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the progressive era

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the progressive era

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    1. The Progressive Era 1890-1917 Dr. Megan Birk UTPA Eyewitnesstohistory.comEyewitnesstohistory.com

    3. What’s a Progressive? Progressives were normally white, middle class people who wanted reform Any type of reform during this period is considered “progressive” Progressives often tried to force their own concepts of America onto others

    4. Middle Class

    5. Immigration Ellis Island in New York City Ellisisland.org People from all over the world Chinese Exclusion Act 1888

    6. Children 1908-- On west coast immigrants from Asia also increased dramatically. Their immigration was restricted in 1882 in the Chineese Exclusion Act because they were no longer needed for RR building or mining. Many of these immigrants were men called “birds of passage” who came to send money home and originally had no intention of staying. Children 1908-- On west coast immigrants from Asia also increased dramatically. Their immigration was restricted in 1882 in the Chineese Exclusion Act because they were no longer needed for RR building or mining. Many of these immigrants were men called “birds of passage” who came to send money home and originally had no intention of staying.

    7. Urban Boom Cities grow rapidly Poor housing built quickly called tenements In 1850 only 5 U.S. cities have over 100,000 residents, by 1900 36 cities have that many Half the nation lives in a city by 1910 Horse poop factoid

    8. The type of place progressive reformers visited – sent social workers – evaluated needs and faults in people The type of place progressive reformers visited – sent social workers – evaluated needs and faults in people

    9. Work 2/3 of industrial workers made less than $12 a week $15 the minimum for providing for a family Seasonal farm workers came from Japan and Mexico 60% of city residents were immigrants

    10. Sweeper boys in textile factory 1908Sweeper boys in textile factory 1908

    11. The “Gilded” Age A small % of people gained enormous wealth using immigrant labor John Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie decide to donate money Wealthier than any Americans – ever

    12. Theodore Roosevelt Considered the first true Progressive President Served from 1901 until 1909 Used Sherman Anti-Trust Act to bust up big monopolies Food and Drug Act 1901-1908. Also encouraged American expansion into new territory. The FDA and pure food and meat acts brought about by journalists who investigated the seeder side of american life. 1901-1908. Also encouraged American expansion into new territory. The FDA and pure food and meat acts brought about by journalists who investigated the seeder side of american life.

    13. Other Progressive issues Workplace safety Maximum hours-Minimum wages, child labor laws Corruption Temperance (Prohibition) Australian ballots/initiatives and recalls, women’s voting Government corruption sprang from the massive influx of people in cities who needed services. Contracts awarded for profit of politicians. Voters could be lured by favors or drinks. Boss Tweed in NYC most famous “machine” boss. His network lasted well after his arrest in the 1870s. Pendleton Service Act of 1883- to help reduce patronage “spoils system” of political appointments. After assasination of Garfield. Government corruption sprang from the massive influx of people in cities who needed services. Contracts awarded for profit of politicians. Voters could be lured by favors or drinks. Boss Tweed in NYC most famous “machine” boss. His network lasted well after his arrest in the 1870s. Pendleton Service Act of 1883- to help reduce patronage “spoils system” of political appointments. After assasination of Garfield.

    14. Populists Common goal of improving life for farmers Movement begins with Farmer’s Alliance in Texas saw success in state and local elections before going national Follow strong tradition of 3rd party politics – Greenbacks, Socialists Populists gain strength after panic of 1893. 6,000 businesses failed in 6 mo. Third party issues popular on social studies requirements Successfully eventually at getting an income tax passed and an amendment 17th that directly elected senators Populists gain strength after panic of 1893. 6,000 businesses failed in 6 mo. Third party issues popular on social studies requirements Successfully eventually at getting an income tax passed and an amendment 17th that directly elected senators

    15. Foreign Affairs McKinley Tariff alienates other countries by restricting trade The Influence of Sea Power in History by Alfred Thayer Mahan Generally follow policy of isolationism Europeans seeking out new colonies U.S. joins Spanish-Cuban War to uphold Monroe Doctrine (1898) Helps U.S. expand to Carribean and Pacific

    16. Hawaii Island ruled by royal family American investors moved in Business men overthrew queen Pressured U.S. to annex territory 1898 Hawaii became U.S. territory The Supreme Court concluded that this annexation was illegal and the overthrow of the queen wrong – this is what many Hawaiians use today for the movement to separate from the US. The Supreme Court concluded that this annexation was illegal and the overthrow of the queen wrong – this is what many Hawaiians use today for the movement to separate from the US.

    17. Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy Panama Canal Will reinforce U.S role in Western Hemisphere American part started in 1904

    18. Global activity World War I ends spirit of optimistic reform in U.S. Progressive ideals divided – some effective, others not Dominance of middle class ideals and business interests remains Wilson leads US into WWI. During which time (and right after) the last two truly progressive ideas take hold – suffrage for women and prohib. The war takes away the sense of optimism and people begin to reject the heavy handed hypocrisy of the progressives . Wilson leads US into WWI. During which time (and right after) the last two truly progressive ideas take hold – suffrage for women and prohib. The war takes away the sense of optimism and people begin to reject the heavy handed hypocrisy of the progressives .

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