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European and German Qualification Frameworks

European and German Qualification Frameworks. Design of a Macedonian Qualification Framework Workshop Linköping, October 6-9 2009. We like it…. juicy and spicy and are in need of…. Enjoy your meal. We want (to). Qualitatively Related Learning Outcomes. EQF LLL. EHEA.

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European and German Qualification Frameworks

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  1. European and German Qualification Frameworks Design of a Macedonian Qualification Framework Workshop Linköping, October 6-9 2009 gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  2. We like it…. juicy and spicy and are in need of… Enjoy your meal gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  3. We want (to) gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  4. Qualitatively Related Learning Outcomes EQF LLL EHEA National Level ? Quality assured Sectoral Level Organisational Level Learning Programme Quantitatively Related Credits Learning Unit / Module Quality assured gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  5. Learning Outcomes as Profile of Competences = Qualification • Qualification is the formal standard, which is defined as being the „end“ of a learning path (credential). • It depicts those Learning Outcomes which have been achieved on this pathway (formal learning) • Qualification in the „British sense“ means to be able to do….To this extent Learning Outcomes are what the student should know and is able to do

  6. The Promise What? • A learner can achieve the learning outcomes (LO)designed for a learning activity… LO= „Statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand, and / or be able to do at the end of a period of learning“ How? • by investing time and effort – his workload WL)WL=„A quantitative measure of all learning activities that may be feasibly required for the achievement of the learning outcomes“ gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  7. The Promise • The workload is expressed as a quantitative figure = credit • The achievement is expressed as a qualitative result = learning outcomes • This is documented = Learning Agreement gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  8. Guidelines • The guiding principles for ECTS are the Key Features • The guiding principles for learning outcomes are the Qualifications Frameworks, specified within a changing environment (PESTEL), the capabilities of the learner and the expectations of the society (stakeholders). gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  9. Kick-off question of the Business Group: Do we know what learners should be able to know and to do? How? gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  10. Qualifications Frameworks -Reference frameworks- EU-Commission QFW for LLL Brugges- Copenhagen- Maastricht- Process Min. of Education Higher Education QFW for EHEA Bologna-Process Levels of Qualifications- -Bachelor -Master -Doctorat Levels of Qualifications 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 6 – 7 - 8 Described by bundling learning outcomes according to the „Dublin Descriptors“ with Credits Described by bundling learning outcomes according to descriptors Knowledge and understanding Applying k&u Making judgements Knowledge & Under- standing Skills Competences Communication Learn to learn gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  11. Higher Education QFCriteria: „Dublin Descriptors“ Knowledge and understanding • 1 (Bachelor) [is] supported by advanced text books [with] some aspects informed by knowledge at the forefront of their field of study ... • 2 (Master) provides a basis or opportunity for originality in developing or applying ideas often in a research context ... • 3 (Doctorate) [includes] a systematic understanding of their field of study and mastery of the methods of research associated with that field gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  12. EQF LLL: Readable: horizontal / vertical/ (lateral) - Qualifications: Bundles of LO gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  13. National Qualifications Frameworks Example: Germany gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  14. The German Qualifications FrameworkHigher Education gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  15. DQR LLL gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  16. DQR • Description of 8 levels (also in English): www.deutscherqualifikationsrahmen.de You find the proposal and will see at the bottom of the page the change to read it in English. gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  17. DQR • What are we doing now? • 4 pilots: • Electrical / mechanical engineering • Health • IT • Trade gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  18. The Seven Steps to Heaven Approach • Example: • Business and Management Group • Tuning methodology • developed • in action gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  19. Step 1 • Analysis of existing business study-programmes: Results • Results were later on tested with several other disciplines gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  20. Step 1 Key questions: 1.Which syllabi are the essential characteristics of this degree programme? Without which module would no one consider this as the identified degree programme? Conclusion: Core modules gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  21. Step 1 (cont.) 2.Which areas could be identified – vertically, horizontally or laterally – for further useful studies (profiling)? (vertical: specialisation in a narrow sense = deepening; backward/forward integration; horizontal: interdisciplinary = enlargement; lateral:unrelated diversification) Conclusion: Specialisation modules / major / minor / electives / options gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  22. Step 1 (cont.) 3.What else is needed to understand issues, identify and to express them in various ways? To which extent can a quantitative approach help to explain these issues? Conclusion: Support modules 4.How can I learn and organise myself? How can I present / express best what I want to say Conclusion: Organisation and Communication modules gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  23. Step 1 (cont.) 5.How does theory relate to practice? How can I relate theory to practice? What are the methods? Conclusion: Transfer modules gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  24. Result of Step 1 • Structuring of degree programmes into Core modules Objective of Learning Outcomes: • Knowledge Acquisition and Widening Specialisation modules (level dependent) Objective of Learning Outcomes: • Knowledge Acquisition and Deepening gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  25. Result of Step 1 (cont.) Support modules Organisation and communication modules Transfer modules Objective of Learning Outcomes: Methodology: Skills / Competences to learn and transfer Knowledge acquisition (independent learning), developing and creating gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  26. After Step 7 • Heaven • Which looks like: gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  27. Timing Objectives Mobility Substitute Add-on Resources Type of Pro- gramme Structure Complement Timing Mode of Study Syllabus/ Learning Outcomes Synergy Type Of Student Core Curriculum Learner centred Workload Document- ation ECTS Key Features Assessment Rating User´s Guide Grade Employability Profile QFR Learning Chain QA Recognition Social Dimension gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  28. OUTCOME OF PROCESS: A coherent system based on learning outcomes and competences has been developed Definir Define Analyse Design Incorporate Measure Formulate Identify Consult Build consensus Develop

  29. TUNING METHODOLOGY: learning outcomes and competences Steps in designing degrees: 1. Identification of what is required 2. Definition of academic and professional profiles: translation into learning outcomes and generic and subject specific competences 3. Translation into curricula 4. Translation into modules/course units and approaches towards teaching, learning and assessment 5. Programme quality assurance: built in monitoring, evaluation and updating procedures But: WARNING gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  30. You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig!NQF is more than make-up gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  31. Macedonian Qualifications Frameworks Master the challenge Jointly gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

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