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acute care common stem training in wales

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acute care common stem training in wales

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    1. Acute Care Common Stem Training in Wales Rachel Walpole Welsh School of Anaesthesia Lead for ACCS

    3. ACCS Training Programme Years 1&2: 6 months Acute Medicine 6 months Emergency Medicine 6 months Anaesthesia 6 months ITU Year 3: 12 months parent specialty

    4. Pros and Cons for WSA High novice load ITU continuity Insight for other specialties Net anaesthetic & ITU trainee gains

    5. Where are ACCS trainees? Cardiff Royal Gwent Swansea North Wales: Bangor & Wrexham CT1 & CT2 on same site, usually also CT3.

    6. Who are ACCS trainees? 12 ACCS trainees per site: 4 CT1 4 CT2 4 CT3 Each group of 4= 2 Anaesthetists 1 Emergency Physician 1 Acute Physician

    7. Anaesthesia for ACCS 2010 BASIS of anaesthetic practice Initial Assessment of Competence BASIC Anaesthetic Training Units: Airway Management Critical Incidents Paediatrics (modified) MSF Educational Supervisors Report

    8. Paperwork & Curriculum https://public.me.com/christhorpe Requires Firefox Curriculum Paperwork Information RCoA website: Curriculum p139 for Anaesthesia

    9. ACCS Challenges 1 The Problem Trainee: Communication!!!! No option to progress more slowly Gaps Maternity & Sick Leave Part-Timers

    10. ACCS Challenges 2 Career Changes Discrimination Parent Specialty Teaching & Exams

    11. ACCS Challenges 3 The returning CT2 ACCS Anaesthetist

    12. Educational Supervision Specialty Supervisor for each 6 months of training Parent Specialty Supervisor For career / exam issues Local ACCS Lead Problem Trainees

    13. Who can help? Leads for ACCS each site: UHW – Anton Saayman (ITU) Swansea - Sabine Eggert (ITU) Bangor - Chris Thorpe (An’a & ITU) Wrexham - Chris Subbe (Medicine) RGH - Rachel Walpole (Anaesthesia) Programme Director: Chris Thorpe

    14. Summary ACCS numbers not high But all novices 50% are career anaesthetists 6 months in Anaesthesia Slightly different CT curriculum Timing is a challenge “Specialist” Educational Supervisor advisable

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