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THALES recommendations for the final OMG standard on Query / Views / Transformations

THALES recommendations for the final OMG standard on Query / Views / Transformations. Nicolas Farcet Benoît Langlois. OMG QVT Standard – Current status. Objective of the QVT standard Define a language to express queries, views and transformations on models Maturity for the final standard

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THALES recommendations for the final OMG standard on Query / Views / Transformations

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  1. THALES recommendations for the final OMG standard on Query / Views / Transformations Nicolas Farcet Benoît Langlois THALES Research & Technology

  2. OMG QVT Standard – Current status • Objective of the QVT standard • Define a language to express queries, views and transformations on models • Maturity for the final standard • Initial submission (2003-03) : 8 submissions • Revised submission (2003-08): 5 submissions + Kennedy Carter in list • 2nd revised submission (2004-01) • … • Major obstructions: • Consortiums with different or opposite paradigms for model transformation • Current QVT requirements are not user driven, but more technically oriented • e.g. no requirement guarantees QVT code portability (e.g. for rule engines) • Objective of the paper: • Propose recommendations for a unified and open QVT standard meeting end user expectations THALES Research & Technology

  3. THALES recommendations • Recommendation 1: Ensure QVT work product portability • User expectations • Tool-independence • Predictable results • on different platforms, the same QVT specification has to produce the same effects. • Impact on QVT standard • Provide an unambiguous semantics of execution THALES Research & Technology

  4. THALES recommendations • Recommendation 2: Ensure QVT work product durability • User expectations • Capitalization of QVT work products • Impact on QVT standard • Provide generics mechanisms to embody know-how and customization facilities to adapt to various needs THALES Research & Technology

  5. THALES recommendations • Recommendation 3: Ensure QVT work product composition capability • User expectations • Divide to conquer (handle transformation complexity) • Promote opportunistic reuse of small methodological bricks • Promote QVT COTS • Impact on QVT standard • Provide QVT work product composition mechanism, statically or dynamically at runtime THALES Research & Technology

  6. THALES recommendations • Recommendation 4 and 5: Have an open and unified QVT standard, and efficiently address multiple concerns • User expectations • Ability to support multiple languages (graphical, non graphical, declarative, imperative…), coping with: • Multiple development communities • DSL for business experts, graphical declarative for architects, textual imperative for developers… • From inside or outside of the company • Developers skills (past experience and personal affinity of developers…) • Tasks concerns (functional or non functional aspects…) • However a unified standard • Not a closed multitude of language standards • An consistent extensible open framework for interoperable QVT languages • Impact on QVT standard • Adopt a reflective and layered architecture ? THALES Research & Technology

  7. Layered QVT-Language approach QVT-Specific Language QVT-Specific Language QVT-Common Language QVT Mapping QVT-Specific Language QVT-Specific Language QVT-Common Language QVT-RepostiroryAPI QVT-Specific Language Transformation Our approach: reflective and layered architecture QVT language pattern THALES Research & Technology

  8. QVT Common LanguageInfrastructure QVT Specific Language 1 QVT Specific Language 2 Common semantics (public and shareable) Proprietary semantics (requires proprietary EE) Advanced semantics (private) R4, R5 R4, R5 Mapping constrains Mapping constrains Interoperability through common semantics across transformation components Transf. specification (abstract) Transf. specification (abstract) Transf. realization (abstract) Transf. realization (abstract) Transf. of transf. spec. to bridge semantics Transf. of transf. spec. to bridge semantics + Interoperability through common semantics across transformation components Transf. of transf. spec. to bridge semantics Transf. of transf. spec. to bridge semantics Transf. specification (concrete) Transf. specification (concrete) Prop- rietary Public Private Public Private QVT Execution Surface Model Repository OS, libraries… To be standardized Our approach: The Pivot Technique R2 Language Layer Metamodel Abstract Syntax Layer Model R3 Concrete Syntax Layer Instance Execution Layer Execution R1 THALES Research & Technology

  9. Contact information • CARROLL research programme(THALES, CEA, INRIA) • nicolas.farcet@thalesgroup.com • www.carroll-research.org • MOTOR project • benoit.langlois@thalesgroup.com THALES Research & Technology

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