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Kashmir Great Lakes Trek Package: Explore the Himalayan Majesty

Embark on the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek package to witness stunning Himalayan beauty. Discover trekking costs, details, and experience the thrill of great lakes trekking in this captivating journey.<br>Visit us: https://himalayandaredevils.com/trek-details/kashmir-great-lakes-trek

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Kashmir Great Lakes Trek Package: Explore the Himalayan Majesty

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  1. 6 Reasons why you should do Kashmir Great Lake Trek Once Kashmir is like a paradise on Earth, with stunning Alpine lakes, meadows, huge mountains, and valleys waiting to be explored. The Kashmir Great Lakes Trek, located about 75 km northeast of Srinagar, is a dream come true for adventure lovers. This trek takes around 7 to 8 days and is a bit challenging due to steep uphill and downhill paths. The journey is full of exciting challenges and adventures. What makes this trek special are the beautiful alpine lakes that are hard to find on other treks. These lakes are made even more beautiful by the patches of snow around them. The trek leads you to six gorgeous alpine lakes: Vishansar, Satsar, Krishansar, Gadsar, Gangabal, and Nundkol. The highest point of the trek is the Gadsar Pass, which is about 4,190 meters (13,746 feet) high. In this blog, we're going to talk about the most amazing parts of this trek, the things that make it stand out. 6 Reasons Why You Should Do Kashmir Great Lake Trek Once Below are the six reasons for why you should do Kashmir Great Late Trek Once: · Stunning views of Zero Point and Zoji La Pass

  2. The road trip from Srinagar to Sonmarg and onwards to Sitkari is incredibly scenic, offering many chances to take stunning photos. As a bonus, we'll also guide you to visit Zero Point and Zoji La Pass for sightseeing. Zoji La Pass is a famous high mountain pass that connects Kashmir with Ladakh. It's like a bridge between these two beautiful places. The views at Zero Point are really breathtaking and make this spot a must-visit. Zoji La's name means 'mountain pass of blizzards'. It's in the Dras area and links the Kashmir Valley with the Dras and Suru Valleys. The pass is used by National Highway #1, which connects Srinagar and Leh in the western Himalayas. Imagine seeing valleys and mountains with lush green patches that look really soft. It's like a treat for your eyes. And in winter, when everything is covered in white snow, the view becomes even more amazing. · Difficult Climbs The KGL trek is incredibly beautiful, attracting many of us, but it's also known to be quite tough. When you see pictures of the trek with grassy fields, mountain lakes, and peaks, it might seem easy. However, the truth is that the trek has some really steep ups and downs that can be hard for new trekkers. Plus, the whole trail is about 85 to 90 km long, and you'll be walking for 7 days. On average, you'll need to walk around 10 to 15 km every day, which is a big challenge, especially for beginners. This trek really tests how much you can endure. If you're not used to being in high places, you might even feel sick because of the altitude. And when you're going to Gadsar pass, there's a part where you'll have to climb steeply for about 2 hours and then come down steeply for 1 hour. It can be really tough on both your body and mind. · Flora and Fauna The Hampta Pass trail is a great place to see a variety of plants and animals. As you hike towards the Shokdari campsite, you'll notice special trees like Maples and Pines growing along the path, which is quite uncommon. You'll also come across many types of flowers like Hyacinths, Jasmine, Lilies, Marigolds, Kashmir Iris, and more; these are very common in this area. As you go higher up, you'll see Birch and Rhododendron trees, along with lots of helpful herbal plants. Keep an eye out for colorful birds like gold and rose Finches, Pipits, and Wagtails. Sometimes, you might spot Himalayan marmots at certain spots along the trail. · Stay in House Boat The lakes in Kashmir are perfect for relaxing and enjoying the beauty of nature. You can float on the calm waters while being surrounded by tall mountains on both sides. Taking a ride on

  3. a Shikara, which is a type of long wooden boat, is an amazing experience. These boats are used for both getting around and for tourists. In Kashmir, there are special houses that float on the water called houseboats. These houses are anchored by the side of the very beautiful Dal Lake. Staying in these houseboats feels like a mix between staying in a hotel and staying with a local family. On the first day, you can enjoy a ride on a Shikara, and then you'll spend the night in one of these houseboats on Dal Lake. · Beautiful Campsite The first stop on the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek is the Shekdur campsite, also called Tabletop. It's a big open grassy area with flat land, and it's surrounded by forests and mountains. You can see the Sonamarg Valley from here, not too close. The sunrises from here are really amazing. There's a small house for shepherds where you can get Tea, Kahva (a local drink), and snacks like Maggie noodles. · Mesmerizing Lake The most amazing part of the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek is the stunning lakes. There are six beautiful lakes: Vishansar, Satsar, Krishansar, Gadsar, and Gangabal Twin Lakes. What's really cool is that these lakes change color throughout the day. Sometimes they're green like emeralds, and later they might be blue like turquoise. It's like a magical transformation! The views of these lakes are so breathtaking that they'll make your heart beat faster. The local people even call this trail 'Heaven of Kashmir,' and that name really fits because of how beautiful it is. The journey might have some challenges, but trust me, the views are totally worth it. You won't find such amazing sights anywhere else. Imagine being surrounded by pretty lakes, meadows, blue skies, and soft land. It's like a dream coming true! Bottom Line In a nutshell, the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek is a once-in-a-lifetime journey through paradise. With its stunning alpine lakes, challenging climbs, diverse flora and fauna, serene houseboat stays, beautiful campsites, and mesmerizing lakes that change colors, this trek is a true adventure seeker's dream. From the picturesque Zero Point and Zoji La Pass to the breathtaking views and magical lakes, the journey is both exhilarating and enchanting. For those seeking an unforgettable experience, the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek package offers an incredible opportunity to explore the beauty of this heavenly region.

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