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Test Data Compression and TAM Design

Test Data Compression and TAM Design. J. Dalmasso, ML Flottes , B. Rouzeyre CNRS/ Univ. Montpellier II France. Introduction. DUT. DUT. DUT. 30. decompression. 3. 30. 3. T1, W1. T2 = T1/10, W2 = 10xW1. T3 = T1/10, W3 = W1. Introduction. DUT. DUT. DUT. 30. decompression. 3.

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Test Data Compression and TAM Design

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  1. Test Data Compressionand TAM Design J. Dalmasso, ML Flottes, B. Rouzeyre CNRS/ Univ. Montpellier II France

  2. Introduction DUT DUT DUT ... ... 30 decompression 3 30 3 T1, W1 T2 = T1/10, W2 = 10xW1 T3 = T1/10, W3 = W1

  3. Introduction DUT DUT DUT ... ... 30 decompression 3 30 3 T1, W1 T2 = T1/10, W2 = 10xW1 T3 ≥ T1/10, W3 = W1

  4. Introduction N Scan Chains CLK XXXXX0XXXX1X FSM SR SR SR SR 0 0 Control Scan enable W ATE Channels • Compression method • independent of the circuit netlist • independent of the test data • no specific test tool is needed • No impact on fault coverage

  5. Introduction N Scan Chains CLK FSM SR SR SR SR 0 0 Control Scan enable W ATE Channels • Compression method • independent of the circuit netlist • independent of the test data • no specific test tool is needed • No impact on fault coverage  core test time may be affected

  6. Outline • Compression at system level • Problem Statement (test time optimization) • Algorithm • Experimental Results

  7. Compression at System level C1 C2 C3 WTam1 C4 C5 WTam2 Test Access Mechanism = Test bus 1500 ready cores Partitioned test buses

  8. Compression at System level • Solution space C4 C2 C3 WTam1 WATE C1 C5 C1 C2 C3 WTam2 WTam1 WATE C4 C5 WTam2

  9. Compression at System level • Solution space C4 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3 C1 C4 WATE1 WTam1 WTam1 WTam1 WATE WATE C1 C5 C4 C5 C2 WATE2 WTam2 WTam2 WTam2 C3 C5 WATE3 WTam3

  10. ProblemStatement • Inputs • WATE channels, WTAM bit width • n Cores Ci • Problem • Determine optimal number of sub-buses • Determine compression ratio on every bus • Core assignment/scheduling for minimal test time • compression increases test parallelism but may increase individual test time

  11. Algorithm Outer loop • For each ATE channel partition • For each compatible TAM partition • Find best core assignment (the lowest total test time) • If this assignment decreases global test time • memorize architecture and its associated scheduling

  12. Algorithm Outer loop Inner loop • For each ATE channel partition • For each compatible TAM partition • Find best core assignment (the lowest total test time) • If this assignment decreases global test time • memorize architecture and its associated scheduling • Initial Solution • Put each core on the smallest possible bus • Compute test time • Improvement • Find bus Bi which has the longest test time • For each core on Bi, • For all other bus Bj ( j ≠ i ) • move core from Bi to Bj • Compute test time • Move core C from Bi to Bj so that test time is smallest

  13. Core test time vs Compression Indentification: Test Time = ( / compression ratio) + 

  14. Core test time vs Compression Indentification: Test Time = ( / compression ratio) + 

  15. Experiment on a 16 cores SoC C1 C2 C3 C4 32 ATE C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 64 TAM

  16. Solution space exploration

  17. Experiment on a 16 cores SoC ATE=32 TAM=64 T3=57941 C1 C2 C3 C4 C8 5 6 C9 C10 C7 C6 5 12 C12 C5 C11 7 14 C16 C14 7 No Compression ATE=TAM=32 T2=127413 16 C15 C13 8 16 ATE=TAM=64 T1=55738

  18. Conclusion • Data Compression for System testing • Test width reduction is the primary goal • higher test parallelism without ATE cost • Method for exploring architectural solutions • one compressor for all cores, one compressor per core, no compressor... • independant of the compression technique • Test time reduction > 50%

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