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2008 Pedology Distance Education Special Field Assignment

2008 Pedology Distance Education Special Field Assignment. Gio Stinghen stinghen@ufl.edu. Saint Lucie County – Fort Pierce. Soil Orders Likely to be Found: Spodosol and/or Alfisol. SOIL PIT 1. 02 - Ankona & Farmton 44 - Tantile & Pomona 48 - Wabasso 26 – Oldsmar sand depressional.

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2008 Pedology Distance Education Special Field Assignment

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  1. 2008 Pedology Distance Education Special Field Assignment Gio Stinghen stinghen@ufl.edu

  2. Saint Lucie County – Fort Pierce

  3. Soil Orders Likely to be Found: Spodosol and/or Alfisol

  4. SOIL PIT 1

  5. 02 - Ankona & Farmton 44 - Tantile & Pomona 48 - Wabasso 26 – Oldsmar sand depressional USDA IRREC Source: Web Soil Survey

  6. N Latitude: 27°25’ 50.5 Longitude: 80°24’ 42.8 Source: FGDL, GIS map created by Gio Stinghen

  7. HORIZONS Master A E B C Sub. E1 E2 Bh1 Bh2 Btg Soil pit was not deep enough

  8. DEPTH Master A E B C Sub. 12” 14” E1 E2 27” Bh1 37” 43” Bh2 Btg 50” Soil pit was not deep enough

  9. TEXTURE Master A E B C Sub. sand sand E1 E2 sand Bh1 sand Bh2 sand Btg Loamy sand Soil pit was not deep enough

  10. COLOR Master Sub. A E B C E1 E2 Bh1 Bh2 Btg Soil pit was not deep enough 10 YR 5/1 10 YR 6/1 10YR 7/1 10YR 2/1 10 YR 4/2 few 2/1 2.5 Y 6/2 few 10 YR 5/8





  15. Infiltration Rate High at the surface Low at Restrictive Layer Infiltration rate is determined for the surface horizon.

  16. Available Water Bh horizon = cemented; 27 inches 150 cm = 59.06 inches Depth AWC In In/In 00 – 05 - 0.05 – 0.10 05 – 26 - 0.02 – 0.05 25 – 29 - 0.10 -0.15 “Available water capacity is calculated for the upper 150 cm or to a root restricting layer, whichever is shallower. The rationale for this convention is the assumption that this would be the main available soil volume for plant root withdrawal of water.”

  17. Hydraulic Conductivity Gm/hr A = 21.2 – 35.1 E = 27.2 – 29.2 Bh1= 2.6 Btg= 0.4 Hydraulic conductivity is determined for the most limiting layer in the soil profile.

  18. Soil Wetness Class HWT= 12 inches, perched, Jun-Oct Class 4 = wet between 25-50 cm

  19. Soil Interpretations Dwelling with Basement: Severe: wetness Septic Tank Absorption Fields: Severe: wetness, slow percolation, cemented pan Local roads and streets: Severe: wetness

  20. Position of Site - Depression Parent Material - Marine Soil Slope - Nearly level Surface Runoff - Medium Erosion Potential - Medium

  21. Soil Slope Surface Runoff Nearly level & Medium

  22. Spodosol Tantile soil series Sandy, siliceous, Hyperthermic, ortstein Ultic Haplaquods

  23. Spodosol Tantile soil series Sandy, siliceous, Hyperthermic, ortstein Ultic Haplaquods Ochric Epipedon Albic horizon Spodic horizon Argillic horizon Ortstein feature

  24. SOIL PIT 2

  25. 32 – Pineda sand 38 – Riviera fine sand 48 – Wabasso sand 55 – Winder loamy sand ~ 12 miles to IRREC Source: Web Soil Survey

  26. N Latitude: 27°25’ 50.5 Longitude: 80°24’ 42.8

  27. HORIZONS Master Ov A B Sub. Bw1 Bw2 Btg

  28. What does Ov means?

  29. DEPTH Master Ov A B Sub. 11” Bw1 23” Bw2 32” Btg 52”

  30. TEXTURE Master Ov A B Sub. sand Bw1 sand Bw2 Sandy clay loam Btg shell

  31. COLOR Master Ov A B Sub. Bw1 Bw2 Btg 10YR 4/1 10YR 8/2 few 10YR 6/6 5Y 5/2 few 10YR 6/6 Shell

  32. Glossic horizon


  34. Infiltration Rate High at the surface Low at Restrictive Layer (Btg) Lateral flow

  35. Available Water Btg horizon = 32 inches 150 cm = 59.06 inches Depth AWC In In/In 00 – 38 - 0.02 – 0.05 38 – 80 - 0.10 – 0.15 “Available water capacity is calculated for the upper 150 cm or to a root restricting layer, whichever is shallower. The rationale for this convention is the assumption that this would be the main available soil volume for plant root withdrawal of water.”

  36. Hydraulic Conductivity Gm/hr A = 25.4 – 36.7 Bw = 14.2 – 35.5 Btg= 0 – 0.5 Hydraulic conductivity is determined for the most limiting layer in the soil profile.

  37. Soil Wetness Class HWT= 12 inches, apparent, Jun-Nov. Class 4 = wet between 25-50 cm

  38. Soil Interpretations Dwelling with Basement: Severe: wetness Septic Tank Absorption Fields: Severe: wetness, percs slowly Local roads and streets: Severe: wetness

  39. Position of Site - Depression Parent Material - Marine Soil Slope - Nearly level Surface Runoff - Medium Erosion Potential - Medium

  40. Soil Slope Surface Runoff Nearly level & Medium

  41. Alfisol Pineda soil series Loamy, siliceous, hyperthermic Arenic Glossaqualfs

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