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Electromagnetic Probes PHENIX results

Electromagnetic Probes PHENIX results. - Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University 2006 RHIC & AGS Annual Users‘ Meeting June 5, 2006. Outline. Motivation Photon Measurements Direct photons in p+p, d+Au and Au+Au External Conversions Low mass internal conversions Dielectron continuum

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Electromagnetic Probes PHENIX results

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  1. Electromagnetic ProbesPHENIX results - Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University 2006 RHIC & AGS Annual Users‘ Meeting June 5, 2006

  2. Outline • Motivation • Photon Measurements • Direct photons in p+p, d+Au and Au+Au • External Conversions • Low mass internal conversions • Dielectron continuum • Summary Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  3. The “Little Bang” in the lab g e- e+ Final state probes Freeze-out Soft probes Hadronization QGP Thermalization Penetrating probes Hard Scattering Au Au time g  Expansion  space • electro-magnetic radiation: γ, e+e-, +- • rare, emitted “any time”; reach detector unperturbed by strong final state interaction Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  4. The PHENIX experiment • Charged particle tracking: • DC, PC1, PC2, PC3 • Electron ID: • Cherenkov light RICH • shower EMCal • Photon ID: • shower EMCal • Lead scintillator calorimeter (PbSc) • Lead glass calorimeter (PbGl) • charged particle veto p g e+ e- Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  5. Photon measurements • Calorimeter measurement • Beam pipe conversions • Internal conversions • Dielectron continuum Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  6. Direct photons in p+p • Direct photon sources: • Compton • Annihilation • Bremsstrahlung • Test QCD • direct participant in partonic interaction • Less dependent on FF than hadron production • good agreement with NLO pQCD • Baseline for Au+Au hep-ex/0501066 Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  7. Direct photons in d+Au Hisayuki Torii, JPS ’05 (spring) 2 • Probe cold nuclear matter • Study initial state effects • NLO pQCD comparison agrees with 1: no indication for initial state effect on photon production(but large uncertainties) Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  8. Direct photons in Au+Au • Probe the medium • Photons from all stages of the collision • Unaffected by the QGP • Large direct photon excess Ncoll scaling of hard processes holds for all centrality classes Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  9. Hadron suppression • π0 suppressed • Photons remain unsuppressed Suppression is not an initial state effect Evidence for medium effect PRL 94, 232301 (2005) Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  10. Thermal photons? Decay photons(p0→g+g, h→g+g, …) hard: thermal: No significant excess at low pT Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  11. Photon measurements • Calorimeter measurement • Beam pipe conversions • Internal conversions • Dielectron continuum Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  12. The idea: photon conversions • Clean photon sample: e+e- pairs from beam pipe conversions • Why?clear photon identificationVery good momentum resolution of charged tracks at low pT • Procedure • Identify conversion photons in the beam pipe • Tag π0 by pairing electron pairs from conversions with photons in EMCal • Do the same in simulations • Double Ratio + π0 Tagging: efficiencies and acceptance corrections cancel out For details, see poster presentation Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  13. Inclusive photons/tagged photons from π0 all e+e- pairs e+e- pairs from π0 dN/dpT [c/GeV] all e+e- pairs • Conversion pairs are created off-vertex • Track reconstruction produces apparent opening angle • Leads to apparent mass ~20MeV/c2(m ~ conversion radius) • Cut on pair orientation in magnetic field to isolate conversions e+e- pairs from π0 Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  14. Simulations: hadronic photons/tagged photons from π0 • Inclusive photon spectrum • π0, η → γe+e- • π0 parameterization from measured data • η from mT scaling, yield normalized at high pT (0.45 from measurement) • Use Dalitz decay (π0→ γ γ ~ π0 → γ γ* → γe+e- for pT > 0.8 GeV/c) • All e+e- (from π0, η) in the acceptance  pT spectrum of e+e- • If γ from π0 is also in acceptancepTspectrum of e+e- from π0 all e+e- pairs e+e- pairs from π0 1/Nevt dN/dpT [c/GeV] Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  15. Double ratio of data and simulations double ratio (arb. units) • Systematic uncertainties: • conversion background 6% • π0background 20% • reconstruction efficiency 3% • agreement of conditional acceptance 10% •  total: ~25% • Systematic errors will improve Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  16. Photon measurements • Calorimeter measurement • Beam pipe conversions • Internal conversions • Dielectron continuum Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  17. The idea e+ Compton e- g* q g g g q p0 p0 e+ g* g e- Compton g q g q • Start from Dalitz decay • Calculate inv. mass distribution of Dalitz pairs‘ invariant mass of Dalitz pair invariant mass of Dalitz pair invariant mass of virtual photon invariant mass of virtual photon form factor form factor phase space factor phase space factor • Now direct photons • Any source of real g produces virtual gwith very low mass • Rate and mass distribution given by same formula • No phase space factor formee<< pT photon Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  18. In practice • Material conversion pairs removed by analysis cut • Combinatorial background removed by mixed events 0-30 90-140 140-200 200-300 MeV Rdata ÷ ÷ ÷ • Calculate ratios of various Minv bins to lowest one: Rdata • If no direct photons: ratios correspond to Dalitz decays • If excess:direct photons Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  19. Comparison to conventional result Measured ratio From conventional measurement Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  20. The spectrum • Compare to NLO pQCD • L.E. Gordon and W. Vogelsang • Phys. Rev. D48, 3136 (1993) • Above (questionable) pQCD • Compare to thermal model • D. d’Enterria, D. Peressounko • nucl-th/0503054 • Data above thermal at high pT • Data consistent with thermal+pQCD • Needs confirmation from p+p measurement 2+1 hydro T0ave=360 MeV (T0max=570 MeV) t0=0.15 fm/c Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  21. Photons measurements • Calorimeter measurement • Beam pipe conversions • Internal conversions • Dielectron continuum Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  22. Dielectron spectrum PHENIX PRELIMINARY PHENIX PRELIMINARY Integral:180,000 above p0:15,000 BG normalized to Measured like sign yield All the pairs Combinatorix Signal For details, see poster presentation by A. Toia • Green band: systematic uncertainty • Acceptance • Efficiency • Run-by-run Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  23. Cocktail comparison • Data and cocktail absolutely normalized • Cocktail from hadronic sources • Charm from PYTHIA • Predictions are filtered in PHENIX acceptance • Low-MassContinuum:hint for enhancement not significant within systematics • Intermediate-MassContinuum: • Single e  pT suppression • Angular correlations unknown • Room for thermal contribution? A prediction (Rapp, nucl-th/0204003) says direct thermal radiation is about the same as charm contribution in 1-2GeV/c2, and it will be dominant as we go to higher pT… Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  24. Comparison with theory • calculations for min bias • QGP thermal radiation included • Systematic error too large to distinguish predictions • Mainly due to S/B • Need to improve •  Hadron Blind Detector will improve S/B up to a factor 100 R.Rapp, Phys.Lett. B 473 (2000) R.Rapp, Phys.Rev.C 63 (2001) R.Rapp, nucl/th/0204003 Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  25. Different centralities 20-40% 0-10% 10-20% PHENIX PRELIMINARY 60-100% 40-60% Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  26. Mass ratios (A-B)/(0-100 MeV) Ratio of different mass intervals to p0 yield (0-100 MeV) 150-300 MeV 300-450 MeV PHENIX PRELIMINARY PHENIX PRELIMINARY 450-600 MeV 1.1-2.9 GeV PHENIX PRELIMINARY PHENIX PRELIMINARY Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  27. Summary • Electrons and photons are penetrating hard and soft probes for relativistic heavy ion collisions • Real Photons • Calorimeter measurement • Direct Photons measured in p+p in agreement with NLO pQCD • No initial state effects on direct photon production observable in d+Au (higher statistics run needed) • Photons are not suppressed in Au+Au, therefore observed hadron suppression is medium effect • Systematic uncertainties at low pT too large to make definite statement about thermal photon contribution • Beam pipe conversions: A chance to see thermal photons? • Internal conversions • Promising new technique to measure direct photons • Thermal photon scenario consistent for pT<3GeV/c • Same analysis of p+p is needed as confirmation • Dielectron continuum • hint for centrality-dependent excess not significant within systematics Hadron Blind Detector upgrade • Attempt to look for a contribution of direct photon conversion in intermediate mass dilepton spectra • Looks not significant compared to predicted thermally radiated dilepton Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  28. Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  29. Backup

  30. The PHENIX experiment West Arm East Arm e+ e- e- e- Beam Pipe γ γ Collision Vertex γ e+ e+ • electrons: • momentum reconstruction (1% resolution) • particle ID: RICH (loose cuts because clean signature of conversion peak) • same or opposite arms: different pT acceptance • photons: EMCal (loose cuts high efficiency ~ 98%) track reconstruction assumes vertex in the interaction point  conversion at radius r≠0: e+e- pairs ‘acquire’ an opening angle  they acquire an invariant mass m =  B dl ~ r > 0 if r=4 cm (beam pipe) m =20 MeV Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  31. Invariant e+e- mass spectrum ofRun 4 Au+Au: Dalitz decays beampipe conversions air conversions & combinatorial background • Conversion pairs are created off-vertex • Track reconstruction produces apparent opening angle • Leads to apparent mass ~20MeV/c2 Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  32. Pair properties MC Simulation MC Simulation all pairs dalitz decay beam pipe conversions all pairs dalitz decay beam pipe conversions z z e- Conversion pair Dalitz decay B B y y e- x x e+ e+ • Dalitz decays have a real opening angle due to the π0 mass • Conversion pairs have small intrinsic opening angle • magnetic field produces opening of the pair in azimuth direction • orientation perpendicular to the magnetic field Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  33. Simulations: Nγhadr(pT) and Nγπ0 tag(pT) • Inclusive photon spectrum • π0, η → γe+e- • π0 parameterization from measured data • η from mT scaling, yield normalized at high pT (0.45 from measurement) • Use Dalitz decay (π0→ γ γ ~ π0 → γ γ* → γe+e- for pT > 0.8 GeV/c) • All e+e- (from π0, η) in the acceptance  pT spectrum of e+e- • If γ from π0 is also in acceptancepTspectrum of e+e- from π0 all e+e- pairs e+e- pairs from π0 1/Nevt dN/dpT [c/GeV] Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  34. Gale QM05 Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  35. Theoretical calculation of p-p Annihilation e- p r* g* e+ p >> 100 publications since 1995 • Low mass enhancement due to pp annihilation • Spectral shape dominated r meson • Vacuum r propagator • Vacuum values of width and mass • In medium r propagator • Brown-Rho scaling • Dropping masses as chiral symmetry is restored • Rapp-Wambach melting resonances • Collision broadening of spectral function • Only indirectly related to chiral symmetry restoration • Medium modifications driven by baryon density • Model space-time evolution of collision • Different approaches • Consistent with hadron production data • Largest contribution from hadronic phase Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  36. Dielectron pairs –the history Ilow energy within acceptance Giessen BUU Data: R.J. Porter et al.: PRL 79 (1997) 1229 BUU model: E.L. Bratkovskaya et al.: NP A634 (1998) 168 transport +in-medium spectral functions HADES(high acceptance, resolution, rate capability): first measurements DLSmeasured an excess of dielectron pairs over the expected yield Never fully explained Excessover standard known sources compared with theory calculations Comparisonwith DLS ongoing  DLS puzzle !? Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  37. Dielectron pairs –the history IIhigh energy CERESmeasured an excess of dielectron pairs over the expected yield Attributed to ρ spectral function from ππ annihilation • NA60 •  : set upper limit (“saturating” the yield ~ 0.2 GeV •  lower limit for the excess at very low mass • and f : fix yields to get a smooth underlying continuum • first measurement of the r spectral functionClear excess above the cocktail , centered at the nominal  pole and rising with centralityRule out interpretations… Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  38. Dielectron pairs at RHIC Possible modifications Chiral symmetry restoration continuum enhancement modification of vector mesons thermal radiation charm modification exotic bound states e- e+ suppression (enhancement) R. Rapp nucl-th/0204003 Expected sources • Light hadron decays • Dalitz decays p0, h • Direct decays r/w and f • Hard processes • Charm (beauty) production • Important at high mass & high pT • Much larger at RHIC than at the SPS • Cocktail of known sources • Measure p0,h spectra & yields • Use known decay kinematics • Apply detector acceptance • Fold with expected resolution Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  39. Cocktail ingredients (pp): p0 • most important: get the p0 right (>80 %), assumption: p0 = (p+ + p-)/2 • parameterize PHENIX pion data: • most relevant: the h meson (Dalitz & conversion) • also considered: r, w, h’, f • use mT scaling for the spectral shape, i.e. • normalization from meson/p0 at high pT as measured (e.g. h/p0 = 0.45±0.10) Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  40. Combinatorial background I Which belongs to which? Combinatorial background g e+ e- g e+ e- g e+ e- g e+ e- p0  g e+ e- p0  g e+ e- p0  g e+ e- p0  g e+ e- PHENIX 2 arm spectrometer acceptance: dNlike/dm ≠ dNunlike/dm  different shape  need event mixing like/unlike differences preserved in event mixing  Same normalization for like and unlike sign pairs RATIO -- BG fits to FG0.1% --- Foreground: same evt --- Background: mixed evt Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University In all centrality bins

  41. Combinatorial background II  e+ e - po   e+ e - • Different independent normalizations used to estimate sys error • Measured like sign yield: Real++,-- / Mixed++,-- • Event counting: Nevent / Nmixed events • Geometrical Mean: N± = 2√N++N— • Track counting: ‹N±› = ‹N+›‹N-› • After all required corrections, all the normalizations agree within 0.5% Systematic uncertainty:0.25% --- Foreground: same evt --- Background: mixed evt Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

  42. Mass ratios (A-B)/(0-100 MeV) 0-100 MeV:p0 dominated; scales with Npart 150-300 MeV:h dominated+ continuum 300-450 MeV: still h + continuum 450-600 MeV: only continuum 600-1000 MeV: sorry, no significant measurement here  1.1-2.9 GeV: charm dominated; scales with Ncoll RATIOS Torsten Dahms - Stony Brook University

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