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STD s Sexually Transmitted Disease

Four Classes of STD's. BacterialFungusParasitesViruses- NOT curable. BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS. Bacterial Vaginosis. Bacterial infectionYou get it from douching, others believe it is caused by an over growth of bacteria normally found in the vagina.Very Common STD.Symptoms: You may or may not experience symptoms. Known to cause unpleasant fishy odor, sticky, milky thin gray or white vaginal discharge, which causes itching and irritation..

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STD s Sexually Transmitted Disease

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    1. STD’s Sexually Transmitted Disease Bee Busy, Inc.

    4. Bacterial Vaginosis Bacterial infection You get it from douching, others believe it is caused by an over growth of bacteria normally found in the vagina.Very Common STD. Symptoms: You may or may not experience symptoms. Known to cause unpleasant fishy odor, sticky, milky thin gray or white vaginal discharge, which causes itching and irritation.

    7. Candidiasis

    14. Chancroid A sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacterium. It is more commonly seen in men than women, particularly uncircumcised males Chancroid is spread by having unprotected anal, vaginal or oral sex. Some symptoms include: sores or raised bumps on the genitals which eventually if untreated, becomes filled with pus and eventually ruptures leaving a painful sore/ulcer. The bacterial may also infect the lymph glands in the groin. These glands may become enlarged, hard and painful. In Women, ulcers appear on the genitals, painful urination and painful intercourse Chancroids are contagious as long as the person as open sores. The open sores contain bacteria and any contact with these sores can result in infection. Chancroids may be treated with certain antibiotics. The ulcers generally heal within 2 to 3 weeks.

    19. Chlamydia Bacterial Infection Spread During unprotected anal, vaginal, or oral sex. Symptoms: Occur within 7-21 days of infection. Men: Clear thick discharge from Penis, burning during urination Women: Painful Urination, itching, burning or bleeding from vagina.

    25. Human Papilloma Virus Known as Genital Warts. NOT Curable!!! It causes growths of tiny, skin-colored, cauliflower-like warts to appear on the penis, vulva, vagina, and the cervix, in or around the anus or the throat. Spread by sexual or skin to skin contact with someone who has HPV. Symptoms: Irritation or itching in both men and women. HPV is extremely dangerous for women because it can lead to cervical cancer. Warts caused by HPV are treated with an ointment, laser surgery, burning it with acid or freezing it with liquid nitrogen! OUCH!

    40. Gonorrhea Bacterial Infection Spread through contact with penis,vagina,mouth or anus with An infected person. Ejaculation does not have to occur. Also mother to child. Affects mouth, eyes,pharynx,anus and other Mucosal tissues Symptoms: Occur within 2-9 days Men: Pus is discharged from penis and burning during urination. Women: Usually show no symptoms.Sometimes whitish, greenish discharge or bleeding from vagina. Bad Odor.

    44. Is a Viral infection, which causes inflammation of the liver. Spread through blood, semen, vaginal secretions, breastmilk, tears, saliva and open sores. Most commonly spread through sexual contact. Symptoms may vary. May experience flu-like symptoms such as fever, chills, body aches, vomiting and nausea as well as jaundice. The best protection is to get Immunized!!

    45. It’s a Virus! A person contracts Hep C by direct contact with blood contaminated with HCV such as; blood transfusions, injection drug users sharing contaminated needles and sharing drug paraphernalia and also contaminated needles used in tattooing and body piercing. If contaminated blood is present during unprotected anal, vaginal or oral sex, infection may occur. Sharing personal hygiene products (razors, toothbrushes).

    47. Herpes Simplex Virus I & II. Herpes Simplex I is commonly seen around the mouth area, however it can spread all over the face. It can be spread through merely talking on the phone, as your face or mouth can touch mouthpiece on the receiver and the virus can be lying in wait, seeking a host. Herpes Simplex II is known as Genital Herpes. Its transmitted by sexual or skin to skin contact. Symptoms: include painful blister-like sores that appear on and in the penis, vagina, and/or cervix, mouth, pubic area, thighs, and buttocks. It usually occurs within 2-20 days. Also include swollen lymph glands, aching muscles, fever, and headaches.

    60. PID(Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) Caused by a complication of bacterial vaginosis and/or gonorrhea/chlamydia. Sexually active women aged 15-25 are at highest risk for developing PID. A woman’s genital tract becomes inflamed and infected causing swelling, scarring, fever and pain. PID is a major cause for infertility. Symptoms: Abdominal and pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding, discharge and pain during sex.

    64. Also known as Crabs.They are parasites that live in the hair around the genitals. Transmitted through sexual contact or close physical contact (skin-to skin). It can also be passed through infected towels, toilet seats, clothing and bedding. Extremely Contagious!!! Symptoms: Itching, Itching, and more Itching!!! It is recommended to cut the pubic hair and wash all contaminated clothing, bedding, etc. in hot water or dry clean to avoid re-infection.

    69. SCABIES Scabies is a fairly common infectious disease of the skin caused by a mite. Scabies mites burrow into the skin producing pimple-like irritations or burrows. Scabies mites are transferred by direct skin-to-skin contact. Indirect transfer from undergarments or bedclothes can occur only if these have been contaminated by infected people immediately beforehand. Scabies can also be transmitted during sexual contact. The most prominent symptom of scabies is intense itching particularly at night. The areas of the skin most affected by scabies include the webs and sides of the fingers, around the wrists, elbows and armpits, waist, thighs, genitalia, nipples, breasts and lower buttocks. Skin lotions are available through a physician's prescription for the treatment of scabies.

    78. SYPHILIS Bacteria that enters the body through sexual contact, it can also be passed from an infected person through an open cut or wound. Passed from mother to child. Symptoms: 3-staged disease. 1st stage-10-90 days of initial exposure. Leaves tiny hard, red spots at the initial site of contact and usually goes away 7-14 days. 2nd stage-90-180 days. Flu-like symptoms, sore throat, fever, itching.Rash may cover parts of the body . Symptoms may go away and return for Final stage. 3rd stage may affect the brain, spinal cord or heart without treatment. Untreated Syphilis can be fatal!

    94. Parasitic Infection of the vagina in women and uretha in men. Mostly passed through sexual contact. It is also spread through damp towels, bathing suits or wash clothes shared with an infected person. There are frequently no symptoms. Men: discharge from penis, mild discomfort in penis and swelling in genitalia. Women: green to yellow discharge with bad odor, vaginal itching, painful urination, inflammation in genitals. Sometimes in lower abdomen. Trichomoniasis can usually be cured with the prescription drug, metronidazole, given by mouth in a single dose

    97. Reduce Number of Partners Get to know the Person Get tested together Try celibacy Learn about HIV/STDs together Talk to your partner about what you know How many can you think of…?

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