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Child Care Benefit

The Child Care Benefit (CCB) is a payment from the Australian Federal Government that you can use to cover part of the cost of formal childcare. Managed and “means tested” by the Family Assistance Office (FAO), this subsidy is subtracted from the overall cost of childcare. <br>http://granville.kidschoice.edu.au/fees-rebates-and-benefits/

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Child Care Benefit

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ➢Kids Choice Granville has been providing quality childcare to the Granville community more than 20 years. We understand all aspects of childcare service and strive to meet the needs of every child and family in our community. ➢Throughout our childcare centre, you will find dedicated and passionate educators who provide a nurturing and secureenvironmentthatallowschildrento reachtheirfull potential.

  2. We create programs based on our children’s interests, to enhance their learning potential. We integrate the following into our educational programs: ❖Early Years Learning Framework ❖My Time Our Place ❖Queensland, Victorian, and South Australian Kindergarten Learning Guidelines We value our guardians’ input and participation in the development of our centre and our children. We encourage to visit our centre and take part in our activities during special events, such as open days, Mother’s and Father’s Day morning teas, and Christmas parties and more

  3. "Serving our community is our mission. It is our goal to remain the leading childcare centre in Granville." At Kids Choice Granville, we implement the Early Years Learning Framework in our programs to help our children reach their full potential. We ensure the health and safety of every child and provide the most environment. Building strong relationships with our children, families and our community is our priority. We design and implement our educational programs maintaining a high sense of leadership, service management, and community. appropriate learning efficiently while

  4. We would love to answer your childcare queries, take you on a tour of Kids Choice Granville, and speak with you about registering your interest in a place for your son or daughter. We look forward to welcoming you to our Centre! Kids KidsChoice ChoiceGranville 6 6weeks weeksto toKindergarten Kindergarten. Granvilleis isopen openMonday Mondayto toFriday Friday6 6..30 30am am- -6 6..30 30pm pmand andcaters catersfor forchildren childrenfrom from

  5. ✓Kids Choice Granville has been serving families in the community for 13 years. We combine learning and play to boost the development ofchildrenunder our care. ✓We support different institutions and events in Granville. Our children develop a close bond with the local Aged Care Facility residents. We maintain a large, naturally grassed playground and fully equipped rooms, for our children to learn and explore. Our strong interest in sustainability and recycling is evident in our very own bush tucker and vegetable garden and we have won the FraserCoast Water and Waste Wise Challenge forthepast 2 years.

  6. 94 Cardigan Street, Granville QLD 4650 Email: granville@kidschoice.edu.au Phone: 07 4121 0122 Fax: 07 4121 0155 Website http://granville.kidschoice.edu.au/

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