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Interdomain Routing: Monitoring and Modeling

Interdomain Routing: Monitoring and Modeling . Timothy G. Griffin Computer Laboratory University of Cambridge timothy.griffin@cl.cam.ac.uk http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~tgg22/. SRCCS Workshop Seoul, Korea January 11 2005 . Outline. Routing & Forwarding BGP = Border Gateway Protocol

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Interdomain Routing: Monitoring and Modeling

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  1. Interdomain Routing: Monitoring and Modeling Timothy G. Griffin Computer Laboratory University of Cambridge timothy.griffin@cl.cam.ac.uk http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~tgg22/ SRCCS Workshop Seoul, Korea January 11 2005

  2. Outline • Routing & Forwarding • BGP = Border Gateway Protocol • PUBLIC BGP data sources • High volume • Rich Semantics • High Variability • Examples • A Challenge

  3. Architecture of Dynamic Routing IGP EGP (= BGP) AS 1 IGP IGP = Interior Gateway Protocol Metric based: OSPF, IS-IS, RIP, EIGRP (cisco) AS 2 EGP = Exterior Gateway Protocol Policy based: BGP The Routing Domain of BGP is the entire Internet

  4. Topology information is flooded within the routing domain Best end-to-end paths are computed locally at each router. Best end-to-end paths determine next-hops. Based on minimizing some notion of distance Works only if policy is shared and uniform Examples: OSPF, IS-IS Each router knows little about network topology Only best next-hops are chosen by each router for each destination network. Best end-to-end paths result from composition of all next-hop choices Does not require any notion of distance Does not require uniform policies at all routers Examples: RIP, BGP Technology of Distributed Routing Link State Vectoring

  5. The Gang of Four Link State Vectoring OSPF RIP IGP IS-IS BGP EGP

  6. Forwarding vs. Routing BGP process BGP tables OSPF process OSPF tables RIP process RIP tables IP Forwarding Table Router

  7. How Many ASNs are Being Used Today? Jan 11, 2005 Thanks to Geoff Huston: http://www.potaroo.net/

  8. Some Korean ASNs See http://www.cidr-report.org/autnums.html 1237 == KREONET-AS-KR Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information 1704 == KAIST-SEOUL-AS-KR Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 1781 == KAIST-DAEJEON-AS-KR Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 3559 == KORNET-AS-KR Korea Telecom 3757 == ERX-TRAN Korea Telecomm Research Laboratory 3825 == ERX-HANANET Korea Telecomm Research Center 4040 == ERX-KORNET-PS Korea Telecomm Research Center 4060 == ERX-KORNET-DJ Korea Telecomm Research Center 4666 == HNCNET-AS We are new Internet Service Provider in South Korea. 4766 == KIX Korea Internet Exchange for "96 World Internet Exposition 4861 == GLOBAL-IP-KOREA-AS-AP Global One Communications 5051 == KOLNET-AS-KR Korea Telecom Hitel 7557 == KTNET-AS Korea Trade International Association 7558 == KBS-AS Korean Broadcasting System 7562 == KOTISNET-AS Korea International Trade Assocication(KITA) 7563 == KII-AS Korea Internet Infrastructure 7564 == KAERINET-AS Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute 7620 == IASIAWORKS-AS iAsiaWorks Korea, Ltd 9270 == APAN-KR-AS Asia Pacific Advanced Network Korea(APAN-KR) Consortium 9275 == KRICTNET-AS-KR Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology 9452 == KUNET-AS Korea University 9454 == SUPERNET-AS Korea Telecom ATM service 9455 == EDUNET-AS Korea Education & Research Information Service 9488 == SNU-AS-KR Seoul National University 9489 == KARINET-AS Korea Aerospace Research Institute 9494 == KOSINET-AS Korea open system information network 9521 == KININET-AS Korea INstitute of Industry & Technology Information 9526 == KOSCOM-AS KOREA SECURITIES COMPUTER CORP. 9581 == HKTI-KR-AS-AP Cable & Wireless Internet Services (Korea) Limited 9640 == I-KOREA-AS Internet-Korea 9640 == I-KOREA-AS Internet-Korea 9641 == KITEL-AS Korea Information&TELecommunication system CO. 9643 == SIGNGATE-AS Korea Information Certificate Authority 9693 == KFTCCA-AS Korea Financial Telecommunications & Clearings Institute 9698 == KDIC Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation 9699 == KFB-AS Korea First Bank 9700 == KRNIC-AS-KR Korea Network Information Center 9760 == KTIS-AS Korea Telecom Infomation System Group 9763 == AFFIS-AS Korea Information Center for Agriculture, Forestry 9766 == KSE-AS KOREA STOCK EXCHANGE 9847 == KSFC-AS-KR Korea Securities Finance Corporation 9857 == KOGAS-AS-KR KOREA GAS CORPORATION 9864 == KSDNET-AS-KR Korea Securities Depository 9884 == SINGTEL-KR SingTel Korea Limited 9945 == KCACBACKUP-AS-KR Korea Information Security Agency 9949 == HOSEO-AS HOSEO UNIVERSITY 9959 == KOREASTOCKEXCHANGE-AS KOREA STOCK EXCHANGE 9964 == PERSNET Korea Telecom Freetel 9967 == KEBCS-AS Korea Exchange Bank of Credit Services 9970 == KUT-AS Korea University of Technology and Education 9971 == MULTINET-AS KOREA MULTINET INC. 9974 == SIGNKOREA-AS KOREA SECURITIES COMPUTER CORP. BUNDANG CENTER 9976 == ICNDP-AS-KR Korea Cable TV NamIncheon Broadcasting.co.ltd 9979 == KEB-AS KOREA EXCHANGE BANK 10050 == EPOSTBANK-AS-KR Ministry of Information and Communication Republic of Korea 10055 == KORAIL-AS-KR Korean National Railroad Administration 10059 == KIDC-AS Korea Internet Data Center 10063 == KMA-AS Korea Meteorological Administration 10064 == INFOSECKOREA-AS InfosecKorea, Inc. 10064 == INFOSECKOREA-AS InfosecKorea, Inc. 10070 == KRISS-AS Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science 10073 == KNOU-AS Korea National Open University 10088 == KWANGWOON-UNIV-AS-AP KWANGWOON University in Seoul, Korea 10157 == YAHOO-AS-KR Yahoo! Korea, Corp. 10158 == CIGNAL-AS Cignal Global Communications Korea, Inc. 10161 == KITC-AS Korea Investment Trust Management & Securities Co.,LTD 10162 == KIT-AS Korea Internet Telecom 10165 == CUSTOMS-AS-KR KOREA CUSTOMS SERVICE 10166 == KOWANET-AS-KR Korea Water Resources Corporation 10168 == NSKFB-AS Korea First Bank 10170 == BOKNET-AS The Bank of Korea 10178 == KBTUS-AS Korea Baptist Theological University/Seminary 10183 == NUCH-AS-KR The Korean National University of Cultural Heritage 10184 == KFCCC-AS Korean Federation of Community Credit Cooperatives 10187 == KISDI-AS-KR Korea Information Society Developement Institute 10194 == KOREAFUTURES-AS-KR koreafutures inc 10194 == KOREAFUTURES-AS-KR koreafutures inc 10201 == CWNK-KR-AS-AP Cable & Wireless Network Korea. 17576 == KOSEF-AS-KR Korea Science and Engineering Foundation 17579 == KREONET2-AS-KR Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information 17585 == PPS-AS-KR Public Procurement Service The Republic of Korea 17590 == KGPC-AS-KR Korea Game Promotion Center 17591 == KRFNET-AS-KR korea Research Foundation 17592 == IBK-AS-KR Industrial Bank of Korea 17595 == KINSNET-AS-KR Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 17601 == KCGF-AS-KR KOREA CREDIT GUARANTEE FUND 17605 == WCOM-AS-KR MCI Worldcom Korea 17837 == KCP-AS-KR Korea Cyber Payment Inc 17840 == KOREACERT-AS-KR KECA, Inc. 17852 == KOREALIFE-AS-KR KOREALIFE 17865 == SCOURT-AS-KR Supreme Court of Korea 17866 == KISTNET-AS-KR Korea Institute of Science and Technology 17867 == KBINET-AS-KR KOREA BANKING INSTITUTE 17875 == KSDA-AS-KR The Korea Securities Dealers Association 18023 == KOREAMARITIME-UNIV-AS-AP Korea Maritime University in YoungDoGu DongSamDong Busan, Korea 18023 == KOREAMARITIME-UNIV-AS-AP Korea Maritime University in YoungDoGu DongSamDong Busan, Korea 18026 == CHEJU-UNIV-AS-AP CHEJU University in 1,Ara 1(il)-dong, jeju-si JEJU-DO Korea 18028 == GYEONGSANG-UNIV-AS-AP GYEONGSNAG National University in 900 Gazwadong, JINJU, Korea 18030 == DONGYANG-UNIV-AS-AP Dongyang Technical College in 62-160 Kochuk-dong, Kuro-gu, Seoul, Korea 18031 == SANGMYUNG-UNIV-AS-AP Sang Myung University in 7 Hongji-Dong Jongro-Gu, Seoul Korea 18034 == KANGNUNG-UNIV-AS-AP KANGNUNG University in jibyeundong 123 Kangnung, Kangwon, Korea 18035 == HANSEO-UNIV-AS-AP HANSEO University in 360, Daegok-Ri, Seosan-Si, ChungNam, Korea 18038 == KNUE-UNIV-AS-AP Korea National University of Education 18157 == CHUNGJU-UNIV-AS-AP CHUNGJU University in 123 Keomdanri Iryoumyun Chungsi, Chungbuk, korea 18158 == CHUNGBUK-UNIV-AS-AP Chungbuk University in 48 Gasindong Hungduckku Chengju, Chungbuk, Korea 18161 == HANYANG-WOMENS-UNIV-AS-AP Hanyang Womens college in 17 Hangdang-dong Seongdong-Ku,Seoul, Korea 18163 == JINJU-UNIV-AS-AP Jinju National University in 150 chilamdong Jinju, Gyeongnam, Korea 18169 == KOREA-CULTURE-CONTENT-AGENCY-AS-AP KOREA CULTURE & CONTENT AGENCY in Seoul 18309 == KOVAN-AS-KR Korea VAn Service Co.LTD 18310 == VITSSEN-AS-KR Korea cable television Anyang Broadcasting Corporation 18312 == KAMCO-AS-KR Korea Asset Management COrporation 18325 == KORCHRISTUNIV160-AS-KR Korea Christian University 18340 == KORAC-HEALTHSCI1-AS-KR College of Health Sciences, Korea University 23552 == KORNU-AS-KR Korea Nazarene University 23560 == METLIFEKOREA-AS-KR MetLife Korea 23560 == METLIFEKOREA-AS-KR MetLife Korea 23664 == MONTESSORI-AS-AP Montessori Korea in Seoul, Korea 23668 == KOREA-POLYTECHNIC-UNIV-AS-AP KOREA POLYTECHNIC University 23714 == KEIMYUNG-UNIV-AS-AP KEIMYUNG University in Daegu, Korea 23716 == CHANGWON_COLLEGE-UNIV-AS-AP CHANGWON_COLLEGE in Changwon-City, Kengsangnam-Do, Korea 23743 == FAREAST-UNIV-AS-AP FAREAST University, Korea 23759 == KMMH-UNIV-AS-AP KEIMYUNG COLLEGE, Korea 23908 == IIAC-AS-AP Incheon international Airport Corp in Incheon, Korea 23971 == CHUGYE-UNIV-AS-AP CHUGYE University For The Arts in Seoul, Korea 23972 == ASANMED-AS-AP ASAN Medical Center in Seoul, Korea 23975 == YC-UNIV-AS-AP yonam institute of digital technology in jinju, South Korea 23980 == YOUNGNAM-UNIV-AS-AP YOUNGNAM University in Gyeongsangbuk-do,Korea 23981 == SWC-UNIV-AS-AP Suwon Women.s College in Kyonggi-Do, Korea 23982 == HANKYONG-UNIV-AS-AP HANKYONG National University in Ansung, Kyonggi-do, Korea 23983 == DAEJEON-UNIV-AS-AP Daejeon University in Daejeon , Korea 23989 == DONGGUK-UNIV-AS-AP DONGGUK University in Kyongju Gyeongsangbuk-do Korea 29864 == KOREA-DAILY Korean Central Daily News 29864 == KOREA-DAILY Korean Central Daily News

  9. How Many Prefixes are Being Routed Today? Jan 11, 2005 From AS 4637: Reach Network

  10. What do I Mean by “BGP” ? BGP = RFC 1771 + “optional” extensions RFC 1997 (communities) RFC 2439 (damping) RFC 2796 (reflection) RFC3065 (confederation) … + routing policy configuration languages (vendor-specific) + Current Best Practices in Management of Interdomain Routing

  11. Four Types of BGP Messages • Open : Establish a peering session. • Keep Alive : Handshake at regular intervals. • Notification : Shuts down a peering session. • Update : Announcing new routes or withdrawing previously announced routes. announcement = prefix + attributes values

  12. BGP Attributes Value Code Reference ----- --------------------------------- --------- 1 ORIGIN [RFC1771] 2 AS_PATH [RFC1771] 3 NEXT_HOP [RFC1771] 4 MULTI_EXIT_DISC [RFC1771] 5 LOCAL_PREF [RFC1771] 6 ATOMIC_AGGREGATE [RFC1771] 7 AGGREGATOR [RFC1771] 8 COMMUNITY [RFC1997] 9 ORIGINATOR_ID [RFC2796] 10 CLUSTER_LIST [RFC2796] 11 DPA [Chen] 12 ADVERTISER [RFC1863] 13 RCID_PATH / CLUSTER_ID [RFC1863] 14 MP_REACH_NLRI [RFC2283] 15 MP_UNREACH_NLRI [RFC2283] 16 EXTENDED COMMUNITIES [Rosen] ... 255 reserved for development Most important attributes Not all attributes need to be present in every announcement From IANA: http://www.iana.org/assignments/bgp-parameters

  13. BGP Route Processing Open ended programming. Constrained only by vendor configuration language Apply Policy = filter routes & tweak attributes Apply Policy = filter routes & tweak attributes Receive BGP Updates Based on Attribute Values Best Routes Transmit BGP Updates Apply Import Policies Best Route Selection Best Route Table Apply Export Policies Install forwarding Entries for best Routes. IP Forwarding Table

  14. Routing Example 2 Thanks to Han Zheng

  15. “Strange” Round Trip Times C Moscow State U B Intel Berkeley A B HP Palo Alto 201 ms 4 ms C A 257 ms

  16. … and its routing Cable & Wireless CAIS Telefonica AT&T Above Net RBNet C B A

  17. Data Collection: GNU Zebra router router BGP sessions router Zebra Box BGP sessions router

  18. Reading the Data www.mrtd.net route_btoa translates binary to ASCII

  19. RIPE Routing Information Service http://www.ripe.net/ris rrc00.ripe.net at RIPE NCC, Amsterdam, collects default free routing updates from peers. From October 1999. rrc01.ripe.net at LINX, London. Collects route updates announced by LINX members. From July 2000. rrc02.ripe.net at SFINX, Paris. Collects route updates announced by SFINX members . From March 2001. rrc03.ripe.net at AMS-IX, Amsterdam. Collects route updates announced by AMS-IX members. From January 2001. rrc04.ripe.net at CIXP, Geneva. Collects route updates announced by CIXP members. From April 2001. rrc05.ripe.net at VIX, Vienna. Collects route updates announced by VIX members. From June 2001. rrc06.ripe.net at Otemachi, Japan. Collects route updates announced by JPIX members. From August 2001. rrc07.ripe.net in Stockholm, Sweden. Collects route updates announced by the NETNOD members. From April 2002. rrc08.ripe.net at San Jose (CA), USA. Collects route updates announced by the MAE-WEST members. From May 2002. rrc09.ripe.net at Zurich, Switzerland. Collected route updates announced by the TIX members. From May 2003 to until early Feb 2004. rrc10.ripe.net at Milan, Italy. Collects route updates announced by the MIX members. From Nov 2003. rrc11.ripe.net at New York (NY), USA. Collects route updates announced by the NYIIX members. From Feb 2004. rrc12.ripe.net at Frankfurt, Germany. Collects route updates announced by the DE-CIX members. From Jul 2004.

  20. University of Oregon Route Views Projecthttp://antc.uoregon.edu/route-views Participants AOL (NoVa) through AS1668 APAN (tpr2-tokyo) through AS7660 ATT (SFO) through AS7018 Abilene (Indiana) through AS11537 Accretive (PAO) through AS11608 Accretive (SEA) through AS11608 Army Research Lab through AS13 Broadwing (ADDS) through AS6395 Broadwing (MAE-EAST) through AS6395 Broadwing (MAE-WEST) through AS6395 C&W USA (Santa Clara) through AS3561 COMindico (AU) through AS9942 Carrier1 (NYC) through AS8918 EBONE (EU) through AS1755 ELI (MAE-EAST) through AS5650 ELI (MAE-WEST) through AS5650 EPOCH (PAIX) through AS4565 ESnet (GA) through AS293 France Telecom (NYC) through AS5511 GLOBIX (LINX) through AS4513 GLOBIX (New York) through AS4513 GLOBIX (Chicago) through AS4513 GLOBIX (Palo Alto) through AS4513 GT Group Tel (Toronto,CA) through AS6539 Genuity (Palo Alto) through AS1 GlobalCrossing (PAIX) through AS3549 IAGnet (Chicago) through AS267 IIJ (Japan) through AS2497 ISC (Palo Alto) through AS3557 Intermedia (MAE-EAST) through AS2548 JINX (Johannesburg) through AS2905 Jippii (ESPANIX/Spain) through AS8782 LINX (London) through AS5459 Level3 (Denver) through AS3356 MFN/AboveNet (MAE-WEST) through AS6461 MFS/MAE-lab (San Jose) through AS6066 Nacamar (Frankfurt) through AS3257 Netrail (MAE-WEST) through AS4006 Port80 (Stockholm) through AS16150 RCN (PAIX) through AS6079 RCN (VA) through AS6079 RIPE NCC (Amsterdam) through AS3333 STARTAP (Chicago) through AS10764 Sprint (Stockton) through AS1239 Telefonica (New York) through AS12956 Teleglobe (London,UK) through AS8297 Teleglobe (PAIX) through AS6453 Telstra (Sydney,AU) through AS1221 TELUS (Toronto) through AS852 TouchAmerica () through AS19092 Verio () through AS2914 Verio () through AS2914 WCI Cable (Hillboro, OR) through AS14608 Williams (San Francisco) through AS7911 Williams (San Francisco) through AS7911 X0 (Bay Area) through AS2828 Zocalo (Berkeley) through AS715 blackrose.org (Ann Arbor) through AS234 netINS (Des Moines) through AS5056 Many streams since 2001

  21. SNU Routes SNU == AS9488 TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||2914||2914 4766 4766 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|296|2914:410|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||2914||2914 4766 4766 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|296|2914:410|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||8342||8342 702 701 3786 3786 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||5511||5511 3356 4766 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||13237||13237 4766 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|0|13237:40044 13237:46441|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||286||286 4766 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||2914||2914 4766 4766 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|296|2914:410|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||2914||2914 4766 4766 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|296|2914:410|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||8342||8342 702 701 3786 3786 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||5511||5511 3356 4766 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||13237||13237 4766 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|0|13237:40044 13237:46441|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||286||286 4766 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846409|B||2914||2914 4766 4766 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|296|2914:410|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846409|B||2914||2914 4766 4766 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|296|2914:410|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846409|B||8342||8342 702 701 3786 3786 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846409|B||5511||5511 3356 4766 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846409|B||13237||13237 4766 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|0|13237:40044 13237:46441|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846409|B||286||286 4766 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846410|B||2914||2914 4766 4766 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|296|2914:410|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846410|B||2914||2914 4766 4766 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|296|2914:410|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846410|B||8342||8342 702 701 3786 3786 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846410|B||5511||5511 3356 4766 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846410|B||13237||13237 4766 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|0|13237:40044 13237:46441|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846410|B||286||286 4766 9488 9488 9488|IGP||0|0||NAG|| Data from rrc01.ripe.net (LINX, London) December 24, 2004

  22. KAIST Routes AS 1704 TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||5511||5511 9318 1704|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||286||286 9318 1704|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||8342||8342 1299 209 9318 1704|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||13237||13237 9318 1704|IGP||0|0|13237:40044 13237:46441|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||8342||8342 3292 15412 9318 9318 1781|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||5511||5511 9318 1781|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||3292||3292 15412 9318 9318 1781|IGP||0|0|3292:1008 3292:1905|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||3292||3292 15412 9318 9318 1781|IGP||0|0|3292:1008 3292:1905|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||13237||13237 9318 1781|IGP||0|0|13237:40044 13237:46441|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||2914||2914 4766 9318 1781|IGP||0|307|2914:410|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||286||286 9318 1781|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846404|B||2914||2914 4766 9318 1781|IGP||0|307|2914:410|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846406|B||8342||8342 3292 15412 9304 9318 1781|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846406|B||5511||5511 9318 1781|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846406|B||3292||3292 15412 9304 9318 1781|IGP||0|0|3292:1008 3292:1905|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846406|B||3292||3292 15412 9304 9318 1781|IGP||0|0|3292:1008 3292:1905|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846406|B||13237||13237 9318 1781|IGP||0|0|13237:40044 13237:46441|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846406|B||2914||2914 4766 9318 1781|IGP||0|307|2914:410|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846406|B||286||286 9318 1781|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846406|B||2914||2914 4766 9318 1781|IGP||0|307|2914:410|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846406|B||8342||8342 702 701 1239 9318 1781|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846406|B||5511||5511 9318 1781|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846406|B||13237||13237 9318 1781|IGP||0|0|13237:40044 13237:46441|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846406|B||2914||2914 4766 9318 1781|IGP||0|307|2914:410|NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846406|B||286||286 9318 1781|IGP||0|0||NAG|| TABLE_DUMP|1103846406|B||2914||2914 4766 9318 1781|IGP||0|307|2914:410|NAG|| AS 1781

  23. A Picture of AS 1237KREONET-AS-KR Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information 5511 209 13237 2914 286 209 == ASN-QWEST Qwest 286 == AS286 KPN Eurorings Backbone AS 1237 == KREONET-AS-KR Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information 2914 == VERIO Verio, Inc. 2516 == KDDI KDDI CORPORATION 3608 == KIX-AS-KR National Computerization Agency 5511 == OPENTRANSIT France Telecom 3786 == ERX-DACOMNET DACOM Corporation 4766 == KIX Korea Internet Exchange for "96 World Internet Exposition 7564 == KAERINET-AS Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute 9489 == KARINET-AS Korea Aerospace Research Institute 9949 == HOSEO-AS HOSEO UNIVERSITY 9860 == TMCNET-AS TongMyong College 9982 == PAICHAI-AS PAICHAI UNIVERSITY 9870 == DEUNET-AS DONG-EUI UNIVERSITY 10063 == KMA-AS Korea Meteorological Administration 13237 == LAMBDANET-AS LambdaNet AS for European Operations 701 4766 2516 3786 7018 3608 1237 9489 9949 9870 9860 7564 10063 9982

  24. BGP Operations : Hard State Protocol Establish session on TCP port 179 AS1 BGP session Exchange all active routes AS2 While connection is ALIVE exchange route UPDATE messages Exchange incremental updates

  25. A few AS 1237 updates BGP4MP|1103885081|A||2914||2914 4766 4766 3608 1237 17576|IGP||0|296|2914:410|NAG|| BGP4MP|1103885081|A||2914||2914 4766 3608 1237 17576|IGP||0|307|2914:410|NAG|| BGP4MP|1103885106|W||2914| BGP4MP|1103896978|A||2914||2914 4766 4766 17576|IGP||0|296|2914:410|NAG|| BGP4MP|1103885081|A||2914||2914 4766 4766 3608 1237 17576|IGP||0|296|2914:410|NAG|| BGP4MP|1103885081|A||2914||2914 4766 3608 1237 17576|IGP||0|307|2914:410|NAG|| BGP4MP|1103885106|W||2914| BGP4MP|1103896978|A||2914||2914 4766 4766 17576|IGP||0|296|2914:410|NAG||

  26. BGP Update Streams Data from rrc01.ripe.net (LINX, London)

  27. A Closer Look …

  28. High Variability

  29. A Closer Look …

  30. … 1000 Second Bins

  31. Look At BGP Table Size

  32. A Closer Look …

  33. Another Example: Christmas Eve!

  34. A Closer Look …

  35. High Variability, Again

  36. … 1000 Second Bins

  37. And Table Size

  38. SQL Slammer from Route-Views

  39. A Challenge Develop rigorous models for • Generation of BGP updates • Propagation of BGP updates • BGP observations MUST BE EXTERNALLY AND INTERNALLY CONSISTENT!!

  40. This will not be easy • Data is complex • Implementation matters • A network of BGP speakers acts like a large network of Communicating Finite State Machines ---- so is a large finite state transducer • BGP topology is not known • BGP policies are secret

  41. Implementation Does Matter! stateless withdraws widely deployed stateful withdraws widely deployed Thanks to Abha Ahuja and Craig Labovitz for this plot.

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