & Audience Audience 25 Students • 6 males • 19 females Graduate Students • Master’s/Ed.S. in IT/SLM • Doc Students in Education Delivery 100% online Course: WebCT BlackBoard MOOC: Wikispaces J

  13. Schedule, content, format, badging Format: text, documents, videos, URLs, multimedia Incentives: 5 badge options k

  14. Embedding into course k

  15. Scaffolding the mooc k

  16. k

  17. k

  18. k

  19. Benefits • Connections to Larger World. • Reflection on Practice. • Potential for Teacher Professional Development (PD). • Improvement of Technology Skills. • Just-in-Time, Up-to-Date Learning. j

  20. Challenges • Need for Extrinsic Feedback. • Feelings of Isolation and Seclusion. • 3. Novelty Effect Fading. • 4. Too Much Information, Too Little Time. • 5. Poor Communication among Disparate Participants. • 6. Twitter as Poor Networking Tool. k

  21. Case 2. GAVS TOOL MOOC ‘14 j

  22. Delivery & Audience Delivery • 100% online • Course: D2L • MOOC: WordPress Audience 12 students • 1 male • 11 females Graduate Students • Master’s/Ed.S. in IT/SLM • Doc Students in Education J

  23. Schedule, content, format Format: text, documents, videos, URLs, multimedia k

  24. BADGING / Verification https://www.openteachertraining.org/

  25. Embedding into course K

  26. Scaffolding the mooc k

  27. Benefits Rigorous and highly applicable Relevant and timely information Excellent in-MOOC scaffolding and support Effectively covered most major issues with virtual teaching and learning Official verification process with immediate marketability Overall great learning experience j

  28. Challenges • TIME: TOOL MOOC took much longer than initially anticipated to complete • Lack of sense of collaboration or interactivity • Navigation and technical glitches in Word Press and with verification • Lack of detailed feedback—just verified or not k

  29. Strategic Planning Credit:http://macleodcartoons.blogspot.com/2010/10/university-strategic-planning.html

  30. Education will be more technologically-enhanced. J

  31. Education will be more accessible. J

  32. Education will be more flexible. J

  33. Education will be more global. J

  34. Education will be more affordable. J

  35. University system of georgia (USG) • System-level New Models Taskforce • Georgia State University’s Acceptance of MOOC Transfer Credit (Jan 2013) • USG Partners with Coursera (May 2013) • Goal: Making all USG Online Courses “Visible and Accessible” to all USG students (Davis, 2013, p. 3) • Fall 2015: Student Retention Funding • MOOC Initiatives • Univ. of Georgia - Middle Georgia College - Georgia State Pre-calculus MOOC • Kennesaw State University—Blended/Online Learning MOOC

  36. UWG MOOC squad • This committee believes that pursuit of innovative approaches to delivery are consistent with the comprehensive mission of the institution as well as Complete College Georgia and QEP initiatives. Rather than recommend whether or not MOOCs should or should not be part of these approaches, the committee suggests a broader strategy which encourages thoughtful but bold approaches and relieves existing barriers to innovation and student success.

  37. Mooc squad recommendations • MOOCs for Introductory and Remedial Instruction • Free and Open Textbooks, Software, and Resources • Direct Assessment, Competency-Based, and Prior Learning Approaches • Membership in eMajor and the Adult Learning Consortium

  38. Mooc squad recommendations • Credit Transfer Process • For-Credit MOOC-Like Courses • MOOCs for Public Relations and Recruitment • Develop Processes to Streamline Quality for all Online Courses/Programs

  39. Thank you! Kim Huett khuett@westga.edu Jason Huett jhuett@westga.edu

  40. References • Barbour et al. (2012). Virtual school MOOC: Introduction to K-12 online learning research. Retrieved from http://virtualschoolmooc.wikispaces.com/VSSMOOC12. • Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), 77-101. doi: 10.1191/1478088706qp063oa • Cleveland-Innes, M. & Garrison, R. (eds.) (2010). An introduction to distance education: Understanding teaching and learning in a new era. New York/Abingdon UK: Routledge. • Jonassen, D. (1999). Designing constructivist learning environments. In C. M. Reigeluth (Ed.), Instructional-design theories and models: A new paradigm of instructional theory: Volume II (pp. 215-239). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. • Laurillard, D. (2002). Rethinking university teaching: A framework for the effective use of learning technologies. New York: Routledge. • Spector, J.M. (2012). Foundations of educational technology: Integrative approaches and interdisciplinary perspectives. New York: Routledge.


  42. Purpose • I. Integration into for-credit class structure • Case 1 • Case 2 • II. Leveraging MOOCs to support comprehensive mission of your institution k

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