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UWE. Life. Gunnar . Ben . Dushyant. Introduction. The App. Design Process. [[image]]. Design Principles. Aesthetics Anticipation Autonomy Color Consistency Defaults Discoverability Efficiency of the User Explorable Interfaces. First Principles of Interaction Design.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. UWE Life

  2. Gunnar . Ben . Dushyant

  3. Introduction

  4. The App

  5. Design Process

  6. [[image]]

  7. Design Principles

  8. AestheticsAnticipationAutonomyColorConsistencyDefaultsDiscoverabilityEfficiency of the UserExplorable Interfaces First Principles of Interaction Design Human Interface Objects Latency Reduction LearnabilityMetaphors, Use ofProtect Users’ WorkReadabilitySimplicityStateVisible Navigation

  9. Trenchard-Seys’ Shortlist Match Experience & ExpectationsConsistencyFunctional MinimalismCognitive loadEngagementFunctional LayeringControl, Trust & ExplorabilityError Prevention, Detection & RecoveryAffordanceHierarchy of Control

  10. Match Experience & Expectations

  11. [[image]]

  12. Feedback & Iterative Design

  13. Labelling

  14. Priority & Storability

  15. Mapping

  16. Individual Approaches

  17. Gunnar [[image]]

  18. Ben [[image]]

  19. DushyantSeductive Design Approach & Engagement Factors Low Bounce Rate High Adoption Visible Differences Over Competition High Referral Value Functional – Reliable – Usable – Convenient

  20. DushyantSeductive Design Approach & Engagement Factors Pleasurable – memorable experience worth sharing

  21. DushyantSeductive Design Approach & Engagement Factors Meaningful – has personal significance

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