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Ways To Improve Your Digestion Naturally

That was all about improving your digestion and staying healthy. Hope you like this

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Ways To Improve Your Digestion Naturally

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  1. How To Improve Your Digestion With Expert Dietician

  2. PAGE 01 These days poor digestion has become a common problem. Everyone becomes prey to digestive disorders, whether children, mid-age adults, or older adults. This problem may sound simple, but if not treated on time can lead to irreparable ailments like gallstones, hemorrhoids, or Chron’s disease. Hence, it is better to take care of your digestion well in advance to avoid any health-related issues in the future. The experts of the best hospital for gastroenterology in Mohali and other cities suggest an active lifestyle to prevent digestive problems.

  3. STAY HYDRATED Staying hydrated is a key part of good digestion. You should drink enough water so that your urine is pale yellow or clear and does not have a strong ammonia odor. You should also avoid drinking fruit juice, which can be high in sugar and acidic, as this can cause digestive problems. Instead, you should drink herbal teas.

  4. INCLUDE PLENTY OF FIBER IN YOUR DIET Fiber is another important part of a healthy diet that can help improve your digestion. It makes up the bulk of plant foods like vegetables and fruits, which are a great source of fiber. Fiber also binds with water in your digestive system and helps keep things moving along smoothly. If you’re trying to improve your digestion, one way to do so would be to eat more fiber-rich foods like fruits and vegetables.

  5. LEARN TO MANAGE STRESS You might not know, but it’s true that stress can disturb your digestive system and lead to several diseases like diarrhea, IBS, and ulcers. The increase in stress hormones can upset your digestion as your internal system diverts all energy and blood from the digestive tract to alleviate anxiety and tension. Not just that, our brain and gut have a connection— if one is not working well, another is automatically affected.

  6. PAGE 04 CHEW YOUR FOOD THOROUGHLY We all know that saliva helps to break the food and make it easy to digest. But, you won’t be aware that the more you chew, the more saliva will produce in your mouth, which breaks down the food into tiny pieces and boosts absorption. This will put less stress on your stomach and small intestines, eventually fewer digestive disorders. When you thoroughly chew food, the digestion process starts in your mouth— solid food properly mixes with saliva and easily passes to the intestine. In addition to this, chewing alleviates stress, ultimately leading to boost digestion.

  7. BREAK UP WITH YOUR BAD HABITS Smoking, late-night eating, overeating, and consumption of alcohol can havoc on your digestive system. You must ditch these bad habits for good digestion.

  8. CONTACT E-mail jkcheema2@gmail.com Website www.cmcmohali.com Phone 9876405771 Address Phase-IV, Near Telephone Exchange, S.A.S. Nagar, Mohali (Punjab) -160059


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