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LING 408/508: Programming for Linguists

LING 408/508: Programming for Linguists. Lecture 12 October 2 nd. Homework 4 Note. Note: the innerHTML property of this TableCell turned out to be undefined ! Solution: put a real "space" in there c an also use HTML nonbreaking space: & nbsp ;. tricky!. Javascript Forms.

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LING 408/508: Programming for Linguists

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  1. LING 408/508: Programming for Linguists Lecture 12 October 2nd

  2. Homework 4 Note • Note: • the innerHTML property of this TableCell turned out to be undefined! • Solution: put a real "space" in there • can also use HTML nonbreaking space:   tricky!

  3. Javascript Forms • Dealing with user input …

  4. Javascript Forms • HTML Forms: • allow the user to input information • multiple named input fields for text, numbers, radio buttons, check boxes etc. can be defined within a form • values can be sent to a Web server (using GET or POST) by clicking on a button • web server implementation: later in this course • we'll use forms and call javascript functions (browser-side functionality only) <form action="" method="GET"> Weight (kg/lbs): <input type="text" name="weight" size=5> <br> Height (cm/ins): <input type="text" name="height" size=5> <br> <input type="radio" name="units" value="kg" checked>kg-cm <input type="radio" name="units" value="lbs">lbs-ins <br> <input type="button" name="button" Value="Click" onClick="computeBMI(this)"> </form>

  5. Javascript Forms • Example: • http://html5doctor.com/demos/forms/forms-example.html

  6. Shell script BMI Recall…

  7. Javascript BMI Let's write the function computeBMI() • we'll need access to the following properties: • e.form.weight.value • e.form.height.value • e.form.units[0].checked • returns true|false • document.getElementById("output") • returns the div with id="output" • We can place the computed value, e.g. bmi, in div (id="output") using: • document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = bmi e will be the input button element

  8. Javascript BMI Let's write the function computeBMI() • we'll need access to the following properties: • e.form.weight.value • e.form.height.value • e.form.units[0].checked • returns true|false • document.getElementById("output") • returns the div with id="output" • We can place the computed value, e.g. bmi, in div (id="output") using: • document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = bmi • BMI range: if (bmi < 18.5) { range = "underweight" } else if (bmi < 25) { range = "normal" } else if (bmi < 30) { range = "overweight" } else { range = "obese" }

  9. Javascript BMI Kinda boring … let's spiff it up a bit

  10. Javascript/SVG BMI

  11. Javascript/SVG BMI

  12. gaugeSVG.js • http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/604502/A-universal-gauge-for-your-web-dashboard Download gaugeSVG.js from the course webpage (I've modified his code a bit)

  13. gaugeSVG.js • Note: I've modified his code slightly to allow for different colors for lower and upper warning ranges

  14. gaugeSVG.js 25 (upperWarningLimit) (lowerWarningLimit) 18.5 To set the value: gauge.refresh(bmi, true); 30 (upperActionLimit) "" animation true|false

  15. Javascript/SVG BMI • Let's modify our plain Javascript BMI code to incorporate the SVG gauge …

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