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Online Learning

Online Learning. Engaging Students in Authentic L earning E xperiences. Created By: Patricia O’Strander. 21 st Century Learning . Online learning includes the use of : Wireless Networks, Laptop C omputers, O nline C ourse Management Systems, Web resources for Student Interaction.

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Online Learning

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  1. Online Learning Engaging Students in Authentic Learning Experiences Created By: Patricia O’Strander

  2. 21st Century Learning Online learning includes the use of : Wireless Networks, Laptop Computers, Online Course ManagementSystems, Web resources for Student Interaction “Internet is used to maximize the exposure to the content area they are studying” Hargis, J., & Schofield, K. (2007, p.34)

  3. “Students are eager to learn in the context of these real worldissues. And research suggests that such authentic learning increases their engagement and the depth of their learning (Newmann, Bryk, & Nagaoka, 2001).” Lemke and Coughlin (2009, p. 56) “Neuroscience research supports thepower of learning through a combinationof text and visuals”Lemke and Coughlin (2009, p. 58) http://www.southwestern.edu/studentlife/orgs/megaphone/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/moon.jpg

  4. “Virtual learning environmentsgive students opportunities to worktogether in small groups to developproblem-solving, communication, andcreative collaboration skills.” http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3053/2367943044_9a200535fa.jpg “Online learning can give students opportunities to demonstrate mastery of academic concepts while using today’s tools and resources. In addition, teachers incorporate life skills into their pedagogy.” Young, Birtolo and McElman (2009, p. 16)

  5. Integrating Online learning In Our School

  6. Online Learning Opportunities Available Currently at our School • Discovery Education • Brain Pop • Pearson Math

  7. Online Learning Opportunities Teacher Websites Free Course Management Systems Internet Web Resources

  8. Teacher Websites Students can access teacher researched web links

  9. Course Management Systems • Assignments • Announcements • Scheduling • Discussion Forums (Hargis, J., & Schofield, K. (2007, p. 35)) Free Accounts at: *Moodle: http://moodle.org/ *RCampus : http://www.rcampus.com/

  10. Examples of Interactive Internet Web Resources Create a Graph Free resource for students to create different types of graphs without using a spreadsheet http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/ Jefferson Lab Free Games, Puzzles, Resources for teachers http://education.jlab.org The History Globe Jamestown Online Adventure Interactive game for students to reinforce knowledge about settlers and Jamestown http://www.historyglobe.com/jamestown/ Hargis, J., & Schofield, K. (2007, p. 38-39)

  11. Implementing Online Learning * Web Resources: Teachers post to grade level wiki * Teacher Websites: Collaborate with colleagues to develop resources for students http://www.vdtg.com/images/collaborating.jpg * Interactive Web resources: Have students work collaboratively to learn how to use programs * Course Management Systems: Try a few features and share with a colleague * Integrating Online Learning: Start with a goal and continue to add a new goal as you become more comfortable * Be willing to step out of your comfort zone

  12. “Instructors can be more than knowledge providers because technology allows them to devote attention to a more global facilitation of learning, such as appropriate presentation formats. By including the Internet in classrooms, teachers can assist students in becoming active participants in the construction of their own knowledge.” Hargis, J., & Schofield, K. (2007, p.37) http://rst.gsfc.nasa.gov/Sect16/full-20earth2.jpg

  13. Resources Hargis, J., & Schofield, K. (2007). Integrating online learning into elementary classrooms. What Works in K-12 Online Learning (pp. 33-47 Lemke, C., & Coughlin, E. (2009). The change agents. Educational Leadership, 67(1), 54–59 Young, J., Birtolo, P., & McElman, R. (2009). Virtual success: Transforming education through online learning. Learning & Leading with Technology,36(5), 12–17.

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