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Get Electric Cars For Sale in Nairobi

Nowadays, electric cars for sale in Nairobi are mostly preferred by those who are keen on buying environment friendly vehicles. And Autopax is one of the best EVs providers in Kenya. They continuously work to fulfil the mobility needs of their customers. They offer the highest quality EVs at the best possible prices.<br>

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Get Electric Cars For Sale in Nairobi

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  1. MobilityForThePeople Electric Carsfor Sale in Nairobi, Kenya

  2. Aboutus Welcome to Autopax. Mobility for the people . We are committed to fulfilling the Mobility needs of the People of Africa by providing them with the freedom of choice to select the most affordable and reliable certified pre-owned vehicles fromourwiderangeofMultiBrandmodels whicharehandpickedand meticulously inspected by professionals with over 30 years of experience in AutomobileIndustry. Webelieve in building such aclose relationship with each of our customers whichisenrichedwithtrust,empathyandreward. Autopax is also actively working towards expanding its role beyond delivering certified pre-owned vehicles. Autopax is deeply committed towards saving the environment and will therefore be playing crucial role in Global transition to clean energy by introducing its own line of modern Electric vehicles in the comingmonths. Affordability, Reliability and Sustainability being the focal point ,Autopax is rapidlythrivingtowardsbecomingthemosttrustedbrand intheAfrican AutomotiveIndustry. MobilityForThePeople

  3. ElectricCarsfor SaleinNairobi MobilityForThePeople Electric cars have an almost zero representation in Kenya the moment. There are no fully electric cars for sale on the car sale websites in Kenya and there are none on the KRA CRSP import list either. They list hybridsmodelsfromToyota,Lexus,Porscheandtherest,butnofullyelectriccarssuchastheNissanLeaf, BMWi3,Teslaetc.Icouldn’tevenfindtheregulationsaroundtheimportingofelectriccars. However, I do know that last year, the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) was developing standards for imported electric vehicles and motorcycles. Also, recently this year, a new fully electric taxi service, Nopia Ride,startedoperationinKenya.Apparently,therearelessthanadozenelectricvehiclesonKenyanroads today. If Nopia Ride can import electric vehicles I am sure anyone else can. I am working on finding those detailsout. Butinthemeantime,Iwantedtoestimatehowmuchcheaperanelectriccarwouldbeto“fuel”comparedto aconventionallypetrol-poweredvehicle.

  4. There are numerous factors that come into play when evaluating the ownership costs of an electric vehicle; purchase price, maintenance costs, daily running costs, insurances, warranties, retained value, disposal… and a great deal can be written accessing all these factors along with considerations for range anxiety, performance, charging time, battery degradation, reliable electricity supply, local maintenance expertise and so on, but in the interest of keeping this blog short,Iwanttofocusmainlyonthedaytoday“fuel”costsforanelectricvehiclecomparedtoapetrolpoweredvehicle. Annualdistancecoveredis15,000kmperyear.Individualelectricvehiclerangeperchargeisnotimportanthere,wejust wanttoworkoutforthesamedistancetravelledhowmuchitwouldcosttopowerthetwotypesofvehicles.Sayingthat though, new electric vehicles, depending on their battery size, weight and driving style, can manage between 100 km to 500kmon a singlecharge. Thetablebelowsummarizesthecalculationandresults: MobilityForThePeople

  5. Lookingatsomerealelectriccardata,the"fuel"costper 100kmofdrivingforeachisshowninthetablebelow MobilityForThePeople

  6. SomeGroundRulesandAssumethefollowing. MobilityForThePeople Youcanimport/ownanelectriccarinKenya(thanksKEBS). PurchaseandImportcosts(duty)aresimilarforacomparableconventionallypoweredvehicle. Purchasepriceintherealworldisnotthesamebutitscloserthanitwasa fewyearsago. Fuelpriceis119.00KSh/litre(Super) Electricity price is 22.00 KSh / kWh (as of October 2018 and excludes fixed / demand charges) Averagefuelconsumptionforthepetrol-poweredvehicleis10litres/100km.Dependingondriving styleandconditions,amodernpetrol-poweredsmallhatchbackoramediumsizesedanconsumesin the range of 7 to 11L/100 km and bigger petrol sedans and SUVs are in the range of 10 to 13 L/100 km……soletspick10L/100kmasanaverage. Batterypowerrangehasbeentakenasanaverageof30kWhcapacityproviding163kmofrangeas shown in the graph below for ‘Electric Car Battery Size vs Range”. Graph is based on data from popularfullyelectriccarsonthemarkettoday(vehiclesareshownintable).

  7. Financingoptiontobuy apre-ownedcar MobilityForThePeople ItisimportantthatyouhavegoodnegotiationskillsandbargainwiththeBestUsedCarDealersbased ontheconditionandworthofthecaryouarepurchasingfromthedealer.Ifyouarenotgoingtomakeall the payments in cash, then you need a financing option to buy a pre-owned car in NIROBI. You can opt foradealerthatassistsinfinancingthecarpayment.First,youhavetogetanapplicationthatapproves your car financing offer. However, if you are buying privately from a second party, then you have to get the loan or payment financed yourself. The application process varies from dealer to dealer, and you selecttheonethatismoreflexibleandgivesyoumorebuyingoptions.

  8. ContactUs. MobilityForThePeople Address NairobiMegaMall,Wing A, UhuruHighway,OppositeNyayoNationalStadium, Nairobi,Kenya. Website https://Autopax.net Email info@autopax.net Contactnumber +254774111111

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