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PATHpoints ’08-’09

PATHpoints ’08-’09. PATHpoints : Simple As A-B-C. Definition: VEHI PATHpoints is an employee wellness program that allows staff to earn “Points” for participating in VEHI sponsored Health Promotion services.

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PATHpoints ’08-’09

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  1. PATHpoints ’08-’09

  2. PATHpoints: Simple As A-B-C • Definition: VEHI PATHpoints is an employee wellness program that allows staff to earn “Points” for participating in VEHI sponsored Health Promotion services. • Points:Points are worth money. At the end of the school year, members with Points will get a cash reward. • Matching funds for School Districts:Participating school districts will receive the same amount of dollars as the members. This money must be used for school health. © 2008 VEHI PATH n 2 Prospect St., Suite 5 n Montpelier, VT 05602 n802-223-5040 www.tomypath.com/vehi

  3. The VEHI PATH Care Model • Support: • Nurse Coaching – Working with Chronic Conditions Annual PATH Adventure (Inspiration & Ritual): Goal Tracking Tools Support: Peer Coaching Education: PATH Calendar & other print material Support: Work/Life Counseling Assessment: Healthy Life Survey Support: Lifestyle Coaching

  4. Lifestyle Management Coaches INVEST EAP Counselors BCBSVT Nurses Create a VEHI PATH Account (If haven’t already) Your personal account “dashboard” will look similar to this Here is where it all happens! Go to www.tomypath.com/vehi

  5. VEHI PATH: Healthy Life Survey

  6. 18th VEHI PATHAdventure

  7. REGISTER for the New 10-Week PATH Adventure Don’t forget, you have to REGISTER each year for this program between November and mid- December even if you already have a PATH account… How else will we know what T-shirt size you want?

  8. Tracking Progress All Year Long & Building a Sense of Belonging

  9. PATH: Peer Coaches Course

  10. Peer Coaches Course Putting structure around how we help each other allows us to stay loyal to the plan we each set for achieving our goals. A friend in need is a friend indeed!

  11. Planned Action Toward Health Peer Coaches Syllabus • Learning Objectives • Wellness & Why Peer Support Works • Defining the Peer Coach’s Role • Establishing Mutual Trust & Openness • Six Functions of Peer Support • 1. Setting Goals • 2. Identifying Good Role Models • 3. Eliminating Barriers • 4. Locating Supportive Environments • 5. Working Through Relapse • 6. Celebrating Success • Next Steps

  12. Some Ways To Earn PATHpoints: • Online Healthy Life Survey(deadline Feb. 28, 2009) 50 pts • Annual PATH Adventure 50 pts max Must Register by Mid-December 3 pts/wk + 10 pts to register & 10 pts for finishing • PATH Calendar Puzzlers(5 pts/month) 60 pts max • Healthways Lifestyle Management Coaching 50 pts Must qualify and opt in to receive calls • Working with an INVEST EAP Counselor 50 pts • Online Peer Coaching Course 50 pts • Blue Health Solutions 50 pts VEHI BCBSVT Disease Management or Better Beginnings Note: You must be a VEHI BCBSVT subscriber and you must qualify © 2008 VEHI PATH n 2 Prospect St., Suite 5 n Montpelier, VT 05602 n802-223-5040 n www.tomypath.com/vehi

  13. VEHI PATHpoints Care Model 50 points 50 points 50 points max 60 points max 50 points 50 points 50 points

  14. PATHpoints = Dollars Checks to individuals are awarded as follows: Level I: 50-99 points = $50* Level II: 100-149 points = $100 Level III: 150 + points = $150** ** 150 points is the maximum anyone can earn. * Money will be awarded only in $50 increments

  15. PATHpoints = Dollars Matching Fund Checks: Every dollar made by an employee is matched & given to the SU/SD at year end to build healthy school worksites. The intent of this money is to help keep the workplace culture and environment healthy. Therefore the building doesn’t undermine what the individual works so hard to accomplish with respect to wellness.

  16. PATH Planned Action toward Health Making the Case for Wellness in the Workplace © 2008 PATH n 1 Prospect St., Suite 5 n Montpelier, VT 05602 n802-223-1207 n www.tomypath.com

  17. 10% 21% 46% % Health Care Costs 4 hrs 12% 3.5 hrs 35% 5.5 hrs 35% 70% 5.5 hrs 3 hrs 5 hrs 6 hrs 4 hrs 4 hrs 2.2 4 Lost hrs per day Lost hrs per week Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) 1995-2005 www.cdc.gov; Additional sources include: Summex Corp (now part of WebMD and PubMed), the Univ. of Michigan HMRC and the H.E.R.O study research.

  18. Percent of Americans With Risk Factors And Quality Years Added to Life When Reduced 7-14 yrs 12 yrs 6-10 yrs Up to 10 yrs 10 yrs 2-10 yrs 6-7 yrs 3-4 yrs 4 yrs 3-4 yrs 2 yrs 2-3 yrs Frazier et al,Arch Intern Med. 2001;161:1645; Peterson et. al. University of Michigan; www.cdc.gov; WHO 2006; www.statcan.ca; National cancer Society; www.jneurosci.org/cgi/content/abstract/24/46/10410; www.ecosante.fr/OCDEENG/1.html; Aldana, Steve – The Culprit and the Cure; www.the-hero.org.

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