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The Top Five Map Tools that support instruction and motivate students

The Top Five Map Tools that support instruction and motivate students. Linda Foote August 7, 2007 Twin Peaks MS 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Today’s Goals. Provide an Overview : Examine the development of MAP testing and its impact on student learning

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The Top Five Map Tools that support instruction and motivate students

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  1. The Top Five Map Tools that support instructionand motivate students Linda Foote August 7, 2007 Twin Peaks MS 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

  2. Today’s Goals • Provide an Overview: Examine the development of MAP testing and its impact on student learning • Examine Strategies that Work:Explore the top five tools and strategies teachers have found to be the most powerful to help us work smarter, NOT harder. • Organize for Success: We’ll take time to gather and organize our resources to allow us to test students and use MAP data efficiently next year

  3. From: Chicken Soup for the Soul Cartoons for Teachers by John McPherson, Jack Canfield, and Mark Victor Hansen

  4. Brief History of NWEA • A group of educators decided there had to be a better way. • Began with the End in Mind • Developed a Pre-K to Post Graduate Continuum of Reading, Language, Math and Science Concepts • Developed questions that accurately analyzed student abilities at each range (They want you to report any errors! 50% of the sampling ?’s are discarded) (See RIT Charts) • Collected the feedback from testing to develop an accurate learning continuum. (DesCartes) • Realized that Computer Adaptive Testing would be the most efficient and would allow for immediate feedback

  5. Tool #1: PUSD MAP site to share Great Resources • www.pusdmap.com • Can link to NWEA or TIM • “What works” is posted here • New information can be found here • Newest Notebook is always available for you to print new pages

  6. Tool # 2: The Learning Ladder in TIM • View whole class on one screen • View students’ instructional levels by sub-goal standards • Determine HOW much differentiation is needed for a class • Determine strengths and weaknesses in goal areas more easily • Print individual student reports so everyone working with a student can be more purposeful and focused. • NEW: view multiple classes or a grade level Let’s examine one case study from OVMS

  7. In TIM choose the Learning Ladder…

  8. Tool #3: Tools for Class and Student Goal Setting • Classes found that they grew most in the goal areas they targeted as their class goals • Classes improved more overallwhen they improved in their lowest goal area • This same principle worked for students too! Student Reflections tied to goal setting were especially powerful to improve student learning (See www.pusdmap.com for PowerPoint, class, and student pages. )

  9. Tool #4: Lexile Resources • Lexile Scavenger Hunt • District Lexile Page • www.lexile.com • PowerVocabulary pages • Textbook Lexile Calculator • Lexile Analyzer (powaylex and powayreads) • Scholastic’s eCatalogue

  10. Tool # 5: RIT Days • Collaborate more efficiently and effectively • Narrow your focus • Give students opportunities to work in homogeneous teams while still giving them access to high grade level material

  11. First Steps… • Meet with a partner and talk about which tool you’d like to explore first. (Lexiles, Ladder, NWEA site, Goal Setting Tools, DesCartes, DesCartes Vocabulary or…)

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