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Ex. 4 Prokaryotic Organisms

Ex. 4 Prokaryotic Organisms. Prokaryotic Organisms. Kingdom Monera Bacteria Cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria. Photosynthetic prokaryotes that contain both Blue and Green photosynthetic pigments ( Blue – Green Algae) Oscillatoria Anabaena Nostoc Gleocapsa.

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Ex. 4 Prokaryotic Organisms

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  1. Ex. 4 Prokaryotic Organisms

  2. Prokaryotic Organisms • Kingdom • Monera • Bacteria • Cyanobacteria

  3. Cyanobacteria • Photosynthetic prokaryotes that contain both Blue and Green photosynthetic pigments ( Blue – Green Algae) • Oscillatoria • Anabaena • Nostoc • Gleocapsa

  4. Oscillatoria - found in stagnant pools of water

  5. Anabaena - found in shallow water and moist soil

  6. Heterocysts • Nitrogen fixation • Gas Vacuoles • Natural flotation

  7. Nostoc – found in fresh water and on moist rocks

  8. Gleocapsa - found in fresh water and on moist rocks

  9. Pathogenic Bacteria

  10. Treponema pallidum • Spirochete • Syphilis • Primary Syphilis • direct sexual contact • chancre on genitalia , 4 – 6 weeks • Secondary Syphilis • 6-8 weeks after infection • rash and fever • Tertiary Syphilis • 1-10 years after infection • gummas all over body (soft tumor-like balls) • neurosyphilis – personality disorders (dementia)

  11. Clostridium sp. • Clostridium tetani • Tetanus • Clostridium botulinum • Botulism • Clostridium perfringens • Gas Gangrene

  12. Spore location • Central spores

  13. Terminal spores - with enlarged sporangium

  14. Clostridium tetani • Tetanus (Lock Jaw) • Neurotoxin • tetanospasmin • Muscle spasms

  15. Clostridium botulinum • Botulism • Botulinum toxin • Food- borne Botulism • Foods that contain the toxin - Home canning • Infant Botulism • Eating food with spores Honey

  16. Clostridium perfringens • Gas gangrene • Toxin that damages tissues, blood cells and blood vessels

  17. Clostridium difficile • C. diff. • AAD • Antibiotic-associated diarrhea • Pseudomembranous colitis

  18. Neisseria gonorrhoeae • Gonorrhea • Diplococcus • 2nd most common STD • Most common - Chlamydia • Ophthalmia neonatorum • Mother passes bacterium to infant as it passes thru the birth canal

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