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Program analysis & Synthesis

Lecture 03 – Background + intro AI + dataflow and connection to AI. Program analysis & Synthesis. Eran Yahav. Previously…. structural operational semantics trace semantics meaning of a program as the set of its traces abstract interpretation abstractions of the trace semantics.

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Program analysis & Synthesis

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  1. Lecture 03 – Background + intro AI + dataflow and connection to AI Program analysis & Synthesis EranYahav

  2. Previously… • structural operational semantics • trace semantics • meaning of a program as the set of its traces • abstract interpretation • abstractions of the trace semantics Example: Cormac’s PLDI’08 Example: KupersteinPLDI’11

  3. Today • abstract interpretation • some basic math background • lattices • functions • Galois connection • A little more dataflow analysis • monotone framework

  4. Trace Semantics [z := 1]2 [y := x]1 [y := x]1; [z := 1]2; while [y > 0]3 ( [z := z * y]4; [y := y − 1]5; ) [y := 0]6 < 1,{ x42, y0, z0 } >  < 2,{ x42, y42, z0 } >  < 3,{ x42, y42, z1 } > < 4,{ x42, y42, z1 }> … • note that input (x) is unknown • while loop? • trace semantics is not computable [y > 0]3 [y := x]1 [z := 1]2 < 1,{ x73, y0, z0 } >  < 2,{ x73, y73, z0 } >  < 3,{ x73, y73, z1 } > < 4,{ x73, y73, z1 }> … [y > 0]3 …

  5. Abstract Interpretation abstract state abstract state S  • ’ abstract   C’’  S C C’ concrete set of states set of states

  6. Dataflow Analysis { (x,?), (y,?), (z,?) } { (x,?), (y,1), (z,?) } 1: y := x; 2: z := 1; 3: while y > 0 { 4: z := z * y; 5: y := y − 1 } 6: y := 0 • Reaching Definitions • The assignment lab: var := exp reaches lab’ if there is an execution where var was last assigned at lab { (x,?), (y,1), (z,2) } { (x,?), (y,1), (z,2) } { (x,?), (y,?), (z,4) } { (x,?), (y,5), (z,4) } { (x,?), (y,1), (z,2) } { (x,?), (y,?), (z,?) } (adapted from Nielson, Nielson & Hankin)

  7. Dataflow Analysis { (x,?), (y,?), (z,?) } { (x,?), (y,1), (z,?) } 1: y := x; 2: z := 1; 3: while y > 0 { 4: z := z * y; 5: y := y − 1 } 6: y := 0 • Reaching Definitions • The assignment lab: var := exp reaches lab’ if there is an execution where var was last assigned at lab { (x,?), (y,1), (z,2), (y,5), (z,4) } { (x,?), (y,1), (z,2), (y,5), (z,4) } { (x,?), (y,?), (z,4), (y,5) } { (x,?), (y,5), (z,4) } { (x,?), (y,1), (z,2), (y,5), (z,4) } { (x,?), (y,6), (z,2), (z,4) } (adapted from Nielson, Nielson & Hankin)

  8. Dataflow Analysis • Build control-flow graph • Assign transfer functions • Compute fixed point

  9. Control-Flow Graph 1: y := x; 2: z := 1; 3: while y > 0 { 4: z := z * y; 5: y := y − 1 } 6: y := 0 1: y:=x 2: z:=1 3: y > 0 6: y:=0 4: z=z*y 5: y=y-1

  10. Transfer Functions 1: y:=x in(1) = { (x,?), (y,?), (z,?) } in(2) = out(1) in(3) = out(2) U out(5) in(4) = out(3) in(5) = out(4) in(6) = out(3) out(1) = in(1) \ { (y,l) | l  Lab } U { (y,1) } 2: z:=1 out(2) = in(2) \ { (z,l) | l  Lab } U { (z,2) } 3: y > 0 out(3) = in(3) 6: y:=0 4: z=z*y out(6) = in(6) \ { (y,l) | l  Lab } U { (y,6) } out(4) = in(4) \ { (z,l) | l  Lab } U { (z,4) } 5: y=y-1 out(5) = in(5) \ { (y,l) | l  Lab } U { (y,5) }

  11. System of Equations in(1) = { (x,?), (y,?), (z,?) } in(2) = out(1) in(3) = out(2) U out(5) in(4) = out(3) in(5) = out(4) In(6) = out(3) out(1) = in(1) \ { (y,l) | l  Lab } U { (y,1) } out(2) = in(2) \ { (z,l) | l  Lab } U { (z,2) } out(3) = in(3) out(4) = in(4) \ { (z,l) | l  Lab } U { (z,4) } out(5) = in(5) \ { (y,l) | l  Lab } U { (y,5) } out(6) = in(6) \ { (y,l) | l  Lab } U { (y,6) } F: ((Var x Lab) )12 ((Var x Lab) )12

  12. System of Equations in(1) = { (x,?), (y,?), (z,?) } in(2) = out(1) in(3) = out(2) U out(5) in(4) = out(3) in(5) = out(4) In(6) = out(3) out(1) = in(1) \ { (y,l) | l  Lab } U { (y,1) } out(2) = in(2) \ { (z,l) | l  Lab } U { (z,2) } out(3) = in(3) out(4) = in(4) \ { (z,l) | l  Lab } U { (z,4) } out(5) = in(5) \ { (y,l) | l  Lab } U { (y,5) } out(6) = in(6) \ { (y,l) | l  Lab } U { (y,6) } … F: ((Var x Lab) )12 ((Var x Lab) )12 in(1)={(x,?),(y,?),(z,?)} , in(2)=out(1), in(3)=out(2) U out(5), in(4)=out(3), in(5)=out(4),In(6) = out(3) out(1) = in(1) \ { (y,l) | l  Lab } U { (y,1) }, out(2) = in(2) \ { (z,l) | l  Lab } U { (z,2) } out(3) = in(3), out(4) = in(4) \ { (z,l) | l  Lab } U { (z,4) } out(5) = in(5) \ { (y,l) | l  Lab } U { (y,5) }, out(6) = in(6) \ { (y,l) | l  Lab } U { (y,6) }

  13. System of Equations … F: ((Var x Lab) )12 ((Var x Lab) )12 RD  RD’ when i: RD(i)  RD’(i)

  14. Monotonicity F: ((Var x Lab) )12 ((Var x Lab) )12 … out(1) = {(y,1)} when (x,?)  out(1) in(1) \ { (y,l) | l  Lab } U { (y,1) }, otherwise (silly example just for illustration)

  15. Convergence n n … … … 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0

  16. Least Fixed Point • We will see later why it exists • For now, mostly informally… Fn(RD) F: ((Var x Lab) )12 ((Var x Lab) )12 RD  RD’ when i: RD(i)  RD’(i) F is monotone: RD  RD’ implies that F(RD)  F(RD’) RD = (, ,…,) F(RD), F(F(RD) , F(F(F(RD)), … Fn(RD) Fn+1(RD) = Fn(RD)  … F(F(RD))  F(RD)  RD

  17. Partially Ordered Sets (posets) • Partial ordering is a relation  : L  L  { true, false} that is: • Reflexive (l: l  l) • Transitive (l1,l2,l3: l1  l2  l2  l3  l1  l3) • Anti-symmetric ( l1  l2  l2  l1  l1 = l2) • A partially ordered set (L, ) is a set L equipped with a partial ordering  • For example: ((S), ) • Captures intuition of implication between facts • l1  l2 will intuitively mean l1  l2 • Later, in abstract domains , when l1  l2 , we will say that l1 is “more precise” than l2 (represents fewer concrete states)

  18. Bounds in Posets • Given a poset(L, ) • A subset Y of L has l  L as an upper bound if l’  Y : l’  l • A subset Y of L has l  L as a lower bound if l’  Y : l’  l (we write l’  l when l  l’) • A least upper bound (lub) l of Y is an upper bound of Y that satisfies l  l’ whenever l’ is another upper bound of Y • A greatest lower bound (glb) l of Y is a lower bound of Y that satisfies l  l’ whenever l’ is another lower bound of Y • For any subset Y  L • If the lub exists then it is unique, and denoted by Y (join) • We often write l1  l2 for { l1, l2} • If the glb exists then it is unique, and denoted by Y (meet) • We often write l1  l2 for { l1, l2}

  19. Complete Lattices • A complete lattice (L, ) is a poset such that all subsets have least upper bounds as well as greatest lower bounds • In particular •  =  = L is the least element (bottom) •  = L =  is the greatest element (top)

  20. Complete Lattices: Examples {1,2,3}  {1,3} {1,2} {2,3} - + {1} {3} {2} 0  

  21. Complete Lattices: Examples [- ,] … … [- ,2] [-2,] … … [-2,2] [-,1] [-1,] … … [- ,0] [0,] [-2,1] [-1,2] … … [-,-1] [1,] [-1,1] [0,2] [-2,0] … … [- ,-2] [2,] [-1,0] [-2,-1] [0,1] [1,2] … … [-2,-2] [-1,-1] [0,0] [1,1] [2,2] … … … 

  22. Moore Families • A Moore family is a subset Y of a complete lattice (L,) that is closed under greatest lower bounds • Y’  Y: Y’  Y • Hence, a Moore family is never empty • Always contains least element Y and a greatest element  • Why do we care? • We will see that Moore families correspond to choices of abstractions (as targets of upper closure operators) • More on this… later…

  23. Moore Families: Examples {1,2,3} {1,2,3} {1,3} {1,2} {1,2} {2,3} {2,3} {1} {3} {2} {2} {1,2,2}  

  24. Chains • In program analysis we will often look at sequences of properties of the form l0  l1  …  ln • Given a poset (L, ) a subset Y  L is a chain if every two elements in Y are ordered • l1,l2  Y: (l1  l2) or (l2  l1) • When Y is a finite subset we say that the chain is a finite chain • A sequence of elements l0  l1  …  L is an ascending chain • A sequence of elements l0  l1  …  L is a descending chain • L has finite height when all chains in L are finite • A poset (L, ) satisfies the ascending chain condition (ACC) if every ascending chain eventually stabilizes, that is s N: n N: n  s  ln = ls

  25. Chains: Example Posets   0 … 2 -1 -1 0 1 … - …  1 -2 … 0 -  (a) (b) (c)

  26. Properties of Functions • A function f: L1  L2 between two posets (L1,1) and (L2, 2) is • Monotone (order-preserving) • l,l’  L1: l 1 l’  f(l) 2 f(l’) • Special case f: L  L, l,l’  L: l  l’  f(l)  f(l’) • Distributive (join morphism) • l,l’  L1 f(l  l’) = f(l)  f(l’)

  27. Function Properties: Examples {1,2,3} {1,3} {1,2} {2,3} {1} {3} {2} 

  28. Function Properties: Examples {1,2,3} {1,2,3} {1,2} {1,2} {2,3} {2,3} {2} {2}

  29. Function Properties: Examples {1,2,3} {1,2,3} {1,2} {1,2} {2,3} {2,3} {2} {2}

  30. Function Properties: Examples {1,2,3} {1,2,3} {1,3} {1,3} {1,2} {2,3} {1,2} {2,3} {1} {3} {1} {3} {2} {2}  

  31. Fixed Points  • Consider a complete lattice L = (L,,,,,) and a monotone function f: L  L • An element l  L is • A fixed point iff f(l) = l • A pre-fixedpointiff l  f(l) • A post-fixedpointiff l  f(l) • Fix(f) = set of all fixed points • Ext(f) = set of all pre-FP • Red(f) = set of all post-FP Red(f) fn() gfp Fix(f) lfp fn() Ext(f) 

  32. Tarski’s Theorem • Consider a complete lattice L = (L,,,,,) and a monotone function f: L  L, then lfp(f) and gfp(f) exist and • lfp(f) = Red(f) = Fix(f) • gfp(f) = Ext(f) = Fix(f)

  33. Kleene’sFixedpoint Theorem • Consider a complete lattice L = (L,,,,,) and a continuous function f: L  L thenlfp(f) = n  N fn() • A function f is continuous if for every increasing chain Y  L, f(Y) =  { f(y) | y Y } • Monotone functions on posets satisfying ACC are continuous • Every ascending chain eventually stabilizes l0  l1  …  ln = ln+1 = … hence ln is the least upper bound of { l0,l1,…,ln } , thus f(Y) = f(ln) • From monotonicity of f f(l0)  f(l1)  …  f(ln) = f(ln+1) = … Hence f(ln) is the least upper bound of { f(l0),f(l1), … ,f(ln) } , thus  { f(y) | y Y } = f(ln)

  34. An Algorithm for Computing lfp • Kleene’s fixed point theorem gives a constructive method for computing the lfp lfp(f) = n  N fn() l =  while f(l)  l do l = f(l) • In our case, can compute efficiently using a worklist algorithm for “chaotic iteration”

  35. Finally…

  36. Reaching Definitions… in(1) = { (x,?), (y,?), (z,?) } in(2) = out(1) in(3) = out(2) U out(5) in(4) = out(3) in(5) = out(4) In(6) = out(3) out(1) = in(1) \ { (y,l) | l  Lab } U { (y,1) } out(2) = in(2) \ { (z,l) | l  Lab } U { (z,2) } out(3) = in(3) out(4) = in(4) \ { (z,l) | l  Lab } U { (z,4) } out(5) = in(5) \ { (y,l) | l  Lab } U { (y,5) } out(6) = in(6) \ { (y,l) | l  Lab } U { (y,6) } F: ((Var x Lab) )12 ((Var x Lab) )12 l =  while F(l)  l do l = F(l)

  37. Algorithm Revisited • Input: equation system for RD • Output: lfp(F) • Algorithm: • RD1 = , … , RD12 =  • While RDj Fj(RD1,…,RD12) for some j • RDj = Fj(RD1,…,RD12) • Idea: non-deterministically select which component of RD should make a step • Can make selection efficiently based on dependencies • We have information on what equations depend on Fj that has been updated, need only recompute these on every step

  38. But… • where did the transfer functions come from? • e.g., out(1) = in(1) \ { (y,l) | l  Lab } U { (y,1) } • how do we know transfer functions really over-approximate the concrete operations?

  39. Trace Semantics [z := 1]2 [y := x]1 [y := x]1; [z := 1]2; while [y > 0]3 ( [z := z * y]4; [y := y − 1]5; ) [y := 0]6 < 1,{ x42, y0, z0 } >  < 2,{ x42, y42, z0 } >  < 3,{ x42, y42, z1 } > < 4,{ x42, y42, z1 }> … • note that input (x) is unknown • while loop? • trace semantics is not computable [y > 0]3 [y := x]1 [z := 1]2 < 1,{ x73, y0, z0 } >  < 2,{ x73, y73, z0 } >  < 3,{ x73, y73, z1 } > < 4,{ x73, y73, z1 }> … [y > 0]3 …

  40. Instrumented Trace Semantics • on every assignment, record the label in which the assignment was performed

  41. Abstract Interpretation 1: y := x; 2: z := 1; 3: while y > 0 { 4: z := z * y; 5: y := y − 1 } 6: y := 0 (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1)(z,2)(y,6) • Instrumented trace semantics (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1)(z,2)(z,4)(y,5)(y,6) (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1)(z,2)(z,4)(y,5)(z,4)(y,5)(y,6) (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1)(z,2)(z,4)(y,5)(z,4)(y,5)(z,4)(y,5)(y,6) …

  42. Collecting Semantics (x,?)(y,?)(z,?) (x,?)(y,?)(z,?) 1: y:=x (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1) (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1) 2: z:=1 (x,?)(y,?)(z,?) (y,1)(z,2) (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1)(z,2)(z,4)(y,5) (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1)(z,2)(z,4)(y,5) 3: y > 0 (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1)(z,2) (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1)(z,2)(z,4)(y,5) 6: y:=0 4: z=z*y (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1)(z,2) (y,6) (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1)(z,2)(z,4) (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1)(z,2)(z,4)(y,5)(y,6) (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1)(z,2)(z,4)(y,5)(z,4) (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1)(z,2)(z,4)(y,5)(z,4)(y,5)(y,6) 5: y=y-1 (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1)(z,2)(z,4)(y,5) (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1)(z,2)(z,4)(y,5)(z,4)(y,5)

  43. System of Equations in(1) = { (x,?)(y,?)(z,?) } in(2) = out(1) in(3) = out(2) U out(5) in(4) = out(3) in(5) = out(4) In(6) = out(3) out(1) = {  (y,1) |  in(1) } out(2) = {  (z,2) |  in(2) } out(3) = in(3) out(4) = {  (z,4) |  in(4) } out(5) = {  (y,5) |  in(5) } out(6) = {  (y,6) |  in(6) } lfp(G) … Gn(TR)  … G(G(TR))  G(TR)  Trace = (Var x Lab)* TR G: ((Trace) )12 ((Trace) )12

  44. Galois Connection  (A) A   C (C)  (C)  A  C  (A)

  45. Reaching Definitions: Abstraction • DOM() = variables in  • SRD()(v) = l iffrightmost pair for v in  is (v,l) • (C) = { (v,SRD()(v)) | v  DOM()    C } • (A) = {  | v  DOM() : (v,SRD()(v) )  A }  A (A) Set of Traces Set of (var,lab) pairs   C (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1)(z,2)(y,6) (C) (x,?),(z,2),(y,6) (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1)(z,2)(z,4)(y,5)(y,6) (x,?),(z,2),(z,4),(y,6) (x,?),(z,4),(y,6)  (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1)(z,2)(z,4)(y,5)(z,4)(y,5)(y,6) (x,?),(z,4),(y,6)

  46. Reaching Definitions: Concretization • DOM() = variables in  • SRD()(v) = l iff rightmost pair for v in  is (v,l) • (C) = { (v,SRD()(v)) | v  DOM()    C } • (A) = {  | v  DOM() : (v,SRD()(v) )  A }  A (x,?),(z,4),(y,6) (A)   C (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1)(z,2)(z,4)(y,5)(y,6) (C) (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1)(z,2)(z,4)(y,5)(z,4)(y,5)(y,6) …  (x,?)(y,?)(z,?)(y,1)(z,2)(z,4)(y,5)…(z,4)(y,5)(y,6)

  47. Best (Induced) Transformer  C’ S ? A’ C S#  A How do we figure out the abstract effect S#of a statement S ?

  48. Sound Abstract Transformer  A’  C’ Aopt S S# C  A   S   (A)  S#(A)

  49. Soundness of Induced Analysis lfp(G) lfp(F) …    Gn(TR)  … (lfp(G)) … F(F(RD)) G(G(TR))   F(RD) G(TR)   RD TR (lfp(G))  lfp(  G  )  lfp(F)

  50. Back to a bit of dataflow analysis…

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