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1 st IO Command (Land) Information IPB Development Tiger Team

1 st IO Command (Land) Information IPB Development Tiger Team Transforming The Way We Understand the Information Environment Geospatial Integration Initiative 25 May 2004 Act as operational focal point for Information Operations (IO) for the Land Component Commander.

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1 st IO Command (Land) Information IPB Development Tiger Team

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  1. 1st IO Command (Land)Information IPB Development Tiger Team Transforming The Way We Understand the Information Environment Geospatial Integration Initiative 25 May 2004

  2. Act as operational focal point for Information Operations (IO) for the Land Component Commander. Coordinate, arrange and synchronize IO Intel support. Deploy teams to assist Land Component Commands. Assist TRADOC in development of doctrine, training, leader development, organization, materiel, facilities and personnel requirements. Assist in development of IO requirements in Army modernization strategy, and assist in development of IO systems. Conduct Computer Network Operations across the spectrum of defense, exploitation, and attack. 1st IO Cmd Mission

  3. FST 1 VAT/Red Team CAC INSCOM IOC Other IC DTLOM-FS Training Mission Essential Tasks Develop global situational awareness of cyber threat events Develop event situational understanding of specific cyber threats Respond to cyber threats with CNE and CNA Provide IO planning support to LCC 8 2 RCERT-CONUS 9 RCERT-E RCERT-PAC 10 RCERT-K Ops RCERT-S FSD CNO RCERT-SWA 1st IO Cmd (Land) Organize, train, equip, and deploy FSTs and VATs Organize and prepare Intel products to support IO Produce IO plans and COA development w/in 24 hrs of alert Pursue IO capabilities requested from FSTs and ASCC via COTS, GOTS and traditional acquisition 4 HHC 5 VAD 6 PIT ARAT-TA • Conduct VA of Army units for • Broad Spectrum IO • Network Vulnerability • SCADA Vulnerability 3 Develop and deploy new MDS within 72 hrs 7

  4. Understanding the Information Environment COGNITIVE DESTROY DISRUPT DEGRADE DENY DECEIVE EXPLOIT Human situational understanding and decision-making. INFORMATION The substance of information…1’s & 0’s, written/spoken word, images, etc. The means of transmission, infrastructure, technologies, groupsand populations. PHYSICAL

  5. GIS Integration Matrix Integration Matrix System Engineering Business Process User Interface “Like a good roadmap, an overview of the method lets you know where you are going.” Roger Tomlinson Employment Data System Owner Information Requirements Business Functions System Context Operating Locations Accounts Receivable Database Marketing Customers order zero, Credit one, or more products. Products may be ordered Order Picking by zero, one, or more Customer Order Management Warehouse Advertising Sales Order System customers. Credit Voucher Orders Cancellations Services (Scope) Bank System User Data Requirements Business Processes Interface Requirements Communication Reqts. rejected order St. PRODUCT EDI catalog Products order Louis Cust changes Catalog CUSTOMER credit Check product-no HQ Customers credit customer-no product-name Firecracker Sales customer-name unit-of-measure customer approved order customer-rating number order with ship unit-price West East order valid products Customers balance-due Customers quantity-available order Validate valid order Validate credit credit Orders customer products Indy LA ship NY approved ship order Ware- ORDER order Office Office order without order prices house order-no valid customer service order-date picking products-ordered ticket quantity Release Products (Rqmt) in stock Maintenance quantities-ordered order Records System Designer Database Scehma Application Schema Interface Schema Network Schema Customer Order New Customer Form Processing Program PRODUCT CUSTOMER Logon Order Accepted product_no [Alpha(10)] INDEX Change customer_no [Alpha (10)] INDEX Communications product_name [Alpha(32)] St. Louis Initiation Process Shutdown of Controller customer_name [Alpha(32)] Mainframe Routine an Order Routine unit_of_measure [Alpha(2)] Address New Order customer_rating [Alpha(1)] INDEX unit_price [Real(3,2)] balance_due [Real(5,2)] NT Server LA quantity_available [Integer(4)] Get an Validate File an Order Help Complete Order Form First Order Order an Order Order PBX NT Server NY Ethernet LAN/NT Request Request Order Help Ethernet LAN/NT Product Check Check Check Release Lookup ORDER_PRODUCT ORDER Customer Product Credit an ORDER.order_no Credit Data Data Order Help + order_no [Alpha(12)] INDEX Request Product Lookup Help PRODUCT.product_no Indy AIX Server order_date [Date(mmddyyyy) Client PC Client PC quantity_ordered [Integer(2) CUSTOMER.customer_no Product Client PC Client PC Enternet LAN AIX/Lan Product Lookup Help Complete Orders (Specs) Customers Products Lookup Manager System Developer Database Structures Application Programs Component Programs Network Programs CREATE TABLE CUSTOMER VALIDATE_AN_ORDER. On Event Help.ButtonClick Do Create AccountType = REPEAT UNTIL NO_MORE_ORDERS (customer_no CHAR(10) NOT NULL Change Focus HelpDialog PERFORM CUSTOMER_VALIDATIO SalesClerk customer_name CHAR(32) NOT NULL On Event OKButton Do REPEAT UNTIL NO_MORE_ORDER Set OrderDir.Rights=full customer _rating CHAR(1) NOT NULL Begin PERFORM PRODUCT_VALIDATI Set CustomerDir.Rights=full balance_due DECIMAL(5,2) {proecdure} END REPEAT. Set ProductDir.Rights=read End CREATE INDEX cust_no_idx on CUSTOMER PERFORM CREDIT_CHECK. Set OrderAppDir.Rights=copy On Event CancelButton Do CREATE INDEX cust_rt_idx on CUSTOMER IF CREDIT_CHECK 'BAD' THEN (Code) Interface Technology (Facilitation) HW / SW Technology Database Technology Networking Technology

  6. Geo-data Preliminary Concept of Employment Intelink Users FST FST FST Info IPB Data Sources DIA JIOC NSA CIA NGIC USATEC COM Census MCIA NGA USGS • Info IPB Brief/Information • Info IPB Data GIS-based • Web-based Dissemination • Special Purpose Overlays • Standard Info IPB Templates (MCIO) • -- Display on COP • -- Hardcopy Plot SQL Queries Manual Downloads Viewer Arc Map Input Forms ArcReader Custom GUI Web Arc GIS Arc SDE SQL Server Arc IMS GIS Build Country Foundation: -- Country Priority List -- Crisis Support Maintain/Update Foundation Store Info IPB Country Files Direct Support to Country Planning Teams • COE Considerations • IO Analyst Interaction w/GIS • View Country Files via Arc IMS • - Input / Value Add Info IPB via Forms • - Input via tailored GUI to Arc Map • - Implement standard Info IPB Templates IO Analyst Country IO Analysis Info IPB Brief

  7. Transforming Information IPB 2. Actor Analysis 1. Mission Analysis • Physical Domain • Analysis Operational/TacticalHuman Factors Analysis Modern, Dynamic, Operationally and Tactically Actionable Advanced Modeling and GIS 3-D Battlespace Visualization • Decision Support/ • Refinement/ • Planning

  8. COGNITIVE DOMAIN VISUALIZATION PRODUCT Ethnic Faction Zones vs. Recent Incidents Over Terrain Imagery 3-D View (Red, Green Shows Ethnic Zones; Red and Blue Graphics

  9. Team Composition Government Oversight MAJ x 2 GS-14 x 1 GIS Technical Support Team Geospatial Technical Lead x 1 GIS Application Developer x 1 Senior Imagery Analyst x 1 GIS Analyst x 3 Personnel Resources

  10. ArcGIS Desktop ArcInfo Desktop x 2 ArcEditor Desktop x 13 ArcView Desktop x 3 Arc 3-D Analyst x 13 Arc Spatial Analyst x 13 Arc Tracking Analyst x 12 Arc Publisher x 6 ArcGIS Server ArcIMS ArcSDE Erdas Imagine Desktop Imagine Advantage x 13 Imagine VirtualGIS x 6 Imagine Vector x 2 NITF 2.1 x 13 Defense Package x 2 OthoBase Pro x 1 Developers Kit x 1 Other Tools SQL Server 2000 Webster Electronic Tablet Screen Capture Utilities GIS/Imagery Technical Resources

  11. Information Sources Field Support Teams COM CIA NSA DIA NGA Deployable GIS Deployable GIS Deployable GIS Workstation Workstation Workstation ArcGIS Editor 8.3 CMD JIOC NGIC MCIA TEC USGS - Spatial Analyst S - 3D Analyst Imagine 8.6 - Advantage Deployable GIS Deployable GIS - NITF Workstation Workstation GIS General Support Section ArcGIS Editor 8.3 ArcGIS Info 8.3 ArcGIS Editor 8.3 - Spatial Analyst - Spatial Analyst - Spatial Analyst - 3D Analyst - 3D Analyst - 3D Analyst Imagine 8.6 Imagine 8.6 Imagine 8.6 - Advantage - Advantage - Advantage Monitor Monitor - Virtual GIS Monitor - Virtual GIS - Virtual GIS - OrthBase Pro - NITF - NITF - NITF ArcIMS Switch Switch Switch Planning Groups NIPRNet SIPRNet JWICS NIPRNet SIPRNet JWICS NIPRNet SIPRNet JWICS Tower box Tower box Tower box Tower box Tower box Tower box Tower box Tower box Tower box 1 2 3 Monitor Monitor Switch Switch Data Holdings Geospatial / LAN IO Data ArcSDE SQL Svr/Oracle JWICS NIPRNet SIPRNet JWICS NIPRNet SIPRNet Tower box Tower box Tower box Tower box ArcIMS Tower box Tower box Windows Server ArcIMS ArcGIS Editor 8.3 ArcGIS Editor 8.3 ArcGIS Editor 8.3 - Spatial Analyst - Spatial Analyst - Spatial Analyst - 3D Analyst - 3D Analyst - 3D Analyst Imagine 8.6 Imagine 8.6 Imagine 8.6 Peripheral Devices - Advantage - Advantage - Advantage Monitor Monitor Monitor - NITF - NITF - NITF Switch Switch Switch Printer NIPRNet SIPRNet JWICS NIPRNet SIPRNet JWICS NIPRNet SIPRNet JWICS Scanner Plotter Tower box Tower box Tower box Tower box Tower box Tower box Tower box Tower box Tower box 4 6 5 Windows 2000 Professional Objective Architecture View

  12. System Evolution & Community Maturity Project GIS Architecture Community GIS Architecture Export JPG Image GIS Workstation PPT Brief IODB (IO) MIDB (Intel) NGA (Source) Other Sources Near-Term View (Jun 03) Organizational GIS Architecture External Data FST LCC View GIS-Based Display (C/JMTK) 1st IO IODM IO Analyst “Relevance” GIS Cell Strategic (Objective) View Mid-Term View (Dec 04)

  13. Issues: Service / Community Standards across multiple ‘business lines’ Licensing and maintenance agreement costs Data access / metadata / accuracy Lessons Learned: Keys to current and future successes: Senior leadership support People Planning Training Investment Issues / Lessons Learned

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