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The New ADO Assessment Tool

The ADO Chart will be the new assessment tool used to develop assessment plans. Faculty can find information and tools for assessing course ADOs on the Deans Web Page.

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The New ADO Assessment Tool

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  1. The New ADO Assessment Tool • Beginning Fall 2007, the 3 Column Chart will no longer be used in developing assessment plans. • The ADO Chart will be the new assessment tool used to develop assessment plans. • Information and tools for assessment of course ADOs can be found on the Deans Web Page under the Associate Degree Outcomes tab: Associate Degree Outcomes

  2. BACKGROUND REMINDERSThe ADO Rubrics Are Guidelines! The rubrics (both developing and proficient levels) are guidelines meant to establish direction and help faculty and students reach a mutual understanding of what constitutes each outcome (critical thinking, group work, computation, etc.)

  3. ADO Rubrics Are Not Assessment Tools! Specific assessments, or measurement tools, for the behaviors, attitudes, and skills outlined in the rubrics will be designed by individual faculty within the framework of their course objectives and for particular assignments. If you have already selected your ADO(s) and level(s) for your course, please proceed to Step 3 (slide 11).

  4. Instructions for Using the New ADO Assessment Tool for Fall 2007First Step: Review the ADOs you have selected for your course. You can find the ADOs you have selected on the Academic Dean’s page: For Gen Ed Courses: Gen Ed ADO Matrix For Non Gen Ed Courses: Non Gen Ed ADO Matrix (Note: If you do not find your course listed on either ADO Matrix, you will need to select your ADOs and level (developing or proficient) and report your selection to Karen Marler, Recorder for the Assessment Committee, at marlerkarenl@jccmi.edu To select your ADOs, review the rubrics at: ADO Rubrics)

  5. Guidelines For Gen Ed Courses • All Gen Ed courses have been assigned a particular ADO which must be addressed • All Gen Ed courses must also address a second ADO

  6. Guidelines For Occupational And All Other Courses • All non Gen Ed courses must address at least one ADO • Program directors must determine that courses within a program or discipline address skills and behaviors at the proficient level

  7. Procedures for Gen Ed Courses Some faculty will choose to meet with other faculty whose courses address the same ADO. For example, all Gen Ed MTH course faculty may meet to decide which other ADO will be measured. This can promote consistency within a discipline.

  8. Or…. Other faculty whose courses have been selected to deliver one of the Gen Ed ADOs may choose to independently select a second ADO. For example, PSY 140 might measure for Scientific Reasoning and ECN may choose to measure for Critical Thinking

  9. Second Step You next need to determine the level (Developing or Proficient) you will teach toward. Note: There are 2 charts available for each ADO (developing and proficient) for each ADO rubric. ADO Charts

  10. At JCC… The General Education and Assessment Committees have established two levels of achievement: • Developing • Proficient These reflect our specific expectations for students in each course. Select the level that best fits your expectation of the skills, behaviors, etc. you expect students in your course to achieve.

  11. Third Step (For examples of ADO Charts that have already been completed, please go to the Academic Deans/Associate Degree Outcomes webpage: Completed ADO Rubrics.) • Select the appropriate ADO Chart template for the developing or proficient level. ADO Charts are on the Associate Degree Outcomes webpage: Assessment Forms • Review Attitudes, Skills, and Behaviors listed in the Developing or Proficient description column. • Change language in the Developing or Proficient column, where appropriate, to reflect your specific course and its objectives and/or delivery of this ADO in your course. continued….

  12. Step 3, continued… • Where Skills, Behaviors and Knowledge are NOT applicable to your course, leave the language in the Developing or Proficient column as it is and leave the Skills, Behaviors and Knowledge column blank. • In the Assignment/Measures column of the ADO chart, describe how Skills, Behaviors and Knowledge will be measured. • In the Success Criteria column input the percentage (i.e., 80%, 90%, etc.) of students you expect to achieve that measure. • Save your work as the course name, number, ADO #, D (for Developing) or P (for Proficient) (i.e., filename: ENG131ADO1D)DO NOT LEAVE ANY SPACES IN FILE NAME. • Send each of the completed assessment plans to Karen Marler, Recorder for the Assessment Committee, at mailto:marlerkarenl@jccmi.edu

  13. Reminders… • All faculty teaching the same course must agree on ADOs and levels to be measured • All ADO decisions need to be shared with adjuncts and all faculty teaching the same course to ensure that the same ADOs are addressed in all sections • All faculty should try to help students develop or become proficient in the ADO selected and at the level selected • Lead faculty will collect and report combined data from all sections of a course for the Student Outcomes column of the ADO Chart.

  14. Syllabi … • New ADOs plus rubric language reflecting your course need to be incorporated into ALL syllabi beginning Fall 07, and shared with adjuncts, and all faculty teaching sections of these courses. SAMPLE LANGUAGE FOR SYLLABI: The course goals and objectives incorporate specific Associate Degree Outcomes (ADOs) established by the JCC Board of Trustees, administration, and faculty. These goals are in concert with four-year colleges, universities, and reflect input from the professional communities we serve. ADOs guarantee students achieve goals necessary for graduation credit, transferability, and professional skills needed in many certification programs. The ADOs and course objectives addressed in this class include the following:

  15. QUESTIONS? Please contact Mark Schopmeyer, Chair of the Assessment Committee, or any member of the Assessment Committee: Mark Schopmeyer, Chair x8563 Dianne Hill x8546 Sue Beerbower x8694 Geri Jacobs x8587 Kristen Buttigieg x8586 Kim Salinas x8535 Anthony Cleveland x8570 Alana Tuckey x8589 Charlotte Finnegan x8409 Pat Visser x8533 Ann Green x 8564 Terri Waisanen x8551 Linda Williams x8598

  16. Timeline Reminder: The deadline for the development of the new ADO assessment templates is OCTOBER 30, 2007

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