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Genre Guru

Genre Guru. Nancy Aigner 7th Grade Language Arts Gail Collins Differentiation Specialist. VAG Conference - October 23, 2009. Why study genres?. “The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of fiction. . ” (7th SOL). Inquiry into a text form

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Genre Guru

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  1. Genre Guru Nancy Aigner 7th Grade Language Arts Gail Collins Differentiation Specialist VAG Conference - October 23, 2009

  2. Why study genres? • “The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of fiction. . ”(7th SOL) • Inquiry into a text form • Interaction with different texts

  3. Time for Meaning (1995) Bomer “Every piece of writing, every text we read, comes to us both as a text-- the piece it is--and as a kind of text -- an instance of genre.”

  4. Memoir Short story Fairy tale Feature article Editorial Response to literature Poetry Biography Test-taking Book Reviews Historical Fiction Mystery Science Fiction Fantasy Folktale Realistic Fiction Satire Horror Letters Which ones?

  5. Historical Fiction Fantasy Science Fiction Mystery Realistic Fiction Folktales

  6. KUD • Know characteristics of the genre • Understand different genres require different processes • Identify the genre with evidence from text

  7. Learning Centers Why? Flexible Grouping Social Interaction Student-centered Accommodation of varied abilities

  8. What will they do ? • Engage in well-selected texts • Short, high-quality • Reader’s Theater • Investigate and determine characteristics • Discussions • Graphic Organizer = Bookmarks

  9. Science Fiction Bookmark Name: _________________________ Title: __________________________ List the page number and a brief reminder of the genre characteristics you find as you read. Details on Science or Technology of the Future p. p. Set in the Future, Space, or a Different World p. p. Makes Guesses about the Future p. p. Copyright 2004, NCTE/IRA. All Rights Reserved.. Fantasy Bookmark Name: _____________________________ Title: ______________________________ List the page number and a brief reminder of the genre characteristics you find as you read. Talking Animals or Objects p. p. Magical Powers p. p. Medieval or Mythical Elements p. p. Copyright 2004, NCTE/IRA. All Rights Reserved Mystery Bookmark Name: _________________________ Title: __________________________ List the page number and a brief reminder of the genre characteristics you find as you read. Strangeness or Something Unknown p. p. Solving a Puzzling Situation, Event, or Crime p. p. Centers on Someone Investigating Something or Searching for Secret Information p. p. Copyright 2004, NCTE/IRA. All Rights Reserved.

  10. How do we find out?! PRE-ASSESS

  11. “Assessment FOR learning rather than assessment OF learning helps students succeed.”Rick Stiggins and Jan Chappius

  12. Pre-Assessment “Well now, one winter it was so cold that all the geese flew backward and all the fish moved south and even the snow turned blue. Late at night, it got so frigid that all spoken words froze solid before they could be heard. People had to wait until sunup to find out what folks were talking about the night before. Paul Booker went out walking in the woods one day during that Winter of the Blue Snow. He was knee-deep in blue snow when he heard a funny sound between a bleat and a snort. Looking down, he saw a teeny-tiny baby blue ox just a hopping about in the snow and snorting with rage on account of he was too short to see over the drifts.” Genre: ___________________________ 2 characteristics of this genre: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ “A thousand forests had been crushed under the rain and grown up a thousand times to be crushed again. And this was the way life was forever on the planet Venus, and this was the school room of the children of the rocket men and women who had come to a raining world to set up civilization and live out their lives.” Genre: ___________________________ 2 characteristics of this genre: ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

  13. “What do I do with ‘em?” Modify, Adapt, Extend • Horror • Satire

  14. Questions? • Nancy Aigner • naigner@harrisonburg.k12.va.us • Gail Collins • gcollins@harrisonburg.k12.va.us

  15. Evaluation

  16. Distinguishing Genres Read the characteristics listed below. Place an X under the genre that includes the characteristic. Some characteristics may apply to 2 or more genres. Mark an X under as many genres to which it applies.

  17. Distinguishing Genres Read the characteristics listed below. Place an X under the genre that includes the characteristic. Some characteristics may apply to 2 or more genres. Mark an X under as many genres to which it applies.

  18. Recognizing Genres Part 2 Match the title with the genre.

  19. Variations

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