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Jennifer Dunn Institute for Community Research Zhang Qingning, PUMC October 24, 2011

长时段看妇女个人对女套的态度和 使用情况的变化 —— 定性 资 料分析 Changes in Individual FC Use and Attitudes Over Time Illustrations from qualitative data. 邓珍妮 美国康州哈特佛德市区研究所 张庆宁 中国北京协和医学院. Jennifer Dunn Institute for Community Research Zhang Qingning, PUMC October 24, 2011.

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Jennifer Dunn Institute for Community Research Zhang Qingning, PUMC October 24, 2011

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  1. 长时段看妇女个人对女套的态度和使用情况的变化——定性资料分析Changes in Individual FC Use and Attitudes Over TimeIllustrations from qualitative data 邓珍妮 美国康州哈特佛德市区研究所 张庆宁 中国北京协和医学院 Jennifer Dunn Institute for Community Research Zhang Qingning, PUMC October 24, 2011

  2. 刚接触到女套时,妇女们的反应以及使用中出现的问题Initial resistance to and problems reported with FC use • 长时段内影响妇女对女套态度的个人和环境因素。Personal and social factors that shape women’s changes in FC attitudes over time • 个案说明 • Quotes and case examples • 妇女们的观点:哪些性伴适合用女套,哪些不适合? • Women’s unique perspectives on which partners they can/will (or can’t/won’t) use FC with.

  3. 资料来源Data • In-depth interviews with: women, establishment owners, community members, project staff and other local health workers, clients 深入访谈:妇女、场所老板、社区内成员、项目工作人员、当地医务工作者和嫖客等 Notes from focus-group discussions • 小组访谈记录 Intervention session observations • 干预过程观察 • Field observations (observations of establishment business and social dynamics, factors influencing prevention concerns, practices and discussion) • 田野观察(对场所特征、影响疾病预防的因素、妇女的行为和观点进行深入观察)

  4. 在凭祥和琼海人类学者对一些能提供详细信息的妇女进行编号,这使得我们能够在一个较长的时段内更系统地追踪和评估妇女个人对女套的态度、女套的使用的变化。在凭祥和琼海人类学者对一些能提供详细信息的妇女进行编号,这使得我们能够在一个较长的时段内更系统地追踪和评估妇女个人对女套的态度、女套的使用的变化。 In PX and QH we started assigning key participants unique qualitative IDs, which allowed us to more systematically track and evaluate individual women’s FC use/attitude changes over time.

  5. Barriers to FC Use (most commonly cited)不愿用女套的一般原因 • FC too big(太大。) • FC too weird, too ugly (太奇怪,丑) • FC too difficult and time-consuming to insert(太难戴,戴起来要花时间。) • FC causes discomfort during insertion and/or sex(用起来感觉不舒服。) • Concern that partner won’t like FC or will think it’s strange(担心男方不喜欢女套或觉得女套太奇怪。) • FC not necessary- already have other adequate prevention methods in place(没必要有女套,其他预防的方法足够了。)

  6. Barriers to FC Use(Related to women’s unique situations)不愿用女套的具体原因 • FC package too big, no place to carry it. Women in hotels and nightclubs go up to rooms with purses too small to carry FC. 女套包装太大,不方便随身携带,尤其是夏天。 • FC insertion isn’t sanitary, requires too much handling. Some women say their clients don’t perceive them as ‘clean’, will be nervous about disease exposure when they see woman touching inside and outside of FC.Women also concerned about potential infection from handling. 妇女担心用手放置女套不卫生。 妇女说一些客人担心她们有病,如果客人看到妇女放置、拿出女套,会让让客人们觉得紧张。

  7. Concern about ability to control proper use throughout sex. Can’t trust client not to remove FC or push it to the side. 妇女担心性交过程中自己不能控制女套的正确使用。 她们担心有些客人会偷着把女套拿出来或者推到里面。 EXAMPLE(例子): P215SH: 女套比男套松多了。和男的搞得时间长一点的话,我自己看不见女套是不是一直都放好了。有些男的把女人当成玩具似的,死劲地抓着你。可能你还没看见,他们就把女套拉出来了,他也可能不放进女套里,放在旁边。男的会骗人的。有些人还会在中间,偷偷地把男套拿下来呢。所以,对那些态度不好的客人,还是不能用女套。这东西和老公用还行,或者和那些能听你说两句话的人用。但是和那些狡猾的家伙,还有对女人粗暴的人,肯定不能用。

  8. Previous points are all valid and logical reasons NOT to incorporate FC into prevention routine. Reasons based on women’s own experiences, and on their understanding of their complex situations, limitations and prevention needs. Why and how do some women overcome their initial FC use challenges, and begin to see FC as an acceptable or even preferred prevention method? • 以上事实有力地说明:由于妇女个人经验以及她们对自身所处尴尬地位、社会条件和防病需求的认识,导致女套并不能成为妇女常规的预防方法。 • 然而,有些妇女克服了女套使用时遇到的障碍,并开始认为女套是一种可接受的,甚至是更好的防病方法,这是为什么?它又是如何发生的呢?

  9. A woman’s FC perspectives and use may change over time for many reasons, including: • she is exposed to new information about FC关于女套的一些新的信息会影响到她们 • she hears about another woman’s positive or negative FC experience妇女会听其他妇女对女套正面和负面的评价。 • she is exposed to unexpected client/partner FC response客人意想不到的反应也会影响她们。 • her situation changes, presenting her with a new reason or opportunity to try FC妇女的情况会发生变化,给她们新的机会尝试女套。

  10. 妇女发现现有的预防方法有缺陷,想尝试新的方法妇女发现现有的预防方法有缺陷,想尝试新的方法 • she finds flaw with one of her existing prevention methods, has new need to adopt new method. • 妇女听说女套有一些意想不到的好处 • she hears about an unexpected benefit of FC. • 妇女得到了必要的帮助,或者自己找到了解决女套使用问题的方法。 • she receives the support necessary to troubleshoot her FC use problems, or finds her own method of solving them • 在场所的大环境里,对女套的态度发生变化,女套逐渐被接受或者在某种程度上融入到场所的预防意识和规则里。 Climate around FC (in establishment) changes, becoming something generally accepted or somehow incorporated into establishment prevention awareness and routines.

  11. Scenarios demonstrating changes in FC use and attitudes: 一些例子: Shift in client awareness of and response to FC (achieved because W1 persisted past some partners’ hesitancy, and discovered some men prefer FC). This shift led to establishment climate change around FC. Client preference for FC became a factor other establishment women were aware of; they heard about FC being an asset, rather than a barrier, to business.客人对女套观念和态度的转变(F302_W1说服犹豫不决的客人使用女套、有些客人更喜欢女套)。这个转变导致女套使用环境的整体改观。客人对女套的偏爱成为了妇女们需要考虑的一个因素。她们认识到女套不再是做生意的障碍,而是一个砝码。 III_F302_W1_090229_JD_EN I use more MCs than FCs, because, in the beginning, clients didn’t understand FC. They thought it was too big and they didn’t want to use it. I told them, this is something us women wear, it’s safe too. It is a more free feeling for you, not tight like the MC. I convinced some to try it like that. But some said they had never seen it before, and wouldn’t use it. Some men don’t like to use MC, and come and ask me if we can use an FC. They like it better than MC, they think it feels looser, more relaxed, and is more enjoyable. They think MC is too tight, and that the FC isn’t tight like that. Some clients heard about FC from their friends who were here, and came here looking for it, they asked me if I had any and if they could try it. 我用男套比用女套多,因为,以前,客人不懂女套。他们觉得太大,不想用。我跟他们说过,这是我们妇女可以带的,也安全。没有男套呢么绷紧的感觉。我这样说服他们用。但是有几个说因为他们没有看过,不同意用。 有一些男人他们不喜欢用男套,他们过来问我我们能不能用女套。他们觉得感觉更轻松,舒服。他们觉得男套太紧,女套不是这样。有些客人第一次听到女套是他们以前来这里,用过的朋友他们过来问我有没有,能不能试用.

  12. P304HA: Had problems with early FC use, and feared clients would reject it. She first used it as a last resort (only when client refused MC), but it became her preferred option. She has discussed advantages with sisters and even later helped them troubleshoot their own insertion problems. FN_P304_100701_JD_EN JD: How did you feel about FC when you first started using it? P304HA: At that time I just used it with a good friend. But it fell out during (sex). I couldn’t seem to get it in right, to use it right. Also, then, we felt unsure to try it because the clients had never seen it. GB: How many FCs have you used in total? P304HA: About 20. JD: So first it wasn’t working well for you, how or when did you start to feel like it was good to use, a good option for you? P304HA: Sometimes the men refuse to use MC, so I would suggest FC. Before, if a man refused to use MC, I refused to do it with him. So after we got FC I still had an option to have sex with him, using that, and to still be safe when he didn’t want to use MC. Safety is most important. JD: So what else do you now think is good about FC? P304HA: With MC, it can get too dry during (sex), and then it breaks easily. I think the FC is better, is safer. JD: Safer because… because it won’t break? P304HA: Right, it won’t break like MC can. And when the man is moving like that (during sex) there isn’t as much friction against your own skin, it’s more against the FC, so it protects you more. With the MC, there is more friction against your skin, and it seems he is poking you up against (your cervix) more. With that friction, and contact, it is easy to feel pain or get hurt sometimes. With FC it is not that way, it is wider, and you avoid all that rough friction and avoid feeling pain.

  13. P304HA: 刚开始用女套时遇到一些问题,也害怕客人不愿意用。她刚开始只把女套当做后备(客人不愿意用男套时),这让她多了一种选择。随后她就和姐妹们讲了女套的好处,渐渐地她也帮助其他姐妹解决女套放置中出现的问题。 FN_P304_100701_JD_EN JD: 你开始用女套时感觉如何? P304HA: 那时我只和一个好朋友用过,但是在做的时候掉了下来。我好像是没有放好,没有用好。而且那时我们不敢用因为那些客人以前从没见过女套。 GB:你总共用过多少个女套? P304HA: 大概二十个。 JD: 刚开始你用的并不怎么好,那你是何时,如何开始喜欢用上它,并觉得它是一个很好地选择呢? P304HA: 有时候客人会拒绝使用男套,以前的话我就会拒绝和他做,现在有女套之后,我还有另外一个办法和他做,同样安全。安全最重要。 JD: 你认为女套还有其他的好处吗? P304HA: 男套很容易变干,容易破。女套不容易干所以更安全。 JD: 更安全因为不容易破吗? P304HA: 对,不会像男套那样容易破,因为在性交时没有和皮肤那么多的接触摩擦,而且不会感觉那么痛。

  14. P304HP decided to try FC again, despite her earlier negative view of it, after having opportunity to hear group of sisters speak positively about it. Her later use attempts were more successful.P304HP决定再试一次女套,尽管最开始对女套有抵触。在她听姐妹说了女套的好处之后,她又试着再用,后来她用的很好。 • GB: 你最近用女套吗? • P304HP: 我上次用了两个,现在可以多发给我吗? • JD: 你什么时候用的吗? • P304HP: 你们上次来发给我两个,前几天,记得吗? • JD: 那个两个之前你也用过多不多? • P304HP: 我试过,好久以前,但是没有用多少,觉得不方便。 • 所以为什么决定再使用? • P304HP: 我听她们姐妹说用的好,我想再用,看怎么样。你们前两天来的时候她们都说那个东西好。现在,大部分的男人会统一用男套,百分之80以上。用男套方便。以前我们不喜欢女套,觉得太麻烦。 • 现在你拿了几个女套,打算还用,为什么现在的态度跟以前不一样? • P304HP: 因为我用习惯了!敢开始用不习惯,但是用了多次以后感觉习惯了,比以前容易放,我会用。 • GB: Have you been using FC? • P304HP: Yes, I have, last time I used 2, can you give me more now? • JD: When did you use them? • P304HP: Just after you gave me 2, that last time you were here a couple days ago, remember? • JD: So, were you using many FCs before these last two? • P304HP: I’d tried them, a long time ago, but didn’t use many. I didn’t think it was convenient. • JD: What made you decide to try it again? • P304HP: Listening to them (jiemei) talk about it, they said they used it well, I thought I wanted to give it a try myself again, and see how it was. • JD: When did you hear them talking about it? • P304HP: Just when you were here last time (a couple days ago, when we spoke with women here in a group about their FC use).They all said that thing is good, so I thought I could try it again. Now, most men agree to use MC. More than 80% agree to use MC. Using MC is easy. At first we didn’t like FC, we thought it was too complicated. • JD: So just now you took more FCs, and plan to use more… why do you feel differently about it from before? • P304HP: Because I got used to it. At first I wasn’t used to it. But after using it more times I felt like I was used to it, that it was easier to insert and I could use it.

  15. Through November 2009, P215NI reported that after several attempts at using FC, she did not trust it and would not use it anymore. Other P215 women said after hearing P215NI’s negative FC experiences and having some of their own, they also would not use it anymore.2009年11月,P215NI告诉我经过几次尝试之后,她再也不想用女套了,其他P215的妇女也说通过P215NI和她们自己的尝试,她们也不想用女套了 IDI_P215_NI_090614_JD_EN • I used FC, but I don’t like it. It falls out easily, and it is not convenient. It isn’t secure. It doesn’t stay in one position, so I cant trust that it is working. I used it 2 or 3 times, only with familiar clients. They (partners) said they didn’t think there was a big difference between MC and FC. But I don’t think it’s safe enough. It doesn’t stay in place, so it doesn’t feel secure. • 我使用了女套但是并不喜欢因为它太容易掉了,而且不方便也不固定。他不会固定住,所以我无法相信它的有效性。我只和熟悉的客人使用过两三次。他们觉得使用女套和男套没有什么区别, 但是我自己觉得不够安全。

  16. 8 months later, I returned to P215 to find FC had become an accepted alternative to MC use, even just in rare occasions. P215NI would not likely have gone out of her way to make sure she personally had FC-this scenario was obviously unplanned- but she did find opportunity to use it, IF it was there and available.8个月以后,当我再次访谈P215的妇女时,作为男套的一种替代选择,女套已经被接受,尽管使用的机会很少。P215N1并不情愿找到使用女套的合适方法。很明显,这是未曾预料到的,如果有女套在身边,她还是会有使用它的机会。 FN_PX_100701_JD_EN P215NI came down, smiled an greeted me but seemed in a rush. She hurried up to P215PI and asked her quietly if she had any FCs. She said no, and another woman said she would check to see if she did… the other woman found some on the shelf under the counter, and handed her one. P215NI grabbed it and ran back upstairs. • JD: Oh, you are using these here? I didn’t know. • P215PI: Rarely. Sometimes, just when those men don’t want to use MC, we suggest to them they can use FC. • JD: Do they usually agree? • P215PI: When we suggest it they usually do, but that is really just once in a while. • JD: So, that guy she is with upstairs now wanted to try it? • P215PI: He probably wanted to just give it a try, and see how it is. • JD: So maybe she suggested to him that they use FC? • P215PI: Probably he didn’t want to use MC, so she told him they could use this instead. P215NI下来,对我笑了一下并和我打招呼,但看起来很赶时间。她跑着去问她朋友是否有女套,她朋友说没有,另外一个朋友说她看看是否有。那个女人在架子上找到了一个,她拿着跑回楼上。 JD: 你们这里还用女套吗?我不知道了。 P215PI: 偶尔,只是男人不愿意戴男套的话,我们告诉他们,可以用女套。 JD: 他们一般会同意吗? P215PI: 一般会,但是这样情况小。 JD: 所以咯上那个人肯能想用吗? P215PI: 肯能他喜欢试试看怎么样,肯能不喜欢戴男套,所以她说他们可以替代用女套。

  17. P310 women share negative FC use experiences with each other, but also discuss possible advantages and interest in continuing to try it.P310妇女讨论用女套时不好的经验,同时也讨论用女套的可能有利的一面和继续使用的兴趣。 • P310WA:我告诉他会很有趣,我们试一下吧,但是没有成功因为套子掉出来了。我用过五个,一些是和男朋友,一些是和别人,他们都不喜欢。我觉得如果性交的时间短可以。但是掉出来的太快了,所以如果性交的时间很长就不好用。 • P310SU:当我戴上去时感觉很疼。 • W3: 我不觉得疼,但花了很长时间他才完事。其他人也说她们也遇到同样的问题吗? • P310SU:我拿不住它并把它放进去因为太滑了。W3: 我不知道其他的女人是否也用。 • P310SU:我觉得可能会用吧。 • W3: 我们用的时候,用到一般就换用男套。 • P310SU:男套很好,它不会掉下来,或者被挤到里面。女套怎么比男套差那么多? • P310WA:因为没有人习惯于用它,但它可能会有一些好处。 • P310SU:男套很薄,对男人来说更好因为他们感觉会更强烈。 • JD:你们还会再一次使用吗? • P310WA:会试试,情多给我几个。 • P310SU:女套分不同大小吗,像男套那样。 • P310WA:如果一个人用习惯的话会很好。 • W3男人确实觉得它很丑。 • P310SU:是啊,但是谁在乎啊?做玩乐就直接扔掉了!这并不是问题,唯一的问题是很不舒服。 • FN_P310_090610_JD_EN • P310WA: I told him, this can be fun, let’s try it out. But we didn’t succeed because it was falling out. I’ve used 5, some with my boyfriend and some with other people. None of the men liked it. I think if the sex is short, it can be ok. But it falls out too fast, so it doesn’t work if sex lasts longer. • P310SU: When I put it in, it really hurt. • W3: It didn’t hurt me at all. It was taking him too long to finish. Do other people say they have that problem too? • P310SU: I can’t really get a hold of it, keep a hold of it to insert it. It’s so slippery. • W3: I don’t know if other women are using this. • P310SU: I think they probably are. • W3: When I tried it, I switched and we used MC for the rest of the time instead. • P310SU: MC is good, it won’t fall out, or get pushed inside. How can FC be so much worse than MC? • P310WA: Because no one is used to it. But it might have some advantages. • P310SU: MC is so thin, better for the man because he can get more feeling. • JD: Will any of you try it again? • P310WA: I’ll try it again. I still have one here, but I’ll take some more (I gave her 4 more). • P310SU: Does FC come in different sizes? It should. MC does. • P310WA: If one could get used to it, it could be good. I think it will be good. • W3: Men do think it is really ugly. • P310SU: Yes, but who looks? Just do it (sex) and then throw it away! That isn’t the problem, just that it is uncomfortable.

  18. 6 months later, 2 of the same women regularly use and even prefer FC.两个月以后,两个妇女经常用女套,还会说女套比男套好。 P310SU: January 2010 Next we taught the AIDS knowledge. According to her answer, we found she did not have a good awareness of the knowledge. After we finished talking, we asked,’ How about the female condoms you used? ‘She said,’ The FC is good and even better than male condoms. I asked, ‘How many FCs had you probably used?’ GB discussed it with her together and she said,’ I had used about ten.’ She took ten more FCs this time. 接下来是讲AIDS知识吗,跟据她的回答,对知识掌握的不是很好。讲完之后,我们问:“女套你用的怎么样了?”她说:“女套蛮好的,感觉比男套还好,”我问:“你大概用了多少个女套了?”GB跟她一起讨论了一下,她说;“大概用了10个这样了,”这次她领了10女套。

  19. Q203HU had initial negative partner FC response, but new (to her) information about solving use problems has renewed her interest in trying it again. FN_Q203_101012_JD_EN • Q203HU walked in the room, and seeing the FCs that were out exclaimed ‘Oh, that thing isn’t good, I used it and he didn’t like it!’. • JD: He didn’t like it? What did he say about it? • Q203HU: He said it was too dry! That there wasn’t enough lubrication on it and so it was kind of painful. He said he felt like he was going to pull it out because it was too dry, with the friction, he felt like it would just get pulled out. • JD: So did you take it out, or finish with it? • Q203HU: We finished with it. Actually that time we didn’t have any MCs around, I only had this. So we used it. But he didn’t like it. • JD: How did you feel about inserting it? Was it hard? • Q203HU: A little complicated but not too bad. I felt like I got it in ok • JD: Well that’s good you could insert it without too many problems. The problem you had is actually easy to fix, you can just add some extra lubrication, however much you or he needs. If you feel like you need more, put it on the outside of the FC, or inside it or directly on his penis if he needs more. They both seemed interested in and receptive of this suggestion, and asked if I had any lubrication I could give them. I said I didn’t, but would talk with staff about maybe being able to distribute some to them. • Q203HU: I guess that could help, that way I can try it again.

  20. As these examples illustrate, many significant changes in women’s FC attitudes occur outside of intervention sessions, during natural interactions with their partners or peers. Facilitating continued conversations between women about FC use experiences, and maintaining basic access to FC, are significant in increasing potential that women try it again, and that they may find a valuable place for it in their prevention routines. • 这些例子表明,妇女对女套态度的明显变化并不是仅仅发生在干预过程中,而是发生在与她们的性伴或姐妹的自然交流时。促进妇女之间关于女套使用经验的持续讨论,以及保证她们随时得到女套。这会增加妇女再次尝试使用女套的可能,并逐步发现将女套当做经常使用的预防方法是有价值的。

  21. Women’s unique determinations for which kinds of partners they can/will (or will not) use FC withand other factors related to FC partner negotiation妇女们的观点:哪些性伴适合用女套,哪些不适合?

  22. FN_QH_JCY_110526_QN_ET • Q311LI坐在自己的房门口,很久都没有看到她了。QC给了她男套后,我问她还要不要女套。她摇摇头说,那个不要,不方便的,嫖客来了,还要在那弄,弄半天,也不可能早早就带上吧。QL说,女套是可以提前放好的。Q319LI说,我是说实话的,我们做这个生意也不容易的。他(嫖客)看你戴套,他还说你肯定有病,他就不愿意跟你做了。我说发给你的女套,你用了吗?她说用了,回家和老公用的。我问用了几个,她说,六个,那女人用的套子也就回家和老公用用还可以。QL说,我们再发给你几个。她说,那就拿几个吧。 • Q311LI sat on the doorway of her house. I had not seen her for a long time. After QC gave her MCs, I asked her if she need any FCs. She shook her head and said: no. it’s not convenient, when a client comes, if I used FC, I have to use more time to insert it. I won’t insert it earlier . QL said: it can be inserted ahead. Q319LI said: I am telling the truth, we are not easy to do this job. When guests see you use FC, he may guess you are sick, and then he won’t have sex with you. I asked her if she used FCs we handed out to them. She said yes, she used it with her husband at home. I asked her how many she used. She said six, and that FCs could only be used at home with husbands. QL said: we want to hand out more FCs to you. She said: OK, I’ll take some then.

  23. III_F302_W1_090229_JD_EN • Some guys that are too young, they are scared to try the FC. They look at it and think it doesn’t look safe- that it looks too loose, too easy to move around or fall out. The men who are older, they have some more experience, are more mature, and can listen and understand better when you explain it to them. • 有些男人太年轻,不敢使用女套,他们觉得女套看起来并不安全。看起来太松,容易活动或者掉出来。年纪大一点的男人经验更丰富,更成熟,你解释给他们听时能理解的更好,更容易接受。

  24. FN_P215_090831_B_JD_EN • P215SH: Well,(using FC successfully) depends on if you know how to talk to him (sex partner) well. But also, men can trick you. Some just take the MC off during sex, secretly, without you knowing. FC, they could just push it to the side, and put their penis in on the side. It could be a good product to use with a husband, someone you can talk slowly with, who will listen. But not with these men who are tricky and treat women roughly. • 使用女套的成功与否取决于你如何和他谈这个问题。有些男人会骗,在性交时趁你不注意时偷偷把男套拿掉。用女套时他们也可以用阴茎把女套挑到一边,然后从令一边插进去。和丈夫一起用时,女套会是一个不错的选择,和在一起容易交流的人。而不是和那些会骗女人对女人不好的人。

  25. P308ZE: With men who have a bigger penis, I will try to use it with them. Men who have a smaller penis, they can use an MC. But men with a bigger penis, sometimes it’s hard to get an MC on all they way, and they don’t want to use it because it feels tight, too constricting for them. I think maybe FC can feel better for men like that. So I will see, when a man is bigger, I will tell him we can use FC instead, and see if he likes it. • 和阴茎比较大的男人,我会选择用女套。阴茎比较小的男人可以用男套。但是阴茎大的男人,套不会完全戴上去,而且他们不喜欢用因为他们觉得太紧了。很束缚。所以我觉得女套更适合那样的男人。所以如果那个男人的阴茎很大,我会告诉他我们可以改用女套,试一下看他是否喜欢。

  26. IDI_Q208_JJ_101103_JD&QN_EN Q208JJ: I’ve used FC with my boyfriend, a lover, and a client. They are really like it, say it feels like using no condom at all! My boyfriend told me to go and buy more, but I explained to him that we only get FCs when you come to teach class. He just wants to use FC now, me too. I wouldn’t introduce FC to any unfamiliar clients, only people I know well. That client I used it with, he is a familiar client, we get along well so I felt comfortable talking with him about it and he was really happy with it. I would feel kind of awkward trying to explain it to someone I don’t know well. 我和男朋友,一个情人,一个客人在一起时用过女套。他们都很喜欢,说感觉就和不戴套一样。我男朋友让我去多买一点,我解释给他说只有你们过来上课时才发给我们女套。现在他只想用女套,我也是。我不会向不熟悉的客人介绍用女套,只和熟悉的人。和我用女套的那个客人是一个老客,我们关系很好,所以我向他介绍女套时很说的开,他也很乐意试一下。如果和我不熟悉的人介绍女套我会觉得很尴尬。

  27. IDI_Q203_AT_101103_JD_EN • With my boyfriend, it wasn’t hard to insert. Actually, he helped me put it in! (giggling). He liked that too, I mean it’s something new for both of us! When we were using it, he said it felt a little thick..he felt like it was a little annoying, this extra stuff that could kind of bunch up. But I felt like the feeling was good for me! He and I always use condoms together. • With my lover, I just inserted it myself, I didn’t have him help me insert it. It’s different with my lover; I’m not as comfortable with him as I am with my boyfriend, not as free, so I would feel embarrassed asking him to insert it for me. I’m not with him as often as I am with my boyfriend, just sometimes for fun. He also didn’t like FC as much as MC. He is one who likes to move a lot during sex, more than my boyfriend. He also likes to move and try different positions a lot. So he thought the FC interfered more with that, to get outside of it to change around and then back in it again. He said that if somehow that outer ring could stick down against my body more securely, than it would be better. But the outer ring kind of moved around, and that made it more difficult for him to insert himself every time, it got in the way. 和我男朋友在一起时,并不难放进去,实际上,他帮我放进去(笑着说)。他也很喜欢,这对于我们来说是一件新鲜的事情我么做的时候,他说他觉得女套感觉很厚。。他觉得很讨厌,那个多余的东西总是弹上去。但是我觉得感觉不错!我们在一起时每次都回用套。 和我情人时,我就自己戴上,我没有让他帮我放。和情人在一起时感觉不同,和情人在一起时的感觉并没有和男朋友在一起的感觉一样放松,舒服。我和他在一起的时间并没有和我难朋友的时间多,只不过偶尔为了开心。他也觉得女套没有男套好。他在性交时比我男朋友要喜欢换很多姿势,他觉得女套用起来干扰性很大,每次都要拿出来(阴茎)再放进套里面。他说如果外环能固定在我的身体外面就更好了。

  28. IDI_P310_WA_100702_JD_EN • JD: How do you decide who to use FC with?P310WA: I just use it with men who don’t take too long during sex, if they are fast.JD: How do you know if they will be fast or slow?P310WA: I just ask them, and they tell me if they think they will be fast or slower. I also use it with men who say they can’t use MC. JD: What are their reasons, that they can’t use MC? P310WA: They just say it won’t feel as good, or they won’t be able to get it (orgasm) with MC. But if they take too long it won’t work, we can’t use FC.JD: What will happen if you use FC and they take too long?P310W: It won’t be successful.JD: Successful how? P310W: It will fall out, before they are finished, and that is irritating. JD:你怎么样决定和谁在一起时你带女套呢? P310WA: 我只和做的比较快的男人时才带 我问他们,他们会告诉我他们会来的快还是慢。我也会和那些不会用男套的人一起用。 JD:他们不能用男套的原因是什么? P310WA: 他们说带男套的感觉不好,或者是带男套时不会来高潮。 但是如果做的时间太长我们不会用女套,因为它会在他们来高潮之前掉下来,那样很讨厌。

  29. 男的说不用男套时,妇女主动说自己戴女套。 P214HO:那个放起来还是麻烦呢。第一个客人说不带套,我就说,你不带,我带行不,他说行,完了之后我问他,他说挺好的,因为男的(男套)那个他戴上紧紧的,女的(女套)就不会这样。我和第二个客人说现在有个新产品,你要不要试试,他说行。用了以后他说没感觉,就是那个太厚了。第二个我也没有放好,顶着有一点疼。第三个客人也是说不带套,我就说,你不带我带行不行,我就带了。男人就是要刺激,那个女套要是能让他们舒服的话就好了。其实我觉得女用的(女套)挺好的,就是保护我们女人的。有些男人就是不用套,他们说是过敏。用不了。

  30. IDI_P402_DA_090818_ QN&LF_ ET P402DA:我知道呢,男套还不是有些人用的不舒服。我觉得你们能不能在宾馆里放一些(女套),那些男的可能就会试。光是我们说还是不行。最好还是能放一些,如果不行,你们先放小卡片试一下,有些人也会看呢。这比我们自己给客人说要好。有些人做完之后他都不让我们帮他取(套)下来,我们说,我来帮你丢吧,他们会说,不用你,我自己来。都是他们自己取。他们很小心的,我们要是带个女套,他们以为我们想要干什么呢…大多数人都会这样。所以说,在他们完全不知道FC的情况下,去跟他们说,不会同意的。如果你们能放在宾馆里,他们看到了,我们这时候再去说,他们想用的机会就大得多了. P402DA:I know, there are some people who don’t feel good using MC. I wonder if you could put some FCs in the hotel rooms, then maybe those men would try it. If it is just us telling them about it, that doesn’t always work. It would be best if you could put some in the rooms, if you can’t do that, at least you could put project cards there about it, and people could look at those. That is better than just us telling clients about it. Some men, after we finish, don’t even let us help him take off the MC, we say ‘I’ll help you throw it away’ and he answers ‘You don’t need to do it, I’ll do it myself’, they all want to do it themselves. They aren’t trusting (in us), if we use FC, they will suspect we are up to something… most of them are like this. So, in situations where they don’t know anything about FC, and we tell them about it, they won’t agree. If you put FC in the hotel rooms, they will see it themselves, then if we suggest it, there will be a much greater chance they will want to try it.

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