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Kindergarten Content in NGSS

Kindergarten Content in NGSS. Fundamentals and applications. Pedagogy and Andragogy.

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Kindergarten Content in NGSS

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  1. Kindergarten Content in NGSS Fundamentals and applications

  2. Pedagogy and Andragogy Andragogy as a study of adult learning originated in Europe in 1950's and was then pioneered as a theory and model of adult learning from the 1970's by Malcolm Knowles an American practitioner and theorist of adult education, who defined andragogy as "the art and science of helping adults learn" (Zmeyov 1998; Fidishun 2000). What do you mean by 'adult learning principles'? • Adults are internally motivated and self-directed • Adults bring life experiences and knowledge to learning experiences • Adults are goal oriented • Adults are relevancy oriented • Adults are practical • Adult learners like to be respected http://www.qotfc.edu.au/resource/?page=65375

  3. Discussion In what ways are the practices that are appropriate for andragogy and pedagogy alike and different? Adult learning principles • Adults are internally motivated and self-directed • Adults bring life experiences and knowledge to learning experiences • Adults are goal oriented • Adults are relevancy oriented • Adults are practical • Adult learners like to be respected

  4. Pedagogy Effective pedagogy • equips learners for life in its broadest sense. • engages with valued forms of knowledge. • recognizes the importance of prior experience and learning. • requires learning to be scaffolded. • needs assessment to be congruent with learning. • promotes the active engagement of the learner. • fosters both individual and social processes and outcomes. • recognizes the significance of informal learning. • depends on the learning of all those who support the learning of others. http://www.tlrp.org/themes/themes/tenprinciples.html

  5. What It Means to Learn Science The NRC report Taking Science to Schoolconcluded that proficiency in science is multifaceted and therefore requires a range of experiences to support students’ learning. That report defined the following four strands of proficiency, which it maintained are interwoven in successful science learning: • Knowing, using, and interpreting scientific explanations of the natural world. • Generating and evaluating scientific evidence and explanations. • Understanding the nature and development of scientific knowledge. • Participating productively in scientific practices and discourse. Framework, p. 251.

  6. Some Assumptions for Today • Adults can learn content through direct instruction—even lecture • Content knowledge is important—a teacher does not have to know all the science in the world, but needs to know the science being taught • It is a good idea for the teacher to know more content than will be shared in the lesson • It is a good idea for the teacher to know some likely misconceptions and how to address them • It is a good idea for the teacher to know what sorts of ideas are and are not age appropriate • Some modeling of pedagogy is valuable, but creative teachers are capable of recognizing “curriculum potential” • One of the most valuable resources in education is the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of teachers—not just content knowledge, but also how to teach the content • It is more important to gain understanding than to be right, which means asking questions is often better than knowing answers

  7. Today’s Activities Many great activities are available at: Toys from Trash http://www.arvindguptatoys.com/toys.html Steve Spangler (Experiments) http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/lab/experiments

  8. Coin Centrifuge Spin a coin in a balloon. What do you observe? Spin a hex nut in a balloon. What do you observe? How are they alike? How are they different? http://www.arvindguptatoys.com/toys/deatofwell.html

  9. Is it a “model”? • Models are used often in science to explore ideas that are in some way(s) inaccessible to direct exploration—too big, too small, too fast... • Models are often used in science education to explore ideas that are in some ways inaccessible. • There are some scientific models (e.g., molecular models) that are worth teaching because of their widespread use in science. • Models have a real-world referent—that is, a model is “of a real thing”. • Models are imperfect. All models are like the real thing in some ways, and unlike the real thing in some ways. • Some things that we make with students are “devices” or “apparatuses”, but not all things we build are models. • Some models are so poor that they are more harmful than helpful in conveying meaningful concepts to children.

  10. Questions • What forms of energy do you observe? • What causes the object in the balloon to slow down? • What evidence is there that energy is changing form?

  11. Concepts • Forces • Friction • Gravity • Mass • Weight • Volume • Capacity • Area • Energy • Kinetic Energy • Potential Energy • Transformations • Inertia

  12. Newton’s Three Laws of Motion • Every object in a state of uniform (straight line) motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it. This can include the lack of motion. (Intertia) • The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force Fis F = ma. • For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Which of these applies to the balloon? (Hint: They’re Laws.)

  13. Kindergarten Science • Think in terms of wholes and parts, but only visible wholes and parts. What was the penny touching? What caused the penny to start moving? What direction did the penny move when the balloon was still? • Attention tends to move to the most vivid element—may need redirection. What did you see? What did you hear? What did you feel as you held the balloon? • ABC – Activity Before Content – Language is introduced after its need is established; as a way to name experience. The penny tends to move down, just like we tend to stay on the ground. This is because of what we call gravity. Gravity is a force that pulls things toward Earth’s center. The penny slows down as it rolls along the balloon. This is because of what we call friction. Friction is force between any two objects that tends to slow them down or keep them from beginning to move.

  14. Kindergarten Science • Often, the observation IS the explanation. What made the penny slow down? “It rubbed against the balloon and slowed down.” “It went round and round until there was nothing to keep it going.” “It was spinning inside the balloon until it stopped and fell over at the bottom of the balloon.” • Mathematical reasoning is useful, but qualitative aspects are more accessible. The penny went faster than the nut. The penny kept moving longer than the nut. The nut was louder than the penny.

  15. Friction Surfaces • Set up a test so you can put the surfaces in order by the amount of friction between them and the block. • Set up a test to see which surfaces are most slick.

  16. What forces and what direction? • What forces are acting on the block as it slides down the slope? • In what directions are the forces acting? • How are those forces like and different from the forces acting on the same block that is sitting on a table?

  17. Friction Surfaces

  18. Misconceptions • Students think that if speed is increasing that acceleration is also increasing. • Students regard objects at rest as being in a natural state in which no forces are acting on the object. • Students who recognized a holding force, differentiated it from pushing or pulling forces. • Students think air pressure, gravity, or an intervening object (like a table) is in the way keeps and object stationary. • Students think that the downward force of gravity must be greater than an upward force for the book to be stationary. http://www.physicsfirstmo.org/files/Misconceptions.pdf

  19. Misconceptions • Students think of actively moving objects as having impetus within them that keeps them moving in the same horizontal direction. • Students think that an object that is moving horizontally will fall straight down when it reaches a cliff. • Most 15 year olds believe that an object will stop moving even when there is no friction. • Students believe: • If there is movement, there is a force acting. • If there is a force acting, there is movement. • All forces acting on a moving object act in the direction of the movement. • Constant speed implies constant force.

  20. How to find misconceptions • Search online: “ misconceptions” • Visit some favorite misconceptions websites: AAAS Science Assessment http://assessment.aaas.org/topics Environmental science http://beyondpenguins.ehe.osu.edu/ Airhttp://www.chemistryland.com/CHM107/AirWeBreathe/AirMisconceptions.html Weatherhttp://www.csulb.edu/~lhenriqu/NARST2000.htm Mostly physics, but much more http://www.amasci.com/miscon/opphys.html Living versus non-living http://ed-share.educ.msu.edu/PMsum02/almostsmart/AlmostSmart/Research/livmov.htm • Ask the children what they think.

  21. Collisions Build the device. When everyone is ready, drop the device from 10 cm. Describe what happens to the objects. Drop the device from different heights. Describe the relationship between http://www.arvindguptatoys.com/toys/twoballs.html

  22. Collisions -- Momentum Momentum = m x v In a collision, momentum transfers from one object to another.

  23. First Law of Thermodynamics The total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can be transformed from one form to another, but cannot be created or destroyed. (Note: This can be stated in several ways.) But what is “energy”? Energy is the capacity to do work or cause change. Work = force x distance Change is, well…change.

  24. Collisions -- Momentum When the only change in energy is the transfer of momentum, then conservation of energy implies: Momentum before = Momentum after Momentum1 = Momentum2 m1 x v1 = m2 x v2 If m1 is large and m2 is small, Then v1 can be small and v2 will be large. m1 x v1 = m2 x v2

  25. Collisions – in real life Not all the energy transfers as momentum. An object not connected to the colliding object will continue to move due to inertia.

  26. Simulating Forces – Collisions, Pushes, and Pulls • Force and motion basics https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/forces-and-motion-basics • Forces and motion https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/forces-and-motion • Ramp forces and motion https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/ramp-forces-and-motion • Motion 2D https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/motion-2d • Ladybug Motion 2D https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/ladybug-motion-2d • Collision Lab https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/collision-lab

  27. Forms of Energy (One list) Mechanical- motion or position of an object. This type of energy can occur as kinetic and potential energy. This includes large scale motion, but also includes sound and flowing matter. Thermal- the measure of energy in the particles of an object or substance. This type of energy can occur as kinetic and potential energy. Depending on the situation, it can be seen as a special type of mechanical energy (kinetic energy of molecules) or radiant energy (i.e. infra-red) Chemical- Holds chemical bonds and compounds together stored as potential energy. Example: chocolate, wood, wax, cells in your body. Electrical Energy- moving electrical charges. Example: electricity, electrical energy from batteries. Electromagnetic-Radiant energy like the light you see everyday or from the sun. Example: microwaves, radiation, UV rays. This includes light, but also heat. Nuclear Energy- Potential energy stored in the nucleus of an atom. Fission is when the atom splits. Fusion is when nuclei join together to produce electricity. Nuclear power plants use fission reactions to produce electricity. Nuclear fusion occurs in the sun and other stars. Adapted from: www.bisd.us/

  28. Changing forms of energy…

  29. Changing forms of energy…

  30. Changing forms of energy…

  31. Changing forms of energy

  32. Weather Consider ways to describe: Precipitation Temperature Wind speed Wind direction Cloud cover Sunlight conditions

  33. Cloud Cover http://www.globe.org.uk/resources/teaching/cloudmeasure/cloudmeasure.pdf A B D C

  34. Movement of Heat • Weather is essentially the movement of heat from one place to another. • There are principally three ways heat can move: • Conduction • Convection • Radiation

  35. Radiation, Sunlight and Weather • Electromagnetism – there is a relationship between electricity and magnetism. • Electromagnetic spectrum • Solar spectrum

  36. Electromagnetic Spectrum

  37. Electromagnetic Spectrum

  38. Effects of sunlight http://www.windows2universe.org/teacher_resources/teach_icealbedo.html

  39. Solar Radiation and Atmosphere The atmosphere of Earth is transparent to visible sunlight; almost all the sunlight in the visible spectrum passes through the air to reach the surface of the ground. Gases in the terrestrial atmosphere, such as oxygen, ozone, or water vapor, absorb most of the infrared, ultraviolet, X-ray, and shorter wavelengths of solar radiation before it reaches us. http://history.nasa.gov/SP-402/p40.htm

  40. Solar Radiation and Atmosphere

  41. Albedo

  42. Albedo

  43. Solar Radiation and Atmosphere The temperature of the air close to the ground (where people live) is primarily NOT a result of direct heating by the sun. The radiation that reaches the ground is reflected or absorbed. (consider albedo and heat capacity) Energy from the sun that is absorbed is re-emitted, usually as heat. (consider conservation of energy) The sun heats the ground, and the ground heats the air.

  44. Weather – Putting Heat Transfer Together • Radiation  Sunlight heats the surface • Conduction  Surface heats air • Convection  Air rises, carrying heat

  45. Albedo – Remote sensing

  46. ClimateChange Combination of solar influx, atmospheric chemistry, and albedo.

  47. Weather – Putting Heat Transfer Together Air circulation and climate http://www.kevinflint.org/ppt/chap5/Animations/global_circ_anim.html Global energy balance http://earthguide.ucsd.edu/earthguide/diagrams/energybalance/ Moving heat http://www.informmotion.biz/EarthLabs/Moving_Heat.html

  48. Why does the weather matter?

  49. Draw a plant

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