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S y s t em s S k ills T ra ining

S y s t em s S k ills T ra ining. …………………… The SysMIC team. http : // sysm i c . a c . uk. CONSORTIUM. B i rl < be c k College. T he Open U n iver s i ty. T he U n i v e r sity of Edinburgh. U n i versity College London.

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S y s t em s S k ills T ra ining

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  1. SystemsSkillsTraining …………………… TheSysMICteam http://sysmic.ac.uk

  2. CONSORTIUM Birl<beck College TheOpenUniversity TheUniversity ofEdinburgh UniversityCollege London Expertiseinbiosciencesresearchandteaching Expertiseindistancelearning SYsMIC

  3. 2012-2016,£1m 1,250placesover3years

  4. SysMICCourses Modularstructure 3modules–6monthswork –5hours/week 1:Basicskills 2:Advancedskills 3:Supervisedprojects

  5. MechanisticModelling Theory Insight Goodbiologyneedsmechanisticmodels Numbers

  6. TheConventionalWorkflow:

  7. TheIntegrativeWorkflow

  8. SysMICsession Materials- Tasks-Tests

  9. SysMICExercises Onlineversionof textbookcontains clickablesolutions

  10. SysMICInteractiveApplet Repressilator Elowitz,MBandLeibler,S, Nature403(6767), 335--338(2000)

  11. SysMICquiz Self-assessment

  12. Module1- Overview • Basic MatLab • Networks • Modelling • Sta6s6cs

  13. SysMIC TrainingApproach Classical

  14. SysMIC TrainingApproach • Starting Point: Biological Question • Are two AA sequences similar? (Context: homologs)

  15. Training Outcomes Network Analysis

  16. TrainingAssessment Quizz

  17. Job Opportunities 7 BiotechIndustry:Predictingmicrobialfluxes

  18. Job Opportunities 7 PharmaIndustry:DesigningCombinatorialTherapies

  19. Job Opportunities 7 Medicine:PathologicalNetworkControl

  20. SystemsSkillsTraining …………………… TheSysMICteam enquiries@sysmic.ac.uk

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