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Salary Planner and Budget Development Dates

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Salary Planner and Budget Development Dates

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  1. Salary Planner/Budget DevelopmentFY10Dawn Watkins- HRdwatkins@montana.eduAmber Phillips-Muir-HRamber.phillipsmuir@montana.eduLiza Heer-HRliza.heer@montana.eduMax Thompson-HRmaxt@montana.eduMegan Bergstedt- Budget Office mbergstedt@montana.eduAllie Olson- Budget Officeallison.olson@montana.edu

  2. Salary Planner and Budget Development Dates Terms Commonly Used • Salary Planner and Budget will be open May 13th to June ____. • Reappointment in Banner: Refers to the insertion of a new fiscal year Jobs record for permanent employees and Adjunct Faculty • Reappointment in Salary Planner: Refers to the EMPLOYEE, if you can see the employees’ name you are in the Reappointment side of Salary Planner • Budget in Salary Planner: Refers to the POSITION (technically owned by the University). A position is not attached to an actual employee. If you can see the POSITION NUMBER only, you are then on the Budget side of Salary Planner • Base Rate: Represents the rate in Banner that does not include longevity for those employee’s eligible for longevity. • The Banner form NBAJOBS: A form within Banner where a position number and an employee are combined to create a job and is the means by which the employee’s paid. • Number of Pays/Pay Factors: Must always be the same and will either be 9, 10, or 12 months.

  3. Acronyms • LoA Contract: Letter of Appointment Contract. This contract pertains to non-classified employees who are considered temporary and need to be reappointed each year. • MUS Contract: Montana University System Contract. This contract is for those employees who are in permanently funded positions. They are reappointed each year. • BoR Contract: Board of Regents Contract. This contract is for Executive employees only (i.e. President). • ECLS (or E-Class): Employee Class. The E-Class is the means by which all employees on campus are grouped into specific classes. These classes then have benefits associated with them per policy. • Each employee class consists of two letters to describe that group of employees. • A% = Administrator • F% = Faculty • E% = Executive • P% = Professional • S% = Salary • H% = Hourly • FTE: Full-Time Equivalent: Based on a 40 hour work week. 40 hours equals 1.0 FTE. For reporting purposes .75 – 1.0 FTE is considered a full time employee.

  4. Scenarios • Reappoint Only Scenario refers to employees that are to be reappointed (so they are paid) but they are not budgeted for. This would include employees on grants or IDC money. • Reappoint and Budget Scenario refers to permanent employees that you expect to be paid and budgeted for in the next Fiscal Year. • BZ Adjunct Faculty Scenario refers to the employees in the FJ employee class who are to be reappointed and budgeted for. • Please remember that all employees on an LoA being reappointed or budgeted for this year MUST be followed up by a reappointment LoA in order for the employee to be paid. • Budget Only Scenario refers to pooled positions such as Temps, Students, and Grads. These are pooled positions that you have not hired specific employees into but need to budget for future employees.

  5. Entering My Info • Click My Info on MSU Home Page • Enter Secure Area • Log in with user name and password • Click on Employee Services link or tab • Click on Salary Planner link • Click on Edit Scenario link

  6. My Info

  7. Reappointment Only ScenarioVerifying employee salaries and dates- reporting • In Scenario Selection • Extract ID = Reappoint Only • Scenario = REAPPOINT ONLY • ALWAYS list by “Position Attributes” • Click “Select” • You may select the org you wish to view as well as the type of employee • Click “List by Employee” at the bottom (ONLY WHEN DOING REAPPOINTMENT!!) • Your employees should appear under the org you have security to. • Once you have made any changes to the employee you MUST TAB OUT of the cell-DO NOT MOUSE OUT. • Once you are satisfied, click on the “Save” button at the bottom. • You may return to the menu (bottom of screen “Edit Scenario”) and do a different group of employees if you have sorted by specific employees. • If you click on an employee and make specific changes, you must save at the bottom of the page and then return to front page and SAVE AGAIN! • Once you have completed the Reappointment process please click on “Download Job Data”. • You may do this with or without the Labor Distribution. REAPPOINTMENT ONLY IS NOW DONE!!!!

  8. If changes need to be made to an employees salary use this slide for assistance.

  9. Don’t forget to download the spreadsheet to double check for accuracy. See the section titled “Let Salary Planner Do the Work.”

  10. Reappointment & Budget Scenario Refers to permanent employees (Classified, Professional, Administrators, Executives and Tenurable Faculty) that you expect to be paid and budgeted for in the next Fiscal Year.

  11. Reappointment Side of Salary Planner (Reappointment and Budget Scenario)Verifying (reporting) employee salaries and dates • In Scenario Selection • Extract ID = Reappoint & Budget • Scenario = REAPPOINT & BUDGT • ALWAYS list by “Position Attributes” • Click “Select” • You may select the org you wish to view as well as the type of employee • You may also sort by a specific employee class if you choose to. • Do so by holding down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and using the mouse the click on the different employee classes. • Click “List by Employee” at the bottom • Your employees should appear under the org you have security to. • You may then return to the menu (bottom of screen “Edit Scenario”) and do a different group of employees. • If you click on an employee and make specific changes, you must save at the bottom of the page and then return to front page and SAVE AGAIN! • Once you have completed the Reappointment process please click on “Download Job Data”. • You may do this with or without the Labor Distribution.

  12. If changes need to be made to an employees salary, use this slide for assistance.

  13. Don’t forget to download the spreadsheet to double check for accuracy. See the section titled “Let Salary Planner Do the Work.”

  14. BZ Adjunct Faculty Scenario Both Reappoint and Budget for Adjuncts • In Scenario Selection • Extract ID = BZ Adjunct Faculty • Scenario = BZ ADJUNCT FACULTY • ALWAYS list by “Position Attributes” • Click “Select” • You may select the org you wish to view as well as the type of employee • This scenario only has those employees who have an FJ employee class. • Click “List by Employee” at the bottom • Your employees should appear under the org you have security to. • If you make any changes to an employee salary you MUST TAB OUT of the cell-DO NOT MOUSE OUT. • Once you are satisfied, click on the “Save” button at the bottom. • To return to the menu click the link on the bottom of screen titled “Edit Scenario”. • If you click on an employee and make specific changes, you must save at the bottom of the page and then return to front page and SAVE AGAIN! • Once you have completed the Reappointment process please click on “Download Job Data”. • You may do this with or without the Labor Distribution.

  15. If changes need to be made to an employees salary, use this slide for assistance.

  16. Don’t forget to download the spreadsheet to double check for accuracy. See the section titled “Let Salary Planner do the work.”

  17. If you do not plan on reappointing an employee for the fall, but the employee will be returning in the spring, follow the steps in the next three slides. If your employee is not to be reappointed and is not returning, please submit a terminating EPAF.

  18. If you do not plan on reappointing an employee

  19. If you do not plan on Reappointing an employee cont.

  20. If you do not plan on Reappointing an employee cont.

  21. “Job Detail” record explained

  22. Budget Side of Salary Planner(Reappointment & Budget Scenario ANDBZ Adjunct Faculty Scenario) • Once you have verified the salary information you may Click On “List By Position” found at the bottom of the page • This should take you to the Positions of the employees. • YOU ARE NOW BUDGETING THE PERSONNEL MONIES • Before entering any information scroll down to the bottom of the page and Click on “Copy Estimated Budget to Budget”. • This function will allow you to calculate the appropriate budget for an employee that is receiving no increase of any kind (i.e. longevity or stipend). If you do have these kind of employees manual entry will work better. • Only click Copy Estimated Budget to Budget once. • Once this as been done, you will then add longevity for Classified Employees and Stipends for Faculty/Professionals manually. • Again, if you click on the position and make a change, you must save and once you return to the main page you will need to SAVE AGAIN. • Once you are satisfied with your Positions being budgeted you may click on the “Download Position Data”. • You may do this with or without Labor Distributions. REAPPOINTMENT AND BUDGET IS NOW DONE!!!!

  23. Budget Only Scenario(pooled positions excluding adjuncts) • In Scenario Selection • Extract ID = Budget Only • Scenario = BUDGET ONLY • ALWAYS list by “Position Attributes” • Click “Select” • You may select the org you wish to view as well as the type of employee • Click “List by Positions” at the bottom (ONLY WHEN DOING BUDGET!!) • Your positions should appear under the org you have security to. • At the bottom click on “Copy Estimated Budget to Budget” to copy over last fiscal years numbers to this year or enter by individual position manually. • Click “SAVE” • Additional manual changes can be done after the “Copy Estimated Budget to Budget” is clicked. • If manual changes are made make sure to SAVE AGAIN! • If you would like too see which employees exist in the position click on the “Employee” link under the link column. • Once you are satisfied with your Positions being budgeted you may click on the “Download Position Data”, • You may do this with or without Labor Distributions. • You then may return to the menu (bottom of screen “Edit Scenario”) and do a different scenario. BUDGET ONLY IS DONE!!!

  24. Let Salary Planner Do The Work Using Salary Planner to extract data and verify accuracy

  25. Using the Download Feature

  26. Using the Download Feature

  27. Using the Download Feature

  28. Sort your data for easy analysis

  29. Look for Exceptions and Inconsistent Data Position types and start dates • 4A positions - Academic Year (AY) Faculty - begin Aug. 1 • 4B positions - Fiscal Year (FY) Faculty – reappointed July 1 • 4C positions - Professional positions • Look for PY employee class – begin Aug. 1 or Aug. 16 depending on the Contract or Letter of Appointment • Other 4C positions - reappointed July 1 • 4E positions - Executives most are reappointed July 1 • 4M positions - Classified Salaried – Reappointed July 1 • 4N positions - Classified Hourly– Reappointed July 1

  30. Sort your data for easy analysis

  31. Look for exceptions and inconsistent data- FTE and Hrs Per Pay • FTE should be consistent with hours per pay and number of pay • 4A 9 month positions at 1FTE = 173.33 hrs • 4A 10 month positions at 1FTE = 156 hrs • 4B,4C,4E at 1FTE = 173.33 hrs • 4M, 4N at 1FTE = 174 hrs • % FTE x Hrs for 1FTE = hrs per pay

  32. Look for exceptions and data that is inconsistent- FTE and Hrs per Pay • FTE should be consistent with hours per pay and number of pay EXAMPLES: • 4A position 9 month at .75 FTE • .75 X 173.33 = 130 hrs per pay • 4A Position- 10 month at .5 FTE • .5 X 156 = 78 hrs per pay • 4M position at .8 FTE • .8 X 174 = 139.2 hrs per pay

  33. Sort your data for easy analysis

  34. Sort your data for easy analysis

  35. Analyze data for inconsistencies

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