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What is a CORPORATION ?. Definition :.

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  1. What is a CORPORATION?

  2. Definition: In terms of the New World Order, the largest Transnational Corporations(TNCs) are central players. They influence thepolicies of governments worldwide; they help to order the agenda of the World Trade Organization. They influencethe destinies of individual economies in thedeveloping world (LEDCs), they set wage-levels, which can cause thefirst world (MEDCs) to bend to their demands, and soon. From: Douglas Lewis University of Sheffield, UK

  3. Some facts about corporations Of the world's 100 largest economic entities, 51 are now corporations and 49 are countries. Sources: Sales: Fortune, July 31, 2000. GDP: World Bank, World Development Report 2000.

  4. How it works: the key corporation members: Invest in the corporation by buying stocks*  Select The Board of Directors Accountable to the shareholders  Selects Chief Executive Officer (CEO) The Shareholders Responsible for running the company Makes all the major decisions Accountable to the Board of Directors  Managers  Employees

  5. The AIMS of a corporation: How? By buying stocks at low prices and selling at high prices. Make lots of profit for the shareholders !

  6. M. Moore, The Corporation, 2004.

  7. Anti-corporation campaignAn example: Coca Cola Gruesome: épouvantable

  8. RIP: Rest In Peace

  9. Give your opinion on this statement: An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility.-- "Corporation" as defined by Ambrose Bierce in The Devil's Dictionary

  10. Test Happy New Globalizated YearArtist: Best of Latin AmericaAttribution: Best of Latin America,Date: January 2, 2005

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