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Prezantimi i leksionit 2 

Prezantimi i leksionit 2 . Perdorimi i Primitivave Modelet e Referimit ( OSI, TCP/IP) Shembuj Rrjetash: 1. Internet 2. ATM 3. Ethernet 4. Wireless. Si perdoren Primitivat . Listen Recieve Send Connect

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Prezantimi i leksionit 2 

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  1. Prezantimi i leksionit 2 Perdorimi i Primitivave Modelet e Referimit ( OSI, TCP/IP) Shembuj Rrjetash: 1. Internet 2. ATM 3. Ethernet 4. Wireless

  2. Si perdoren Primitivat  • Listen • Recieve • Send • Connect • Disconnect

  3. 1. Shtresa Fizike 2.Shtresa Datalink 3.Shtresa Network 4.Shtresa e Transportit 5.Shtresa Seksion 6.Sht. e Prenzatimit 7.Sht. Aplikimit Modeli i Referimit OSI (OpenSystem Interconnection)

  4. SkemaOSI

  5. Modeli II - TCP/IP 1.Shtresa Internet – dergimi i paketave IP 2.Shtresa Transoprt-komunikim midis njesive teberabarta te Hostit burim dhe atij destinacion( TCP,UDP) 3.Shtresa Aplikim – realizon korrespodencenmidis emrave te Hosteve dhe adresave te tjera nepermjet protokolleve te rinj DSN (Domain Name System)

  6. Shembuj Rrjetash Internet, ATM, Ethernet, Wireless


  8. ATM ( Asynchronous Transfer Modem)

  9. Ethernet - Sistem komunikimi ne rrjet per LAN – e te vendosura ne distanca te vogla midis tyre Rrjet i perkohshem Etherneti

  10. Ethernet- Realizimi nepermjetpaketave Token dhe si dhe Token Ring PC ne paralel multidraw

  11. LAN pa fije- Wireless

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