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For this, youu2019ll have to all the tips and tricks about makeup. It doesnu2019t matter if youu2019re a beginner or a professional, these tips will be the kind of hacks you never knew you needed.<br><br>Weu2019ve gathered some of the most trending and useful tips and tricks for basic and natural makeup.<br><br><br>1- The primer should go with the foundation<br>2- Spoon for mascara<br>3- Concealer on eyelids<br>4- Heat-up eyelash curler<br>5- Avoid peach fuzz<br><br>When youu2019re a makeup beginner, you have no idea what to do with all these things.
AleucoBeautyStudio MostTrending and useful Tips and Tricks for Basicand NaturalMakeup @aleucobeautystudio
“Visitingthesalonisahasslethatmost people don’t want to go through for functions. Traveling alone would waste alotofyourtimewhichmeansknowing a bit about make-up can save you time as well. For this, you’ll have to all the tips and tricks about makeup.”
MakeupHacks KnowBasic MakeupTips andTricksYou CanDoatYour Home!
1-The Primer Shouldgo withtheFoundation Primer is a life saver for girls who use makeupintheirdailylives.Ifitdoesn’t gohandinhandwithyourfoundation,it wouldn’tblendeasily.Makesurethatit goesamazinglywithyourfoundationso youcanhavealovelybasefinishing.
2- SpoonForMascara This is a major hack for beginners that will make blending the makeup pretty easy. Use a spoon to put on your mascara with careful precision.Thiswayitwouldn’t befoundonyourlids.
Sometimesdoingsomethingdelicatelylike applyingmascaracanleaveyourhandsseeming shaky.Thiscanruinalltheeyemakeupyou’ve donebeforeapplyingyourmascara, making themblackandrunny.Justplaceaspoonabove youreyelidandrunthemascaraacrossyour eyelashes.You’llbedoneinhalfaminute.
3-ConcealeronEyelids For brown girls, it’s a struggle to have dark under-eyes along with dark eyelids. This always temptsustocoverbothof them with a concealer or foundation.
4-Heat-upEyelash Curler Have a problem with your eyelashcurlernothavinga lasting effect on your eyelashes? Just curl up the tool with a hair dryer by blastinghotaironit. However, you should be carefulwhenyouapplyitto youreyelashes.
5-AvoidPeachFuzz Most ofushavesmallhairs on ourfaces. Whenapplyingfoundationdoitina downwardstroke.Ifyoudoit in an upwardstroke,itwillchangethe directionofallthehairs, givingyoua peach fuzzlook.
WrappingUp! Whenyou’rea makeup beginner,youhavenoideawhattodo withallthesethings.You’llhavetobeopentoalloptionsand trickstomakeiteasierforyoutoapplymakeup.Allofthebasic makeup tipsandtricksmentioned abovearethebestwaysyou canapply makeup toyourself.
ThankYou HairandMakeupArtistLasVegas HairandMakeupArtistLosAnegeles HairandMakeupArtistSanDiego