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EAPN Activity Report 2013: Progress and Advocacy in the Fight Against Poverty

This activity report highlights the key initiatives and achievements of the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) in 2013, including policy work on the Europe 2020 Strategy, engagement with structural funds, and network development efforts. It also emphasizes the importance of promoting the participation of people experiencing poverty within the organization and the fight against poverty at large.

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EAPN Activity Report 2013: Progress and Advocacy in the Fight Against Poverty

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  2. Statutory and Funding • General Assembly, June 2013 • 3 Meetings of the Bureau and of the Executive - • One member of the Bureau replaced • Secured Core Grant for 2014 – albeit reduced and secured project Semester Alliance funding building on existing work

  3. EAPN Strategic Objective 1.1: • Ensure that the Europe 2020 Strategy, the Platform Against Poverty and the Social Inclusion Strategy deliver progress: • Mainstream • Reduce Poverty and Inequality • Funding to Reach People living in Poverty

  4. Policy Work on Europe 2020 • 3 EU ISG meetings (February, May and October) • Toolkit, Glossary, and capacity building for engaging in Europe 2020 • Workshop - EAPN assessment of CSRs and alternative proposals (Feb/March) and follow up • Adhoc CSR Group: Alternative proposals and EP cross-party hearing (May) paved way for EU Alliance • Exchange and EAPN Report on the National Reform Programmes and the National Social Reports • Briefing and response to the Social Investment Package • EAPN Annual Conference - Making progress on poverty and participation (September) - key recommendations, report • Lobbying actions: letters to European Council, EPSCO, press releases, messages to AGS / JER and Annual Convention etc. • Meetings with Andor/Fransen/Barroso/Van Rompuy/EC officials.

  5. Policy Work on Cohesion/Structural Funds • 20% EU money for poverty reduction campaign, with 18 NGOs and lobbying follow up • Joint work with MEPs on the FEAD • Mapping of NGO engagement in partnership agreements/OPs. • Task Force on Structural Funds: Toolkit to prepare members for the shaping 2014-20 OPs. • Preparation of Leaflet on good practices • Engagement with expert groups: CLLD

  6. EAPN Policy Work • Task Force: Eurochild/EAPN Explainer on Child Poverty; joint lobbying & capacity building in Dublin with UNICEF, paved the way to EU Alliance • Task Force: Report on impact of Troika on poverty: Lifeboat or Life sentence, picked up in an EP report; launched in Brussels & Berlin. • 3 new Task Forces: Guidelines for Stakeholder Engagement, Decent Work / Living WageCampaign, Migration & Poverty in Times of Crisis. • 3 Policy Briefings delivered in 2013. • Finalized 2 employment publications:Working and Poor (launched at the Annual Convention) and the EAPN Explainer on Quality Work and Employment (upcoming launch in the EP). • Seminar (120 people) at the AlterSummit Congress - Athens.

  7. EAPN Objective 2.1: • EAPN will seek in a transparent fashion to: • actively engage members expertise • EAPN Objective 2.2.: • provide opportunities for mutual learning, transfer of knowledge in the fight against poverty

  8. Network Development: Learning Forum • EAPN coorganised, with EAPN Estonia and Dignity International, its first Learning Forum. Around 80 participants shared their grassroots work and approaches to fighting for human rights and against poverty across Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America, and talked about the importance of being part of international networks such as EAPN and Dignity Intl. Activists with direct experience of poverty participated in the event. Overall it was a well-evaluated event, with many ideas for changes and follow-up. However, due to funding constraints, the Learning Forum was not budgeted for 2014.

  9. Network Development: MASS • Membership Assessment and Support System developed by the Task Force and introduced by Exco as framework for development of networks with four pillars (1. ability to influence national governments; 2 participation of people experiencing poverty in internal and external workings; 3. development and growth of Networks; and 4. good governance and strong internal democracy; • EAPN Iceland held first MASS peer assessment and support with UK, BE and EE Exco reps (prior to November Exco meeting) • Network Development Seminar on 10 December focused on introducing the MASS in the networks as a development framework

  10. EAPN Strategic Objective 3.1: • promote and strengthen the participation of people experiencing poverty within its internal workings • EAPN Strategic Objective 3.2 • encourage and strengthen the self organisation.. • EAPN Strategic Objective: • ..seek out and promote good practices

  11. Network Development: work with EOs, enlargement, capacity building • Meeting between new Director and European Organisation members to identify ways to strengthen cooperation inside EAPN • Support to EAPN Croatia (meeting in November in Zagreb) and EAPN Latvia in preparing for membership application • Task Force on Training and Capacity Building launched a questionnaire on member training needs and expertise - held 2 meetings and prepared and ran the network development event in December

  12. Participation of People Experiencing Poverty: • 12th European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty - key messages and reports published • Key Contributors to Policy Events: Annual Conference • Increased participation in EAPN working Structures – Task Forces, EU ISG • Secured the organisation of the EU PEP Meeting in 2014

  13. Funding: EAPN Fund actions • First grant to EAPN Netherlands from the EAPN Fund given • First Edition of the EAPN Award organised (see publication highlighting winners) • Loan to EAPN Hungary to help cope with a project transition period • Application from EAPN Greece for EAPN Fund solidarity with National Networks • Conference of SMES Europa supported • Participation in March of the Landless supported (2 PEP delegates from EAPN joined the event) • Ekta Parishad campaign supported

  14. Communication Work • The website of EAPN was constantly updated (www.eapn.eu) • Use of Social Media has grown significantly (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn accounts) • Successful EAPN social media workshop in Dec. 2013, Leuven • 2 issues EAPN Magazine (1° Structural Funds; 2° Welfare States & Democracy) - dropped in 2014 • 11 issues of EAPN Flash • 18 Press Releases were issued • 13 Letters were written to the EPSCO and European Council, and to the Presidents of the EU Institutions • 6 major position papers/reports laid-out and disseminated

  15. Communication Work • EAPN spoke at many meetings where our publications were available and widely taken • Follow up on EAPN’s work programme on communications • Electing Champions campaign: Design, implementation, follow-up and coordination of, coordination and follow-up, design and implementation of communications strategy and tools (website/blog, logo, etc) • Semester Alliance: idem (comms strategy, Website/blog…)

  16. Campaigns • 20% campaign: EU Money for Poverty Reduction Now! From June 2012 till November 2013, EAPN with 19 other social NGOs ran the Campaign EU Money for Poverty Reduction NOW! to back the European Commission's proposal, welcomed by all social NGOs and also supported by the European Parliament, to allocate: • 25% of the Cohesion Policy budget to the European Social Fund and • 20% of the ESF to social inclusion and poverty reduction In the framework of our campaign, we launched a petition on Avaaz.org that collected around 12,500 signatures. • Hearing in the EP – follow-up to Citizen‘s Initiative – Right to Water Led by EPSU • Electing Champions campaign

  17. Projects • Completed first year of EMIN • DRIVERS Project: Drivers for Health Equity - drafted toolkit for organising focus groups on the link between social protection and perceptions of health inequalities • On Advisory Boards of several projects: WILCO, COPE, IMPROVE

  18. Alliances • Social Platform • Joint Social Conference / Alter Summit • EuroMemorandum • Dignity International • 2013 EYCA • Adhoc CSR Alliance and Alliance on Investing in Children

  19. EAPN Key Statistics 2013 • 385 invitations, responded positively to 226 of them, including 73 conferences/seminars where EAPN representatives were asked to speak. • 20 publications (Reports, Position papers, Briefings, Toolkits, Key Messages) • 24 distinct information and promotional materials • Approximately 8200 documents distributed in hard copy • 828 individuals took part in 30 events organised by EAPN at European level - the double of individual participants in 2012. Many of these individuals had repeated engagement in EAPN and their engagement in EAPN has a multiplier effect at the National level. • 11 events were evaluated in writing and over 70% agreed that it matched their needs, and that they got relevant knowledge which they could apply in their own work. • Average figure of 1500 unique monthly visits to our website - half the visits in 2012. • 2334 people receive the EAPN Flash - 844 the Press Releases.

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