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FIRST AID 8 Transportation

FIRST AID 8 Transportation. 2009. CANADIAN COAST GUARD AUXILIARY - PACIFIC. Transportation. The high speed of fast rescue craft makes them a good choice for transporting patients when time is the prime consideration. Transportation.

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FIRST AID 8 Transportation

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  2. Transportation • The high speed of fast rescue craft makes them a good choice for transporting patients when time is the prime consideration.

  3. Transportation • However it should be borne in mind that most fast rescue craft have: 1. little or no shelter from the elements 2. limited space for first aid equipment 3. limited deck space for stretcher/ spine board and for first aiders to work.

  4. Transportation • Violent acceleration/deceleration forces that may aggravate injuries, accelerate onset of shock and make some medical procedures (e.g. CPR) difficult or impossible to perform.

  5. Methods of Immobilisation • Once again, the high speed and violent motion of an FRC should be a consideration when choosing methods of immobilisation of injuries. • It would be extremely uncomfortable for a patient to be strapped to a scoop stretcher for even a short time on a fast rescue craft in rough sea conditions.

  6. Methods of Immobilisation • A padded basket stretcher might be a better alternative. Scoop stretcher Basket Stretcher

  7. Methods of Immobilisation • Even minor fractures need to be secured thoroughly during transport in a fast rescue craft. • Lower limb fractures need to be tightly splinted (blanket splint would not be adequate on its own), as movement may cause severe shock due to blood loss.

  8. Methods of Immobilisation • However keep in mind that an urgent transportation may take precedence over securing minor fractures.

  9. Methods of Immobilisation • Full spinal immobilisation should be particularly well-padded, possibly including greater padding between the spine board and the basket stretcher to act as a shock absorber. • Great care should be taken in securing the stretcher into the FRC to prevent unchecked movement with the craft.

  10. Methods of Immobilisation • Patients who are immobilised for transport will be very susceptible to cold, which could worsen shock. • Even in warm weather, high wind speed and the patient’s inability to move could cause lowering of body temperatures. • Every effort should be made to provide shelter.

  11. Methods of Immobilisation • Space blankets and heat packs will help reduce heat loss.

  12. Artificial Respiration and CPR in Fast Rescue Craft • The limited space and small crew size in a FRC may preclude two people performing CPR. • Although not recommended, it may be necessary for only one rescuer to perform CPR. • This is something that should be practiced regularly so that rescuers are familiar with the limitations within their vessel.

  13. Artificial Respiration and CPR in Fast Rescue Craft • If artificial respiration is required, especially on a hypothermic patient, the preferred method is mouth to mask (with supplemental oxygen if available). • This provides warmth and moisture to the patient and is frankly much easier to perform than the Bag/Valve/Mask method, which is difficult to perform correctly, even under the most controlled conditions.

  14. Artificial Respiration and CPR in Fast Rescue Craft • Limited space beside the patient may make giving CPR compressions difficult. • Rescuers may need to straddle the patient’s hips and give compressions from that position. • Care will be needed to landmark correctly. • Regular CPR exercises should be practiced in your FRC to help develop a strategy for overcoming the limitations of the craft.

  15. From the CCG SAR Seamanship Reference Manual

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