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Raise taxes, increase the military, try to regain the glory of the empire

You have just taken over as emperor of Rome after a civil war. There are barbarians invading your borders, and you are having trouble communicating with distant parts of the empire, what do you do?. Raise taxes, increase the military, try to regain the glory of the empire

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Raise taxes, increase the military, try to regain the glory of the empire

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  1. You have just taken over as emperor of Rome after a civil war. There are barbarians invading your borders, and you are having trouble communicating with distant parts of the empire, what do you do? • Raise taxes, increase the military, try to regain the glory of the empire • Split the empire in two, increase role of state in economy & daily life • Sit back & enjoy life, who cares about some frontier provinces?

  2. Fall of Rome & Rise of Christianity Barbarians, Byzantines, & Biblical Folk

  3. When the Romans overthrew their Etruscan rulers, they set up a new government. What kind did they set up? • Democracy • Oligarchy • Republic • Imperial

  4. Rome eventually expanded into a massive empire. In doing so they fought a series of three wars (Punic Wars) with what civilization? • Greece • Persia • China • Carthage

  5. After defeating Carthage, Rome ruled the Mediterranean world for a few centuries. Trade & cultural exchange flourished during this period known as? • PaxRomana • PaxItaliano • Roman Period • Age of Rome

  6. During the PaxRomana, the Republic fell and Rome became an Empire run by single individuals. What things below led to the fall of the Republic? • Corruption & gap between rich and poor • Foreign citizens & natural disasters • Invasions • Military wanted one leader

  7. Today’s Learning Goal • Be able to recall important facts about the Roman Empire and its decline • Be able to discuss & analyze the internal & external factors that led to the downfall of Rome • Be able to write a brief statement defending a specific point of view

  8. Roman Decline (handout: Decline Factors) • Internal factors • Political • Civil wars • Weak leaders • Economic • Inflation • Over-taxation • Social • Christianity • Church leaders took power from emperors • Removed unifying power of Paganism • External factors • Invasions • Barbarians • Muslims) • Economic • Trade disruptions • Trade deficits • Economic stagnation • Size of empire • Military overworked • Cultural Decay

  9. Discussion Break • Get in groups of two • Discuss the following question: Which factors do you believe were most responsible for the decline of Rome? Why do you think those factors were most important? What could have been done to prevent the fall of Rome?

  10. Did the Roman Empire fall or was it pushed? Which factors were more important? • Internal factors • External factors • Combination of both • Rome did NOT fall, it just changed

  11. In Class Writing Question • Based on what you have heard & discussed, answer the following question on a piece of paper (due at end of class) • What was the most important factor(s) that led to the fall of the Roman Empire? Why do believe that factor(s) was most important? What would you have done to prevent the fall of Rome?

  12. How did Rome fall? • After the Republic fell, there were a series of strong Emperors (“The Good Emperors”) & a long series of weak Emperors • As the Empire slowly fell into disarray & decline three Emperors tried to save it by making major changes

  13. Reforming the Empire • Three Emperors who tried to reform the Empire (all were based in East) • Diocletian • Divided the Empire into sub-regions • Constantine (more later!) • Theodosius • Last to rule both halves

  14. Diocletian’s Reforms • Roman Empire is split into two administrative halves • Co-emperors • Eastern eventually based in Constantinople • Western based in Rome

  15. Constantine • Ordered building of the city of Constantinople (A New Rome) on the grounds of Byzantium • Converts to Christianity

  16. Rise of Christianity • Christianity: monotheistic religion founded on teachings of Jesus Christ • Spread through Roman Empire by Paul • Nicene Creed- basic statement of fundamental beliefs

  17. What do you think is in the Nicene Creed? Christians should. . . • Pray every day, practice charity & believe only in God the Father. • Believe in the Trinity, one church & baptism • Read the Bible, pray & go to church

  18. Western & Eastern Rome did not fall at the same time. Which one do you think fell first? • Western Empire • Eastern Empire

  19. Why?

  20. The Fate of Western Rome

  21. Western Roman Empire • “Barbarians” conquer Western Rome in 476 CE • Goths, Visigoths, & Vandals • Who end up adopting Latin, Roman law, & Christianity • Begin development of distinct European cultures

  22. Eastern Roman Empire • Known as Byzantine Empire • Capital was Constantinople (situated between Europe & Asia) • Empire lasted until 1453 CE when defeated by Muslims • Included Balkans, Asia Minor, Syria & Egypt

  23. The Eastern Empire (Byzantine)

  24. The Byzantines: Who are they? • Were more Greek than Roman • Spoke Greek, not Latin • More multicultural • Distinct form of Christianity (Eastern Orthodoxy)

  25. Justinian I (527-565 CE) • Tried to restore unity of Rome • Recaptured much of North Africa, Italy, & Spain • Justinian’s Code • People should be ruled by laws, not whims of leaders • Basis for most European legal systems

  26. Breaking Up is Hard to Do • Christian Church begins to break apart • By 1054 CE political, doctrinal, & geographical differences led to major split • Still have Roman Catholic & Orthodox (which means right opinion in Greek!)

  27. What was the issue that caused the split between Christians? • Whose is in charge (Pope or emperor)? • Are Icons OK? (icons are religious pictures) • The role of Jesus in the Trinity?

  28. The Great Schism • Eastern Orthodox • Emperors played major role in church affairs • Patriarch (appointed by emperor) supreme leader of church • Emperor Leo III (an iconoclast) says they are not • Holy Spirit from God • Roman Catholic • Pope supreme leader of church • Icons (images of religious figures)- Pope Gregory III says they are ok • Excommunicates icon destroyers • Holy Spirit from God & Jesus

  29. Which emperor converted to Christianity & founded Constantinople? • Diocletian • Theodosius • Constantine • Justinian

  30. Which emperor is best known for a legal code that is the basis of modern Western law? • Constantine • Theodosius • Justinian • Diocletian

  31. What emperor split the empire in halves & created co-emperors? • Theodosius • Diocletian • Constantine • Justinian

  32. New monotheistic religion that arose in the Roman Empire, based on teachings of Jesus Christ & spread throughout Empire by Paul? • Paganism • Nicene Creed • Christianity • Islam

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