Sra. Oddo ☻Tutoring Wednesdays in Room 2121 deciembre de 2011 Español Dos = Spanish 2Objectivos = Objectives: To understand Spanish at a conversational level. Actividades = Activities: 1. Campanacito 19 2. Words to Know 3. Notes on Chapter 2 pg 47Tarea = Homework: Six Works Cited for Historical Figures project due FridayRecuerdo = MEET IN THE LIBRARY on 12/2 ~MuyBien Note Check! ~If you finished your Works Cited on Wednesday, use your time on Friday to write the Spanish paragraphs.
Campanacito19 - Repasoel 1 de deciembre1. ¿Cuáles el tiempopara la navidad en Peru?(Christmas)2. ¿Quésignifica la ropa de los indiginos?(clothing)3. ¿Qué religion creenmuchas personas en Peru? (believe)4. ¿ Cómo se dice doctor en español?5. What does la periodistamean in English?
Palabrasde Peru paraConocer = Words to Know about Peru “Secretos en reuniónes mala educación” = Secrets told at a gathering shows your ignoranceSenderoLuminoso= Shining Path Guerilla group during the 1980slos costeños = people who live on the coastlascharapas = people who live in the jungle (named after a turtle)el condór = Condor (bird)el guano = poopla llama = llama ( the animal) la puma = a smaller version of the lion el nuevo sol = Peruvian currency (money)la siesta = a naplascabinas de internet = internet cafeel/la curandera(o) = an unlicensed doctorel cajón = a type of drumlos retablos = a plaque or wall hanging made of stone or clayLa indigenista = literature specific to Peru about its native peoplesLa plaza de Armas = downtownEl Señor de los Milagros = a Catholic Holiday celebrated in Octoberlos antojos = cravingsquinceañera = a 15th birthday party for girlsel velorio = a wake held by mourning familiesel ceviche = raw fish seasoned with lemon and spices