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Anvil Generation in Relation to Cloud System Water Budget: TWP-ICE Case of 19-20 January 2006

Anvil Generation in Relation to Cloud System Water Budget: TWP-ICE Case of 19-20 January 2006. Jasmine Cetrone and Robert Houze University of Washington. 8 November 2006, ARM Cloud Processes Working Group, Annapolis, MD. Water Budget of an MCS. *. ICE ANVIL. *. ANVIL. CONV. STRATIFORM.

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Anvil Generation in Relation to Cloud System Water Budget: TWP-ICE Case of 19-20 January 2006

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  1. Anvil Generation in Relation to Cloud System Water Budget: TWP-ICE Case of 19-20 January 2006 Jasmine Cetrone and Robert HouzeUniversity of Washington 8 November 2006, ARM Cloud Processes Working Group, Annapolis, MD

  2. Water Budget of an MCS * ICE ANVIL * ANVIL CONV. STRATIFORM MIXED ANVIL * Ese * * * Ac (DZA)I As * * CT Ece * * (DZA)M * Csu * * Ccu HEIGHT Ecd Esd Rc Rs (DXA)M (DXA)I DXS DXA DXC

  3. * ICE ANVIL * ANVIL CONV. STRATIFORM MIXED ANVIL * Ese * * * Ac (DZA)I As * * CT Ece * * (DZA)M * Csu * * Ccu HEIGHT Ecd Esd Rc Rs (DXA)M (DXA)I DXS DXA DXC Water Budget Equations Rc = εcCcuEcd= αCcuAc = βCcuCT = ηCcu Convective region water budget equation εc+α+β+η=1

  4. * ICE ANVIL * ANVIL CONV. STRATIFORM MIXED ANVIL * Ese * * * Ac (DZA)I As * * CT Ece * * (DZA)M * Csu * * Ccu HEIGHT Ecd Esd Rc Rs (DXA)M (DXA)I DXS DXA DXC Water Budget Equations Rs = εs(Csu+CT)Esd= a(Csu+CT)As = b(Csu+CT) Stratiform water budget equation εs+a+b=1 Rain not simply related to condensation

  5. Simplified Water Budget Model * * * * * ANVIL PRECIPITATING CLOUD * Ac + As * * * * DZA * * * HEIGHT Csu Esd Rc Rs (DXA)M (DXA)I DXS DXA DXC * ICE ANVIL * ANVIL CONV. STRATIFORM MIXED ANVIL * Ese * * * Ac (DZA)I As * * CT Ece * * (DZA)M * * * Ccu HEIGHT Ecd Rc Rs (DXA)M (DXA)I DXS DXA DXC

  6. 19-20 January MCS

  7. 19-20 January MCS

  8. 19-20 January MCS

  9. 19-20 January MCS

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  14. 19-20 January MCS

  15. 19-20 January MCS

  16. 19-20 January MCS

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  19. 19-20 January MCS

  20. 19-20 January MCS

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  23. 19-20 January MCS

  24. Finding anvil amounts from water budget equations • Assume portion of cloud system passing over radar was representative of whole system (not true) • Compute total convective and stratiform rain amounts from C-Pol radar (in radar domain) • Use a range of assumed values of the water budget parameters εc,α,η,εs,a (from Houze and Cheng 1981) • Compute Ac + As

  25. Results using water budget Rc=2.8586 x 1012 kg, Rs=6.7226 x 1011 kg Realistic Values, acc. to Houze and Cheng 1981

  26. 19-20 January MCS dBZ Cloud Radar Anvil Stratiform Convective

  27. Finding anvil amounts from MMCR and C-Pol IWP=0.026∆z3.0434R2=0.9101 Thickness [km] IWP [kg/m2] • Find a relationship between cloud thickness and IWP (MMCR) • Compute the average area and thickness of anvil clouds in radar range using C-Pol • Calculate the amount of anvil water/ice (Ac + As) that is in range of C-Pol  Ac + As= 4.2730 x 1010 kg MMCR We’re only getting about 10% of the anvil calculated by the water budget equations

  28. Why such a difference?? 1. The CPol will miss some anvil because of it’s lower sensitivity 20 16 12 8 4 0 00 06 12

  29. Why such a difference?? 2. Above about 8-km, the winds were easterly, shearing much of the anvil to the west instead of it trailing behind the system (i.e. out of CPol’s range)

  30. Future Improvements • Use dual-Doppler velocities, cloud radar, and sounding data to compute other values (CT, Ccu, Ecd, Csu, Esd) to calculate the water budget parameters • Use satellite data to extend water budget to the whole system, rather than just radar area • Use model simulations to help close the water budget • Connect water budget to the TRMM PR overpass • Find other casesJASMINE, KWAJEX

  31. JASMINE India Bay of Bengal JASMINE Ship RadarData TRMM PrecipitationRadar Swath 23 May 1999 0650 LST

  32. Cloud radar on ship shows anvil TRMM PR Cloud Radar Cloud Radar TRMM PR Also: Scanning radar and ship soundings

  33. KWAJEX • TRMM • Scanning C- and S-band Doppler radars • Vertically Pointing S-band radar • Sounding Net

  34. Thanks!

  35. KWAJEX

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